**Employee Code Of Ethics Flashcards
What is the mission statement for the Ethics division?
A partnership of employees and community working together to create a better quality of life for Glendale.
What should you do, when you become aware of a possible concern or violation of ethics?
Discuss with a departmental supervisor/manager, or call the Ethics Hotline at 623-930-4444.
What happens when an employee tries to retaliate against another employee for filing an ethics complaint against them?
Employees found to be retaliating will be subject to disciplinary action.
What happens to an employee that vindictively and intentionally files a false claim of ethical violations?
They will be subject to disciplinary action (anonymous complaints/inquiries will not be accepted).
Who can you discuss a reported ethical incident with?
You cannot discuss with ANY person who is not an authorized party, while the investigation is on-going.
If circumstances dictate that you must discuss an incident, who are the only authorized people?
- an attorney retained by you
- clergy person
- psychiatrist or psychologist
- your spouse
- city employee authorized by Asst City Mgr or designee
If criminal charges are filed, is the incident considered on-going?
Yes, during the initial stages of those charges.
How will the reporting individual get follow-up info on the investigation?
All investigations will address the issue, take appropriate action and provide feedback to the reporter.
Based on our view of partnership, what does partnership require to work?
It requires trust, and trust from our citizens will only be built by delivering professional services to our citizens in a highly ethical manner.
How many unethical acts does it take to poison the public’s perception of the city and us as employees?
Just one unethical act (it undermines the trust that cements our employee and community partnership).
What are our values ?
- respect
- truth
- patience
- reliability
- accountability
- teamwork
- community involvement
- active communication
- satisfying the customer
- quality services
What does “public trust” mean?
To serve the best interest of the community in a fair manner.
What does “public confidence” mean?
Employees should conduct themselves so as to maintain public confidence in their profession, their local government, and in their performance of public trust.
What does “impression of influence” mean?
Conduct official and personal affairs to give clear impression that they can’t be improperly influenced in performance of their duties.
What does “professional respect” mean?
Show professional respect at all times. Professional respect does not preclude honest differences of opinion.
What are “elections and political activity”?
Chapter 2, Section 2-75 of the City Code prohibits any person holding a position with the city from participating in political campaigns for city elective office.
What are the rules on “Gifts”?
No employee shall accept as an individual any fee, gift, discount or other valuable item in the course of performing the duties of his/her position.
What is “conflict of interest”?
Employees should not be involved in any activity which might be seen as conflicting with the responsibilities of the employees position in the city.
What is “nepotism and personal relationships”?
Personal relationships involving employees, on their personal time and off city property are outside the city’s area of responsibility. However, the city will become involved if problems resulting from such relationships manifest themselves on the job.