Test II. Matching Type (QUALITATIVE OR QUANTITATIVE) - Sheet1 (1) Flashcards
It involves a small sample population and is often conducted in natural settings.
Qualitative Research
Its research design typically uses an exploratory approach.
Qualitative Research
The main purpose of this research is to test hypotheses or answer specific research questions.
Quantitative Research
The approach of this research is based on observation and interpretation.
Qualitative Research
The approach of this research is based on observation and interpretation.
Qualitative Research
- It frequently uses descriptive and causal research designs.
Quantitative Research
In conducting this study, the researcher is closely involved
Qualitative Research
Results from these studies are subjective
Qualitative Research
The approach of this study focuses on
measurement and testing.
Quantitative Research
. Results from these studies are objective.
Quantitative Research