Textbook - Chapter 7: Animal Adaptations Flashcards
Biological clock
The internal mechanism of an organism that controls circadian rhythms iwhtout external time cues
Critical temperature
Range of ambient temperature outside the thermoneutral zone in which metabolic rate increases with changes in temperature
Critical day length
The period of daylight, specific for any given species that triggers a long-day or a short-day response in organisms
Countercurrent heat exchange
An anatomical and physiological arrangement by which heat exchanges takes place between outgoing warm arterial blood and cool venous blood returning to the body core; important in maintaining temperature homeostasis in many vertebrates
Organism that feeds on animal tissue; taxonomically, a member of the order Carnivora (Mammalia)
Circadian rhythm
Endogenous rhythm of physiological or behaioral activity of approximately 24 hours duration
Transfer of ehat by the circulation of a liquid or gas
Ability to exchange heat with the surrounding environment
A period of dormancy, usually seasonal, in the life cycle of an insect, in which growth and development cease and metabolism greatly decreases
Day neutral plant
A plant that does not require any particular photoperiod to flower
Organism that feeds on dead organic matter; usually applies to detrius-feding organisms other tahn bacteria and fungi
Regulation of body temperature by internal heat production; allows maintenance of appreciable difference between body temperature and external temperature
Determination of body temperature primarily by external thermal conditions
Breakdown of carbohydrates and other organic matter under anaerobic conditions
Having a lower concentration of salts in the body tissue than does the surrounding water