Textbook Chapter 3: The Aquatic Environment Flashcards
Aqueous Solution
Solution in which water is the solvent
The power of a fluid to exert an upward force on a body placed in it
The ability of water molecules, because of hydrogen bonding, to stick firmly to each other, restricting external forces to break these bonds
Spontaneous movement of particles of gasses or liquids from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
Warm, oxygen-rich upper layer of water in a lake or other body of water, usually seasonal.
Sum of the loss of moisture by evaporation from land and water surfaces and by transpiration from plants
Water that occurs below Earth’s surface in pore spaces within bedrock and soil free to move under the influence of gravity
Cold, oxygen-poor zone of a lake, below the thermocline
Hydrogen bonding
A type of bond occuring between an atom of oxygen or nitrogen and a hydrogen atom joined to oxygen or nitrogen on another molecule; responsible for the properties of water
Downward movement of water into the soil
An atom that is electrically charged as a result of a loss of one or more electrons or a gain of electrons
Intertidal zone
Area lying betwen the lines of high and low tide
The capture of rainwater by vegetation from which the water evaporates and does not reach the ground
Partial salinity unit (PSU)
The total amount of dissolved material in seawater, expressed as parts per thousand
All the forms of water that fall to Earth; includes rain, snow, hail, sleet, fog, mist, drizzle and the measured amounts of each.
Surface tension
Elastic film across the surface of a liquid, caused by the attractive forces between molecules at the surface of the liquid.
Surface runoff
The excess water that flows across the surface of the ground when the soil is saturated during heavy rains
Specific heat
Amount of energy that must be added or removed to raise or lower the temperature of a substance by a specific amount
Dissolving agent of a solution [water included]
Liquid that is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances
A substance that is dissolved in a solution
Layer in a thermally stratified body of water in which temperature changes rapidly relative to the remainder of the body.
Tidal overmixing
Mixing of freshwater and seawater when a tidal wedge of seawater moves upstream in a tidal river faster than the freshwater moves seward
A water current or movement of surface waters produced by wind that brings nutrient rich cold water to the surface
Property of a fluid that reissts the force that causes it to flow
Water cycle
Movement of water between atmosphere and Earth by way of precipitation and evaporation