Test #1 Vocabulary Flashcards
NOTE - Z is only with pointer
Introducing Self
Means - “I am Called”
***Technically saying “Me name _____”
Me - point to self
Name - Point and middle on both hands - tap right hand on left (perpendicular)
Right hand moves
Point to self at end
Numbers 1-10
1-5 = palm towards you
6-10 = Palm faces out
- 6 = Pinky thumb, 7 = Ring Thumb, 8 = Middle Thumb, 9 = Pointer Thumb, 10 = Shaky thumb
Me vs My
Me = point to self VS. MY flat hand on chest
We vs. Our
We - point in circle Vs. Our (Cupped hand move – move from right to left shoulder)
Talking about someone not there
Say who it is then point in a place and that becomes who you are talking about (my mom she - she is now always mom)
- Where you pointed to when saying she is where you keep pointing to when referring to mom
Example - if have mom and dad = point my mom she (point left) and my dad he (point right) – NOW point left is mom and pointing right is dad
“Same old Same old”
Y sign with palm down - Move in circle (Down to up)
“Nice to meet you”
Nice – Slide both palms (facing each other) ⟂
To meet – “D” with Pointer — hands moving towards each other
You - Point to person
Eyebrows in WH Questions (Why + What + When)
WH Questions (Why + What + When) = EYEBROWS GO DOWN
EX. What is your name - Technically “you name what you” – whole times eyebrows down
You - Point to person
What – Cupped hands move towards each other
You – Point to person
“What is your name”
Technically “you name what you” – whole times eyebrows down
You - Point to person
What – Cupped hands move towards each other
You – Point to person
You in “What is your name” Sign
You = closing signal (shows someone is done signing)
Eybrows in Yes/No questions
Example - Ex. Are you deaf - eyebrows go up the whole time
You – Point to person
deaf – Point finger moves from ear to mouth
You – Point to person
“Are you Deaf”
Are you deaf - Technical “You deaf you”
You – Point to person
deaf – Point finger moves from ear to mouth
You – Point to person
Both palms down – tap arms on each other
**Dominant hand on top
**IF one hand up = no meaning
Point left and bend finger as move across Nose
Point left and bend finger as move across Forehead
Point left and bend finger as move across Mouth
Ugly Vs. Summer Vs. Dry
All in different areas of face
Ugly = Across nose
Summer = Across Forehead
Dry = Across mouth
Flat palm + thumbs up –> Both hand bumps on shoulder OR Both hands bump on chest + upper stomach OR ONe hand bump on chest
Same as happy BUT go in circles → (both hands palm in circle on chest and upper stomach)
Happy vs. Enjoy
Happy = bump
Enjoy = circles
Both hands open 8 swipe from boobs down + happy face
***Open 8 = 8 BUT thumb out
Both hands open 8 swipe from boobs down + SAD face
Naked Vs. depressed
Difference in facial expression
Naked = happy face
Depressed = Sad Face
Pointer finger (one shape) points to ear and moves to mouth
***If use a “D” then it become dorm
“Yesterday I went to the store”
Yesterday I went to the store –> Sign as “Yesterday store me go”
- Yesterday – thumb out with hand in fist - move from mouth to ear
- Store - long “O” - palm face down - flick
- Me - point to self
- Go - Two fingers point and move in direction
***Shows time is signed first
Sit vs. Chair
Same except for movement
Sit (Verb) – name fingers - hand on top of each other Perpendicular - palms move towards the floor
Chair (Noun) hand on top of each other Perpendicular - palms down – tap fingers on top of each other twice
Airplane vs. fly
Airplane (noun) – rocker hand (ILY hand) - palm face to side – bounce twice
Fly ILY hand - palm moves to side and up
Posession in ASL
Possessives are indicated by extending open palm towards the owner
- Possesion = uses an open palm
1. Yours = palm towards the person
2. Mine = Palm towards self
3. Theirs = sweep open palm
4. Oirs = cupped palm facing towards you from one shoulder to next
Directional Signs
- Give to – long o – move towards person giving to
- See you – 2 - plam towards you – move towards person seeing
- Help me - help (left hand flare palm up + right have thumbs up on top of left) – move towards you
Tense in ASL
Foward = future
Behind = Past
Down = present
Pronouns are conveyed by pointing
Topic in ASL
Topic – signed with eyebrows up
“Give to”
