The Bones & Joints Flashcards
What are the three types of joints?
synarthrotic, amphiarthrotic, diarthrotic (synovial)
What are synarthrotic joints?
immovable joints, the junctions are called sutures
What is an example of a synarthrotic joint?
the skull (coronal, lambdoid, squamous)
What are amphiarthrotic joints?
slightly moveable joints
What is an example of a amphiarthrtoic joint.
the vertebre
What are diarthrotic joints?
freely moveable joints
What are the 4 types of diathrotic joints?
ball & socket, hinge, pivot, saddle
What are examples of ball & socket joints?
- humerus bone in socket of pectoral girdle (shoulder joint)
- femur bone in socket of pelvic girdle (hip joints)
What are examples of hinge joints?
- interphalangeal joints b/w phalanges of fingers & toes
- b/w the humerus of upper arm & ulna and radius of forearm (elbow)
- b/w the tibia and fibula in lower leg & talus bone in foot (ankle)
Where are hinge joints located?
b/w two ore more bones where the bones can only move along one axis to flex or extend
What is an example of a pivot joint?
the base of the skull, the joint connects the first vertebre (atlas, C1) of the spine to the second (axis, C2), allows side to side rotation of the head
What are examples of saddle joints?
- the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb
- the calcaneocuboid joint of heel
Where is the frontal bone located?
anterior portion (forehead)
Where is the parietal bone located?
on each side of the top of the skull
Where is the temporal bone located?
side, above ear
Where is the occipital bone located?
forms the back of the skill
Where is the sphenoid bone located?
base of the cranium, partly visible in eye socket
Where is the ethmoid bone located?
nasal cavity, visible in eye socket
Where is the maxilla bone located?
forms upper jaws
Where is the mandible bone located?
lower jaws, only moveable bone of the skull
Where is the zygomatic bone located?
cheek bones
What is a suture?
connection points b/w skull bones (synarthrotic joints)
Where is the coronal suture?
b/w frontal and parietal bones
Where is the lambdoidal suture?
b/w occipital and parietal bones
Where is the squamosal suture?
b/w temporal and parietal bones
Where is the sagittal suture?
b/w parietal bones
What are fontanels?
“soft spots” of an infants skull, these form sutures as you age
Where is the vomer bone?
forms inferior part of the nasal septum
What is a foramen?
any opening in the skull for nerves and blood vessels
Where are the mental foramens?
openings in the chin
Where are the infraorbital foramens?
under the eyes
Where is the foramen magnum?
large opening through the bottom of the skull, where the spinal cord enters the skull
What are the 5 parts of the vertebrae?
cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, coccyx (tailbone)
Where are the cervical bones?
the neck, C1-C7
How many cervical bones are there in the spine?
Where are the thoracic bones?
middle back, T1-T12
How many thoracic bones are there in the spine?
Where are the lumbar bones?
lower back, L1-L5
How many lumbar bones are there in the spine?
How many pairs of ribs are there?
What are the ribs also called?
thoracic cage
Where are the true ribs?
first 7 pairs, attached directly to the sternum
Where are the false ribs?
next 3 pairs after true ribs, attached to ribs above them
Where are the floating ribs?
last 2 pairs, found on dorsal side
What is the pectoral girdle?
What are clavicles? How many?
collar bones, 2
What are scapulas? How many?
shoulder blades, 2
What is the upper arm bone?
What are the lower arm bones?
ulna & radius
Where is the ulna relative to the radius?
in anatomical position, the ulna is medial to the radius (inside), goes to the pinky (P-U)
Where is the radius relative to the ulna?
in anatomical position, the radius is lateral to the ulna (outside), goes to thumb
How many bones are in the wrist & what are they called?
carpals, 8 small bones
How many bones are in a hand?
How many bones are in the hand and what are they called?
metacarpals, 5
How many bones are in the fingers and what are they called?
phalanges, 14
What is the pelvic girdle?
What are the two large bones in the pelvic girdle?
coxal bones
What is the upper leg bone called?
What is the kneecap bone called?
What are the lower leg bones called?
tibia & fibula
Where is the tibia relative to the fibula?
the tibia is medial to the fibula, bigger
Where is the fibula relative to the tibia?
the fibula is lateral to the tibia, smaller
What are the bones in the ankle and upper foot called? How many?
tarsals, 7
What is the largest bone in the foot?
calcaneus (heel bone)
What are the bones in the foot called? How many?
metatarsals, 5
What are the bones in the toes called? How many?
phalanges, 14
What are the 8 carpals called? (wrist)
scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, hamate, capitate, trapezoid, trapezium
What are the 7 tarsals called? (foot)
talus, calcaneus, havicular, cuboid, medial cuneiform, intermediate cuneiform, lateral cuneiform