!TEST**No. 505, Drug/Alcohol/Substance Abuse (5/1/2018) Flashcards
What must employees do, to promote a drug free work environment?—-
Employees are required to come to work and remain able to do your job safely.
**While on duty, on-call, or on City property, what are employees prohibited from?—-
1) No purchasing, possession, using, consuming, abusing, making, distributing, selling alcohol/drugs
2) No having any amount of alcohol/illegal drugs in system for non med reasons
3) Can’t be under influence
What actions may occur, if an employee violates the City’s drug and alcohol policy?
May result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination, or required participation in a substance abuse treatment or rehab program.
Who is covered by the City’s drug/alcohol policy?
All City of Glendale personnel.
What must all City employees do, as a condition of employment, concerning the drug/alcohol policy?—-
- all must know, agree to, and abide by the policy (state and fed regulations also)
- all must submit to alcohol/illegal drug testing based on this policy (and all state/fed regs).
What are safety-sensitive duties considered, when employed by the City?—-
- any job designated by City as safety-sensitive
- duties performed by an employee whose impaired job performance poses a risk to life, as well as public health and safety
- operating motor vehicle/power tools
- repair/maintain equipment, where malfunction could cause injury
- perform duties on customer/vendor property
- employees normally doing non-safety, directed to perform safety sensitive
Under Fed Regs, what are the duties for safety-sensitive positions?—-
- operating a revenue service vehicle
- operating a non-revenue service vehicle (by holder of a CDL)
- controlling dispatch of a revenue service vehicle
- maintaining revenue/non-revenue service vehicle/equipment
- carrying a firearm for security purposes
- stand in shoes of transit employee
What are duties for non-DOT safety-sensitive positions?
- operating a motor vehicle/power tool/
- repairing/maintaining equipment where malfunction may result in injury or property damage
- performing duties on customer/vendor property
What provisions are sworn law enforcement personnel subject to?
The provisions of AZPOST (AZ Peace Officer Standards and Training).
According to what provisions will non-sworn law enforcement personnel be tested?
The provisions of AZPOST (AZ Peace Officer Standards and Training).
Who will ensure that contracted persons for safety-sensitive duties, participate in a drug /alcohol testing program that complies with regulations of DOT?
The hiring authority.
Who will the hiring authority inform about any temp employee that will be included in the City’s substance abuse testing program?
Human Resources Executive Director or designee.
Who are questions concerning the City’s drug/alcohol Abuse Policy directed to?
Human Resources Exec Dir or designee.
Who’s responsibility is it to maintain satisfactory job performance, and maintain valid drivers license?—-
The responsibility of each employee.
**What must an employee do if they lose their license, or it gets suspended?—-
They must report it to their immediate supervisor (failure to do so will subject the employee to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
What happens if an employees unsatisfactory performance, is the result of the use of alcohol/illegal drugs?
Employee shall be immediately removed from his/her duties and terminated.
**What happens when an employee is in possession of, uses, abuses alcohol/illegal drugs while on duty?—-
Considered a major performance deficiency, immediately removed from duties and subject to termination.
**What is the employees responsibility, if they are arrested for or convicted of, any drug related offense while on duty?—-
Employee shall report such arrest to his/her supervisor immediately, and in no case later than 5 calendar days after arrest.
**What is the City’s responsibility, for an employee that works for a department that receives fed funding, is arrested for or convicted of any drug related offense while on duty?—-
City is responsible for notifying the appropriate fed agency of such conviction within 10 calendar days, after receiving notice of the conviction.
What happens when an employee knowingly refuses to participate in the City’s drug testing, after having been directed to do so?—-
Employee will be immediately removed from duties and disciplined, up to and including termination.
What happens when an employee fails to successfully complete the EAP and prescribed rehab after having signed an agreement with the City?—-
Employee will be immediately removed from duties and disciplined, up to and including termination.
When an employee is subject to termination in accordance with City policies and procedures, who will advise them of available resources?—-
Human Resources.
The City (also with DOT-FMCSA and FTA) may conduct drug/alcohol tests during what phases employment?—-
- pre employment
- random
- reasonable suspicion
- post accident
- return to duty
- follow up
What is DOT-FMCSA?—-
Dept of Tran-Federal motor carrier safety admin.
