The arm and the forearm Flashcards
Four main segments of the upper limb
Where is the clavipectoral region
what is the cubital region
anterior to the elbow
What is the main difference between the upper and lower limb
Stability of the lower limbs versus mobility of the upper limbs
- The iliac bones are anatomically connected posteriorly (at the sacroiliac joint); as a result, movement of one lower limb affects movement of the other lower limb
*The scapulae are not connected posteriorly, such that the upper limbs can move relatively
*In addition, although both are ball and socket joints, the hip has a much deeper bony
articulation than the glenohumeral joint
Function of the clavicle
- acts as a mobile strut keeps the upper limb away from the thorax to improve range of motion
- attaches the upper limb to the trunk
can you tell the difference between the ends and surfaces of the clavicle?
conoid tubercle and trapezoid line are on the under side toward the acromial end
allow for attachment of the respective named ligaments
the inferior surface is rough whereas the top can be described as smooth
Clavicular fracture types
what ligaments can be affected
what may be required?
displaced (unaligned fragment from main bone) and non displaced (broken bone but still aligned with main bone)
coracoclavicular ligament (trapezoid and conoid)
surgical stabilization and perhaps ligament fixing
Where does the humerus tend to break?
surgical neck
What fascia surround the structures of the upper arm and forearm?
brachial fascia: proximal to elbow
antebrachial fascia: distal to elbow
what divides the space inside the brachial fascia into anterior and posterior components
intermuscular septa and the humerus
what divides the space inside the antebrachial fascia into anterior and posterior components
interosseous membrane and radius and ulna
what does the antebrachial fascia divide into
palmar carpal ligament, flexor retinaculum, extensor retinaculum
both retinaculum are important for flexion and extension of hand and digits at the wrist and the interphalangeal and metacarpal joints
Describe the layers of the arm proximal to the elbow, distal to the elbow, and at the wrist
see slide
what is the importance of the transverse carpal ligament/ flexor retinaculum
forms the roof of the carpal tunnel
Describe the contents of the carpal tunnel
flexor retinaculum/transverse carpal ligament
- contains 9 tendons and the median nerve
- 4 flexor digitorum profundus
- 4 flexor digitorum superficialis
- 1 flexor pollicis longus
- median nerve
Mnemonic: my (median) fingers (FDP) funny (FDS) for (FPL) many (median) nights (9 tendons total)
What muscles flex the forearm
biceps brachii (short and long head)
pronator teres (not main action)
palmaris longus
Muscle: Biceps brachii
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
Long head: Supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula
Short head: coracoid
process of scapula
insertion: Radial tuberosity + bicipital aponeurosis
Both heads: Flexion of forearm, supination of forearm
Long head: Flexion of arm
innervation: musculocutaneous nerve
Muscle: brachialis
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
origin: body of humerus
insertion: ulnar tuberosity
action: flexion of forearm
innervation: musculocutaneous nerve and radial nerve
most powerful forearm flexor; loses power in supination
Muscle: triceps brachii
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
* Long head: infraglenoid tubercle of scapula
* Lateral head: Body of the humerus, superior to the radial groove
* Medial head: Body of the humerus, inferior to the radial groove
insertion: Posterior olecranon process of the ulna
All heads: Extension of forearm
Long head: Extension of arm; adduction of arm
innervation: radial nerve
Muscle: Pronator teres
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
origin: medial epicondyle of the humerus
insertion: lateral surface of the radius
action: pronation and flexion of forearm
innervation: median nerve
Muscle: flexor carpi radialis
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
origin: medial epicondyle of the humerus
insertion: base of 2nd metacarpal
action: flexion of hand/ abduction/radial deviation of hand
innervation: median nerve
Muscle: palmaris longus
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus
insertion: Palmar aponeurosis
Flexion of hand;
Weak flexion of forearm
Tenses palmar aponeurosis
innervation: median nerve
Muscle: flexor carpi ulnaris
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
Medial epicondyle of humerus and olecranon of ulna
insertion: Base of the 5th metacarpal;
hook of the hamate; pisiform bone
action: Flexion of hand;
adduction/ulnar deviation of
innervation: ulnar nerve
Can you describe all the veins, arteries and nerves in the upper arm’s cross section
biceps brachii most superficially,
brachialis deep to biceps brachii. musculocutaneous nerve between
within the lateral intermuscular septum that separates barchialis and lateral head of triceps: radial nerve
medial to brachialis and deep to biceps brachii: median nerve, brachial artery, basilic vein, ulnar nerve.
posterior compartment: triceps (lateral, medial, and long head)
see notes for that picture
Describe the articulations of the elbow joint and what stabilizes them (ligaments)
3 articulations
* humeroulnar joint: trochlear of humerus and trochlear notch of the ulna
* humeroradial joint: capitulum of humerus and the head of radius
* proximal radioulnar joint: head of radius and radial notch of ulna; mediates pronation and supination of the forearm at the elbow
- radial collateral ligament, ulnar collateral ligament
- anular ligament (stabilizes proximal radial ulnar joint)
what muscles cause pronation
pronator teres and pronator quadratus
What muscles cause supination
supinator and biceps brachii contract
distal radioulnar joint
* articulation
- head of ulna and ulnar notch of radius
the ulnar notch of the radius slides anteriorly over the head of the ulna to produce pronation
What permits pronation
- interosseous membrane + proximal and distal radioulnar joint
Anterior compartment of the forearm:
- What is a good tip for remembering flexor origination?
