Textbook - Chapter 9: Population Growth Flashcards
Allee effect
Reduction in reproduction or survival under low population densities
Age-specific mortality rate
The proportion of deaths occurring per unit time in each age group within a population
Age-specific birth rate
Average number of offspring produced per individual per unit time as a function of age class
Age distribution
The proportion of individuals in various age classes for any one year.
A group of individuals of the same age
Crude birthrate
The number of young produced per unit of population
Demographic stochasticity
Random variations in birth and death rates that occur in a population from year to year
Dynamic composite life table
Pooled cohort of individuals born over several tie periods instead of just one
Dynamic life table
Fate of a group of individuals born at the same time and followed from birth to death
Environmental stochasticity
Random variations in the environment that directly affect birth and death rates
Exponential population growth (r)
Instaneous rate of population growth, expressed as proportional increase per unit of time
Fecundity table
Shows the number of offspring produced per unit time; constructed by using the survivorship column from the life table and the age-specific birthrates; the mean number of females born in each age group of females
Finite multiplication rate
Expressed as lambda, the geometric rate of increase by discrete time intervals; given a stable age distribution, lambda can be used as a multiplier to project population size
Geometric population
Growth patterns of population growth described over discrete time intervals
Gross reproductive rates
Sum of the mean number of females born to each female age group
Life table
Tabulation of mortality and survivorship of a population; static, time-specific, or vertical life tables are based on a cross section of a population at a given time; dynamic, cohort or horizontal life tables are based on a cohort followed throughout life.
Net reproductive rate
Average number of female offspring produced by an average female during her lifetime
Population projection rate
Chart of growth of a population developed by calculating the births and mortality of each age group over time
Stable age distribution
Constant proportion of individuals of various age classes in a population through population changes
Time-specific life table
A population sampled in some manner to obtain the distribution of age classes during a single time period