The abdominal wall Flashcards
What is the most obvious landmark of the ventral abdomen in all species?
Umbilicus or navel
Ventrolateral part of the abdominal wall between thoracic cage and the bones of the pelvis
Within the ribcage
Clinical signifane of the abdoinal wall
Abdominal surgery is frequently performed in dogs and cats
Wall incised in surgical approaches to abdominal organs
T/F: the abdominal wall is the frequent site for hernias
Rectus abdominus
Polygastric muscle (ventral sternum)
Broad band to the sides of the linea alba
What is incised in almost all abdominal surgical approaches?
Muscles of the flank and abdominal floor
Lateral abdominal muscles
Transversus Abdominis
Internal abdominal oblique
External abdominal oblique
F: during contraction they aid in defecation, parturition, urination, respiration and locomotion
External abdominal oblique
Lateral surface of ribs and lumbar fascia
Superficial inguinal ring
Internal abdominal oblique
Coxal tuber & inguinal ligament
Craniocentral to the linea alba
What is the clinical significance of the internal abdominal oblique?
Caudal slip of the cremaster muscle
Transversus Abdominis
From inner surface of last ribs and transverse process of lumbar vertebrae
Aponeurosis passes dorsally to recuts Abdominis
What is the public brim of the Rectus Abdominis?
Prepubic tendon
What does the aponeuroses of the abdominal oblique muscles form?
External leaf of the sheath (lamina externa) that covers the ventral aspect of rectus abdominis
Lamina externa
Aponeurosis of the abdominal oblique muscles
Ventral to the rectus Abdominis
Lamina interna
Aponeurosis of the transverse abdominis muscle
Dorsal to the rectus Abdominis
What leaves to unite in the linea alba?
Aponeurotic tendon separated as the lamina interna and lamina externa
Linea alba
Fibrous line formed by union of the Aponeurosis of the right and left oblique and transverse abdominal muscles
What attaches to the dorsal surface of the linea alba
Falciform ligament and median ligament of the bladder
What are different surgical incisions through the linea alba?
Celiotomy (laparotomy)
Performed caudolateral to the umbilicus to avoid falciform ligament and risk of full bladder
Which abdominal hernia is the most frequent?
What does a congenital abdominal hernia result from?
Failure of the fusion of the lateral folds of the embryo
Superficial inguinal ring
Slit in Aponeurosis on external abdominal oblique