Test #4 - Vocabulary Flashcards
Both hands in F shape - start with thumb fingertips together - go around in circle so end with pinks next to each other and palm face self
Both in open 5 diagonal from each other (palm face towards each other) - bring hands together into long O so finger tips touch
Middle-Child (concept)
Child Order
Indicate by showing hand with number of total children - top fingers is the oldest
- Thumb = oldest
- pinky = Youngest
Dom hand in 1 shape palm face self - move hand in circles
Only child
Dom hand in 1 shape palm out - flip hand down (so so pont goes down –> towards self –> back up) - end with one shape tap on chest woth pinky towards chest
Idea = Boy same
Dom hand in A - thumb taps fore head - move hand down and and do sign for right
OR can make L - Dom hand in L thumb taps forehead - birng hand down and have both hands in L and end stacking L (thumb of left hand taps bottom of Right - stacked on top of each other)
Dom hand by forehead - start with hand in Cish shape - pull out away from face into flat O
***Like pulling bill of cap
Dom hand in Open A - start thumb right under ear - slide down jaw towards lips
Dom hand open 5 thumb tap on forehead - then move to tap thumb on chest (stays in open 5)
***Masculine signs = cheeck bone up
Dom hand open 5 thumb tap on chin - then move to tap thumb on chest (stays in open 5)
***Femanine signs = cheeck bone down
Nuetral Signs
By cheeck bone
Dom hand in A - thumb taps chin - move hand down and and do sign for right
Sign for brother then sign fro sister (fast)
Dom hand in open 5 - palm face left - thumb taps on chin (Can double tap)
Dom hand in open 5 - palm face left - thumb taps on forehead
Mom then dad fast
Dom hand in open 5 - thumb tap chin - then move hand outwards away from body bouncing (circling outwards from body)
***Circle twice
Dom hand in open 5 - thumb tap forehead - then move hand outwards away from body bouncing (circling outwards from body)
Booth hand sin open had - palm face each other + thumbs towards body - circle out from body twice
Both hands in open A - move hands towards eachother so knuckes tap - tap twice
Both hands in llama shape (point and pinky up) - start palm facing each other - swipe down twice
ND hand closed 5 palm face up - dom hand in one shape - tap point on palm and swipe up (done twice - tap and swipe twice)
Dom hand in Y shape Palm out - move hand left and right
***go between things that are the same
Both hands in Y shape palm face self - shake back and forth (so pinky goes towards and away from body)
Both hands in X shape (but horzontal with pointer away from boy) - move hands towards each other so bring knuckles together
Make a PO mouth movement if extrmnley small
Both hands in closed 5 - stack hands on top of each other with dom hand pinky on top of ND pointer - slide dom hand back and forth (towards and away from body)
Same as small but move ands out and away from body
Both hands in X shape (but horzontal with pointer away from boy) - move hands away from eachother so become farther apart
HUGE - make a Cha sound
ND hand in close five palm face self in horiztonal; dom hand in close 5 pald face out next to ND hand - swoop Dom hand down and upder so ends with palm face self (back of palm taps on palm of ND hand)
OR Dom hand in A shape –> then move Left - as move change into L shape
- If have a list hand can do the same start in A at thumb and end in L at last finger
Both hands in closed fives - fingers bent - both hands fingertips tap on chest (back of palms face each other)
Same as children but with one hand
Dom hand in ILY - pointer finger horizontal under nose - shake hand back and forth
Both hands on open 5 - palm face down (hands by stomach) - hands bounce up and down
Both hands in P shape - palms face each other - move hand in circle
Both hands in P shape or B shape (hands horinzontal and palm face each other) - move hands down towards floor
Dom hand in A - thumb by chin (kind side) - circle hand (A going in circles)
Dom hand in U shape by top of head (kinda to the side) - hand goe sin circles
Dom hand in C shape - shake back and forth
Can make girl if put by chin or boy if put by forehead
Normal signal for baby
Dom hand in N hand shape by chin kinda to the side - swipe down
Dom hand in N hand shape by forehead kinda to the side - swipe down
- Dom hand in 2 shape Start palm face out and flip to turns around and palm face self THEN show person
Ex. Step - then sign for mom = step mom - Same as one but with a 20 handshape (Thumb and pointer up)
- Can use sign for fake - Dom hand in one shape - tap nose and swipe to side - so one ends horizontal (then sign for person)
Dom hand in 1 handhsape pal, face self - move hand down and change into two handhsape (1 –> 2 as move down)
***Same for all fractions (# –> # #/#)
Dom hand in L shape - ND hand in close 5 palm face right - take Dom L palm at top of ND and then tap at bottom of ND (like state with L)
Same sign at Law
Dom hand in 2 hand shape - swipe cheeck on right (palm side swipe on face) - then swip on l;eft with back of palm on face
***Triplets is same with three
Both hands in open 5 palm face down - move hands up and move into S
***same sign as take/host
ND hand in 5 shape palm face self - Dom hand in 5 with back of hand touching palm of ND hand - move Dom hand done below ND hand into a Long O
ND hand in close 5 palm down - Dom hand in close 5 palm up –> then flip hands (so palm was up and now down etc.)
ND hand in cupped 5 palm up - Dom hand in cupped 5 palm down - circle Dom hand and then bring down and clap with ND hand
ND hand in 5 face down - Dom hand in E shape - slide DOm hand on top of ND hand (liek putting ring on)
Both hands in closed 5 palm face down - move hands to interloc between thumb and pointer
ALready have - indepentdent with D
Dom hand in cupped 5 above head - bounce twice
***like showing someone is tall
Same as child but bounce in one place
Dom hand in closed 5 - pointer finger taps on forehead (like a slute) - flip hand so end on top of ND (ND in close 5 with palm up) with back of Dom hand on palm of ND hand
***Can do with Dom hand in A - thumb at forehead
Dom hand in closed 5 - pointer finger taps on chin flip hand so end on top of ND (ND in close 5 with palm up) with back of Dom hand on palm of ND hand
***Can do with Dom hand in A - thumb at chin
Dom hand in cupped 5 - ponter at forhead - move hand down so cup clapps with ND hand
Dom hand in cupped 5 - ponter at chin - move hand down so cup clapps with ND hand
ND hand in S shape Palm down - Dom hand pets the back of ND hand (Slide Dom hand into A - two strokes)
Dom hand points to nose - then Dom hand in one shape taps fionger tip of ND hand (also in 1 shape) - then open outwards (move pointer so then end faceing up/out)
- Dom hand in D shape ish - finger more bent - hand horzontal - twidle middle finger
- Dom hand taps on side of leg - move hand up and snap