- what movements are done by muscles here
- what are the nerves that innervate these muscles
- The superficial ones originate at the medial epicondyle humerus
- flexion and pronation
- median and ulnar nerve (only one is innervated by ulnar)
What muscles are in the superficial layer of the forearm anterior compartment; intermediate layer, and deep layer
Superficial layer (medial to lateral):
* pronator teres
* flexor carpi radialis
* palmaris longus
* flexor carpi ulnaris
Intermediate layer: flexor digitorum superficialis
Deep layer (medial to lateral):
* flexor pollicis longus
* flexor digitorum profundus
* pronator quadratus
Muscle: flexor digitorum superficialis
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus, coronoid process of ulna, upper surface of radius
insertion: Middle phalanges of digits 2-5
action: Flexion of proximal and middle phalanges of digits 2-5, flexion of hand, (weak) flexion of forearm
innervation: median nerve
Muscle: Flexor pollicis longus
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
origin: anterior surface of the radius; interosseous membrane
insertion: distal phalanx of digit 1 (thumb)
action: Flexion of proximal and distal phalanges of digit 1 (thumb); abduction of hand/radial deviation; flexion of hand
innervation: median nerve
Muscle: Flexor digitorum profundus
- origin
- insertion
- action
- innervation
origin: Anterior surface of the ulna; interosseous membrane
insertion: distal phalanges of digits 2-5
action: Flexion of proximal, middle and distal phalanges of digits 2-5, flexion of hand
innervation: Median nerve (laterally); ulnar nerve (medially)
How can we differentiate the actions of flexor digitorum profundus and flexor digitorum superficialis
Digit flexion occurs via a pulley system, in which the tendons of FDP pierce the tendons of FDS to reach the distal phalange.
Thus, proximal and distal digital flexion can be
used to differentiate between the actions of FDP
and FDS.
What is jersey finger?
hyperextension of the first finger joint (distal interphalangeal joint)
caused by grabbing another player’s jersey and getting your distal joint jerked.
causes flexor digitorum profundus avulsion
List the muscles in the posterior compartment superficial layer and deep layer
Superficial (7) lateral to medial:
- Brachioradialis
- Extensor carpi radialis longus
- Extensor carpi radialis brevis
- Extensor digitorum
- Extensor digiti minimi
- Extensor carpi ulnaris
- Anconeus
lateral to medial
Deep (5)
* Supinator
* Abductor pollicis longus
* Extensor pollicis brevis
* Extensor pollicis longus
* Extensor indicis
Muscle: brachioradialis
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
origin: Lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus
insertion: Styloid process of the radius
action: Flexion of forearm; pronation and supination of forearm (depending on position of forearm)
innervation: Radial nerve
Muscle: Extensor carpi radialis longus
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
origin: Lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus
insertion: Dorsal base of second metacarpal
action: Extension of hand; abduction/radial deviation of hand
innervation: Radial nerve
Muscle: Extensor carpi radialis brevis
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
origin: Lateral epicondyle of the humerus
insertion: Dorsal base of the third metacarpal
action: Extension of the hand at the wrist; Abduction/radial deviation of the hand
innervation: Radial nerve
Muscle: Extensor digitorum
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
origin: Lateral epicondyle of the
insertion: Dorsal bases of distal and
middle phalanges of digits
action: Extension of digits 2-5;
abduction of fingers
innervation: Radial nerve
Muscle: Extensor digiti minimi
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
origin: Lateral epicondyle of the humerus
insertion: Dorsal aponeurosis (middle and distal phalanges) of 5th
action: Extension of 5th digit; adduction/ulnar deviation of hand; extension of hand
innervation: Radial nerve
Muscle: Extensor carpi ulnaris
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
origin: Lateral epicondyle of the humerus; Posterior surface of the ulna
insertion: Dorsal base of 5th metacarpal
action: Extension of hand; adduction/ulnar deviation of hand
innervation: Radial nerve
Muscle: Supinator
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
origin: Lateral epicondyle of the humerus; Supinator crest of the ulna
insertion: Posterior surface of radius
action: Supination of the forearm
innervation: Radial nerve
Muscle: Anconeus
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
origin: Lateral epicondyle of the humerus
insertion: Olecranon and superior posterior surface of the ulna
action: Extension of forearm; stabilization during pronation/ supination (very weakly tho. probably primarily a stabilizer)
innervation: Radial nerve
Muscle: Abductor pollicis longus
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
origin: Dorsal surface of radius and ulna and adjacent interosseus membrane
insertion: Lateral side of the base of 1st
action: Abduction of thumb; abduction/radial deviation of
innervation: Radial nerve
Muscle: Extensor pollicis brevis
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
origin: Posterior surface of the radius; Interosseous membrane
insertion: Dorsal base of the 1st proximal phalanx
action: Extension of the thumb; abduction/radial deviation of hand
innervation: radial nerve
Muscle: Extensor pollicis longus
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
origin: Posterior surface of the ulna; Interosseous membrane
insertion: Dorsal base of the 1st distal phalanx
action: Extension of the
thumb; abduction of the hand/ radial deviation
innervation: Radial nerve
Muscle: Extensor indicis
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
origin: Posterior distal ulna; Interosseous membrane
insertion: Distal aponeurosis of the 2nd digit
action: Extension of digit 2, extension of the hand
innervation: Radial nerve
list the hand bones
Some Lovers Try Positions They Can’t Handle
List the bone subtypes from proximal to distal
proximal phalanges
intermediate phalanges
distal phalanges
Muscle: pronator quadratus
* origin
* insertion
* action
* innervation
origin: distal ulna
insertion: distal radius
action: pronator of forearm
innervation: median nerve