What is DOT-FTA?—-
Dept of Tran-Federal transit admin.
What test is given to DOT-FMCSA and DOT-FTA employees to determine blood/alcohol levels?—-
BAT (Breath Alcohol Test). If BAT is not available, the SAT (Saliva Alcohol Test) will be used.
What test is given to NON-DOT, safety sensitive employees to determine blood/alcohol levels?
SAT (Saliva Alcohol Test). If SAT test is not available, Breath Alcohol Test (BAT) will be used.
What test, for drug and other controlled substances, can be administered to all DOT-FMCSA, DOT-FTA, and NON-DOT safety sensitive employees?—-
Urine sample test (if Urine Sample Test is not available, Oral Fluid Drug Test will be used).
In determining drug levels, the Oral Fluid Test will be used. What drugs will the Oral Fluid Drug Test be used to identify?—-
- marijuana
- cocaine
- opiates
- phencyclidine (PCP)
- amphetamines
Who determines positions for which candidates will be tested for the presence of alcohol/illegal drugs?
It will be jointly determined by HR Exec Dir, City Attorney, Asst City Mgr, Fire Chief or Police Chief (having authority over the positions).
How soon will a candidate for employment, have to be tested for alcohol/illegal drugs, after accepting a position?—-
Within 24 hours from accepting the offer for employment.
What drug test result must be received before a DOT safety sensitive employee can start work?—-
Negative result.
What drug test result must be received before a NON-DOT safety sensitive employee can start work?
Negative result, unless the NON-DOT safety sensitive employee are active medical marijuana card holders who test positive but are not considered impaired.
What must a NON-DOT safety sensitive employee do to transfer to a DOT safety sensitive position?
They must pass an alcohol/illegal drug test.
How are DOT-FTA employees selected for drug testing?—-
FTA random selection pool.
How are DOT-FMCSA employees selected for drug testing?—-
FMCSA random selection pool.
After how many days, removed from the random selection pool for drug testing, will a DOT-FTA employee need to be tested?
90 days (as a condition of return to duty).
After how many days, removed from the random selection pool for drug testing, will a DOT-FMCSA employee need to be tested?
30 days (as a condition of return to duty).
After how many days, removed from the random selection pool for drug testing, will a NON-DOT safety sensitive employee need to be tested?—-
30 days (as a condition of return to duty).
How is the random testing done, for drug testing?—-
It will be unannounced, performed just before, while, or just after employee performs their duties (selection is spread throughout the calendar year). Done within 30 mins of being notified.
How is drug testing decided, when reason is due to “Reasonable Suspicion”?—-
- observation of symptoms
- decrease in duty performance
- employee speech, walking, standing
- negligence in operating equipment
- disregard for safety
Who will the supervisor contact, to request a drug test for an employee that he/she deems unfit for duty?
The supervisor will immediately contact their Exec Dir and the HR Exec Dir, or designee.
What happens to an employee when he/she is involved in an accident?—-
Employee may be subject to post alcohol/drug testing.
If an employee is involved in an accident, who will the supervisor of the employee contact?—-
The supervisor will immediately contact their Dir and RM.
Concerning post accident drug testing, what happens if an employee knowingly and willingly leaves the scene of an accident before a drug test has been conducted?—-
The employee shall be deemed to have knowingly refused to submit to a test and is subject to discipline, up to and including termination.
What happens to any employee who tests positive for alcohol and/or illegal drugs?—-
They will be subject to termination (unless employee is a medical marijuana holder, because of insufficient amounts to cause impairment).
When is an employee given a “return to duty” drug test, in order to return to work?—-
When the employee has completed the EAP (or other City approved program), any treatment program recommended by a SAP (substance abuse professional).
How long will an employee, who has passed a return-to-duty drug test, be subject to unannounced follow-up testing?—-
Number, frequency, and and length of tests determined by SAP.
Where will all drug testing be completed?—-
All testing will be completed in a lab certified by the Dept of Health and Human Svcs (DHHS), under the National Laboratory Certification Program (NLCP).
Who verifies and validates the drug test lab results?—-
The Medical Review Officer.
Who notifies the employee (and their supervisor) of the drug test results?—-
HR/RM Director or Drug Employer Rep (DER).
