!TEST**No. 503, Workplace Harassment Flashcards
What is the purpose of the workplace harassment policy?
To prohibit conduct that creates a hostile environment and is committed to providing an environment free of harassment and violence.
Who’s responsibility is it to maintain a workplace free from harassment?
Every employee has the responsibility.
What does prohibited harassment include?
- intimidation
- persistent abuse (physically, verbally, in writing)
What two circumstances will subject an employee to disciplinary action concerning abuse?
- harassing another person, while pursuing a City activity, through City employment, or using City authority
- employees who made false complaints of abuse
What is “Sexual Harassment”?
Unwelcome sexual advances, when one of the following occurs:
- submission is made a term of employment
- submit to/rejecting can affect individuals employment
- creates a hostile environment
What is “Other Prohibited Harassment”?
Verbal/physical conduct that creates a hostile work environment.
What guidelines determine “Prohibited Harassment” behavior?
- unwelcome
- repetitive
- one sided
- harasser has authority over victim
- complainant can’t stop the abuse
What is employee responsibility concerning prohibited harassment?
Each employee is responsible for reporting to management, if he/she is being harassed or witnesses the harassment.
Who is reponsible for reporting harassment to HR Director?
Managers and Supervisors are responsible for reporting to HR Director AFTER it has been reported to them from an employee.
What are Managers and Supervisors responsibilities after receiving a complaint of harassment?
Responsible for explaining the complaint to the complainant, as well as the City’s procedures on the subject. They have a duty to act, also responsible for dealing with complaints as they occur.
Who are responsible for starting/completing investigations of complaints, and under who’s direction?
Department heads/designees are responsible, under HR Director direction.
Who directs all department heads in the investigation of complaints?
HR Director.
Who keeps the complaining and accused informed on status of investigation?
The department head will keep them informed.
Why is confidentiality important concerning complaint investigations?
It protects both parties.
**What is the complaint procedure?
- filing: (signed complaint) as soon as possible, with one or more of the following:
1) Immediate supervisor
2) Any manager
3) Department Head
4) HR Director
5) City Mgr “Hotline”