Textbook - Chapter 10: Life History Flashcards
Condition among birds and mammals of being hatched or born usually blind and too weak to support their own weight
Intersexual selection
Choice of a mate, usually by the female
Intrasexual selection
Competition among members of the same sex for a mate; most common mate among males and characterized by fighting and display
Having multiple broods over a lifetime
A competitive species with a stable population with a slow growth rate, long-lived individuals; they produce relatively few young or seeds, and provide parental care
Communal courtship area males use to attract and mate with females
In animals, mating and maintenance of a pair bond with only one member of the opposite sex at a time
Mating system
Pattern of mating between individuals in a population
Member of one sex mates with more than one member of the opposite sex, and the relationship terminates after mating
In birds, hatched with down, open eyes and ability to move about; in mammals, born with open eyes and ability to follow their mother
Matin of one male with several females
Acquistion by individual of two or more mates, none of which is mated to other individuals
Mating of one female with several males
Reproductive effort
Proportion of its resources an organism expends on reproduction
Short-lived species with a high reproductive rate at low population desities; characterized by relatively small body size, rapid growth rate, large number of offspring and lack of parental care
Having only a single productive effort in a lifetime, over one short period of time