How long does an employee, who has tested positive for illegal drugs, to request a reanalysis of the original urine sample, or test of the split specimen?—-
72 hours from being notified of the test result (at the employees expense).
What can an employee do to change, if he has a drug/alcohol abuse problem that has not resulted in disciplinary actions?—-
Employee may participate in rehab/treatment programs through EAP/other approved programs.
Can an employee, who voluntarily notifies his/her supervisor of having a substance abuse problem, be subject to disciplinary actions?—-
An employee shall NOT be subject to disciplinary actions, but will be immediately removed from his/her duties and referred to EAP.
After an employee voluntarily notifies his/her supervisor of substance abuse, he/she must sign an agreement with the City, agreeing to what 3 things?—-
- continued participation in EAP/rehab
- submit to return to duty testing and unannounced follow up testing any time
- be terminated if he/she refuses to test, tests positive, or fails to complete EAP
Who is responsible for advising employees of the availability of the City’s EAP?—-
Supervisors have the responsibility (if declining job performance does not respond to usual supervisory actions).
**What does the EAP offer in services?—-
- confidential counseling
- assessment
- case mgt
- referrals
How is EAP assistance obtained?—-
Voluntarily or mandated.
When is the ONLY time, that the EAP confidentiality can be breached? —-
Only in accordance with the laws of the State of Arizona.
Records relative to counseling and substance abuse treatment shall be confidential, except when?
Except records that Employee Benefits Office may need to administer insurance claims for treatment.
Can the use of the EAP be grounds for discipline for an employee?—-
It CAN NOT be used as grounds for discipline for an employee, or negatively affect promotional opportunities. But, it also does not reduce their performance expectations.
What did the City of Glendale establish, to inform employees of the importance of certain provisions of the EAP?
The City created the Drug Free Workplace Program.
**Prior to any employee being assigned to safety sensitive duties, how much training in The Drug Free Workplace Program will the employee and supervisor receive?—-
- employee receives 60 minutes
- supervisor receives 120 minutes
Who maintains all records relating to the Drug Free Workplace Program, and prepares the annual reports /certificates?—-
HR/RM Director.
Who annually certifies FTA employees on the Drug Free Workplace Program, and who signs the certificate?
The City will annually certify FTA employees
The certificate is signed by the Transit Exec Dir (or person authorized to do so).
What is the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988?—-
The act requires any organization receiving fed grants maintain a drug-free workplace.
How soon is a “reasonable suspicion” drug test administered?—-
Must be within 2 hrs after observing the signs. If not done within 8 hrs, shall not be administered.
When is it mandatory that an employee takes a post-accident drug/alcohol test?—-
When accident results in:
- loss of life
- serious physical injury
- reasonable suspicion of impairment
What is the time limit for administering a post-accident alcohol test?—-
As soon as possible or within 2 hours (if not given within 8 hrs, test will not be administered.
What is the time limit for administering a post-accident drug test?—-
32 hrs (after 32 hrs, test won’t be given).
An employee who voluntarily tells their supervisor or DER that they have a substance abuse problem, will NOT be disciplined as long as what 3 things have not happened?—-
- not already notified of a required alcohol/drug test
- not already failed an alcohol/drug test
- not subject of a current disciplinary investigation
What happens immediately after a member voluntarily notifies their supervisor/DER that he/she has a drug problem?—-
- immediately removed from duties
- put on non-admin leave pending referral to EAP or similar City approved program
What must any employee do prior to going to work, when prescribed medication?—-
After consult with treating physician, determine if their may be side effects that interfere with job or safety.
If prescribed meds will interfere with job performance or safety, who does member disclose info to?—-
HR DER, and get direction as to what they should do.
In accordance with City Benefits policy #401, who determines whether an employ can safely perform their duties?—-
**What is an essential element of both the EAP and the Substance abuse Program?—-
How long will a DOT-FTA and DOT-FMCSA employee be subject to unannounced follow up testing for alcohol or controlled substances? —-
1 to 5 years as determined by the SAP.
**Who is eligible to participate in rehab/treatment programs through the City’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP)? —
Employees with alcohol/drug abuse problems (cannot participate if they have received notice to test or if there is an on-going investigation).