the ball change procedure Flashcards
when does the ball change happen?
the first ball change takes place after 7 games and then every 9 games thereafter
what happens if it coincides with a tie break?
Remember that if a ball change coincides with a tie-break it is deferred for two games
what happens at the change of ends prior to a ball change?
At the change of ends prior to the ball change, a line judge will check the new balls and then place two tins by the ball barrel
when does the umpire decide about whether or not a ball change will happen?
The umpire will communicate to the centres whether the ball change will occur after the next game or the next changeover
should BBGs signal to each other a ball change is about to happen?
The centres should then signal the remaining number of games to the captain and the rest of the team, with the ‘number of games time’ indicated by the number of fingers on the shirt sleeve
The bases should acknowledge the signal with a small nod of the head
what needs to happen for a ball change to happen?
Whilst you should know when a ball change occurs, it should not take place unless called by the umpire
what is it important to to with the balls in a ball change?
It is important that the used balls are collected in before the new balls are distributed
where will the players be when a ball change is due?
Remember, depending on the score in the set, players may either be seated (total number of games is odd) or waiting on court (total number of games is even) at a ball change
what must the centres do first in a ball change?
Centres - stand back to back by the net post (as shown) on the umpire’s side of the court and place any used tennis balls between your feet to keep them safe
what does the caption do first?
LB1 - run in and place any used balls between the LC feet, then pick up the 2 tins by the ball barrel - the new balls
how does the caption make sure all the balls have been collected?
LB1 - you should then stand back from the court (to the side of the umpires chair that the new balls are going) and wait until you can count 6 used balls in total at both the centres’ feet
how does the captions side get it’s used balls to the centres?
LB2 - sprints diagonally across the back of the court to arrive in line with the net post and the baseline and rolls in any used balls to the LC
how does the non-captains side get it’s used balls to the centres?
RB1 - sprint forward, toes level with the baseline (and in line with the net post) and roll the balls to the RC, then take one step to the left to make room for the RB2
RB2 - sprint diagonally across the back of the court so that you are behind RB1. As RB1 steps across to the left, step forwards, toes level with the baseline, and roll the used balls into the RC
after the tennis balls have been collected what should happen?
At this point, all 6 used tennis balls should be accounted for. Ensure the captain has time to check they are all there. If there are any missing, the captain should let the umpire know
where do the new tennis balls go?
The new tennis balls will go to the serving end, which could be to the left or right of the umpire’s chair, depending on the score in that set
what do the non-captains side do if they are going to the captions end?
If they are going to the left of the umpire’s chair (the captain’s end), RB1 and RB2 sprint back to their positions
where does the caption stand to roll out the new balls?
LB1 takes a couple of steps down the court, approximately to be two thirds of the way between the net and the service line
where does the captain place the tins to roll out the balls?
Facing LB2, LB1 places the tins on the ground, removes the lids and places them away from the court and slightly behind him/her (to the left of him/her)
how does the captain roll out the new balls?
LB1 rolls out the balls in a horizontal line in front of them, placing the empty tins by the lids
LB1, while the centre is collecting the tins, takes the three balls closest to the court and rolls them down to LB2, who should immediately run back to his/her position and raise his/her arm, ready to feed.
The remaining three balls are then picked up and the captain sprints back to their position
what do the centres do to the tins when rolling out the new balls?
Meanwhile, the LC collects the tins and lids, passes one tin to the RC and they place the old balls in these now empty tins. Then these tins go into the old ball bag, which is beside the umpire’s chair
at a non-captains end ball change what does the LB2 do?
if the LB2 has had to roll in any used balls, they will sprint back to position having done so
what does the captain do in a non-captains end ball change?
LB1 collects the new balls from the ball barrel, goes past the umpire’s chair and looks back to check in the used balls
how does the captain roll out the new balls?
Then at the correct place on the court, LB1 rolls out the new balls from the tins (with RC collecting the tins to use for the used balls). Taking the three balls closest to the the court, LB1 rolls three to RB2 (stood closest to the court), who then steps away and allows RB1 to step across and receive the other three
The captain then sprints back past the umpire’s chair back into position. The centres should ensure they are not in his/her path.
what happens in a even ball change?
Even ball change: where the total number of games played in the set is an even number, the players will be on court waiting for the new balls
As soon as a base has received three balls, they take a large diagonal step behind the baseline and feed the player immediately or place the balls directly on their racquet
what happens in an odd ball change?
Odd ball change: in this case, the players will be seated (with the exception of where only one game has been played in a set). Whilst the balls must be changed, centres should not neglect their player if they are asking for a drink
Ball changes must be done quickly and efficiently, but DO NOT get in the path of the players. If you need to adapt your position then do so to avoid obstructing them