long o – move towards person giving to
“See you”
2 - plam towards you – move towards person seeing
“Help me”
Help (left hand flare palm up + right have thumbs up on top of left) – move towards you
Left hand flare palm up + right have thumbs up on top of left)
Femanine in signs
Bone cheek down to lips
Maculine signs
Shake hands above shoulders
How do you say two names
Can just do her name is ___ (point to person) then turn and point - His name is ____
How to say first and last names
Just move over a little
Her name is
Point - name – FS name – point
Formal - B handshape - Side of temple - move out
Informal - Wave
Slide both palms (facing each other) ⟂
Thumbs up and scrap chin (go from neck outwards)
**Doesn’t work for cannot and won’t
Open a (“A” with thumb out) point backwords over shoulder
both hands have 1 shape - dominant hand hits the tip of the non-dominant hand
To be ready - shaking R shape next to shoulder (both hands)
Flat palm to person
Point to send (index finger points to self)
Thumbs up with fist half open - knuckles face towards each other - one thumb moves forward towards the person
***Palm face eachother
Example - “How are you”
How THEN point to person
O shape goes from shoulders down (kinda at angle)
***Can also be used for “NO” - I have no money or I got no sleep - no in this context is the same sign as none
Point to person
Point to people
Point finger points to dominamt shoulder and moves across chest to the on-domiannet shoulder
5 - thumb taps chest
***Can do a happy face if a good fine or a sad face if a bad fine
***Pissed fine = Can use two hands (still five with thump towards chest and palms face towards each other) - go outwords
S shape and hand bouncees (like knowing)
***Proper = fully horizontal hand but usually see it relaxed – can be dialect based or just ease of sign or can be because of physical constraint
Curved fives (palms up) and hands move back and forth
***Eyebrows go down the whole time
Closed five with palm up and swirl
NOTE - there are 3 signs
1 - Tilt point fingers fingers towards each other and move in circles backwrads
2- close hand into fist then open (more fluent)
3 - 5 with palm face towards each other and move fowards in circles (inetrantion sign for sign)
Three sign and close fingers bring fingers together flat
Whats up
Open 8 - swipe up from chest - head pops up when swipe
Closed 5 with fingers bent a little and double tap on temple
(like a solute but double tap)
Don’t know
Closed 5 with fingers bent a little - swipe from temple away from head and shake head
5 shape with fingers toegtehr - palm face up - hands move up and down in opposite motion (like wieghung options)
Nothing much
O shape - shake back and forth by chest
***Only one sign even though it is two words
A little bit
X with your palm towards you and closed fist - pointer finger scrapes on thumb
“I know a little sign”
A little
One shape - finger horzontal by mouth - move fowards in circles
Palm angle from face and flicke pointer finger to point up
***Don’t understand = same sign but shake head
Hard of hearing
H put point fopard - move form non-dominant to dominant side
Finger spelling
Dominant hand goes in circle away from body while also twidling fingers
Do - do
REALLY saying - what are you ding/where are you going/what did you do
Sign - G fingers but fingers pint towards the sky and pinch toegther
***NOT to-do
Example of a compound Sign
Sign - Think then mix
Think - index (in one shape) points towards forehead
Mix - Palms face towaeds each ither (one face up and one face down) - hands cipped - both hands move in a circle
To be busy
Sign #1 - Do-do sugn but move ina circle (keep pinching the whole time)
Sign #2 - Non-dominant hand in S shape and dominant hand in a B shape and the B rubs against the S hand
***Also the sign for buisness
Same as to be busy but with 5 shape instead of B shape and flat hand instead of S shape
To be Good
Sign #1 - non-domiannt hand has palm face up and the domiant hand goes from chin and taps the palm up hand (back of mocing hand hits palm)
Sign #2 - Same as sign one but only use dominant hand (Hand stays face up the whole time
Sign #1 - same as good but palm of domiant hand hits palm of non dominant hand
Sign #2 - Smae sign but only the domiannt hamnd (hand flips so have palm down in the end