Test #3 - Culture Flashcards
Is Sign Language Universal
NO - each country has its own sign language
***Common belief = Sign is universal
How long does it take to learn ASL
A few words can be picked up quickly to say hello etc. but it takes years of practice to learn vocabulary and grammar and deaf culture
History if ASL (1500s)
History of ASL can be traced back to Spain in 1500s
Spain 1500s - signs and fingerspelling were used to teach deaf children of nobility how to read and write (so they can be literate – required by law to keep property in family)
Spread of ASL to France
From Spanish roots ALS spread to France THEN America
Age of ASL
ASL is less than 300 Years old
What is ASL made up of
by ASL is made up of old French Sign language + native American Sign + Village signs of three New England communities + Home Signs + gestures brought to schools deaf children who lived in isolated parts of the country
How did French Sign language get to US
Old French Sign arrived at US with Luarent Clerc and Gauledtte
Luarent Clerc and Gauledtte
First Deaf-hearing bilingual team in deaf education
First School for deaf in America
American School for the deaf - estblished by Luarent Clerc and Gauledtte with financial backing from Mason Cogswell (father of Alice)
Where did Gallaudet first go
He first went to England to visit leaders in school for the deaf but he was turned away
Thomas Braidwood
Set up schools for the deaf in Scotland and London – Followed Oral Approach
***Kept his teaching methods secret (Gallaudet was refused entrance to his school to learn oral method)
How did Gallaudet meet Clerc
By chance Gallaudet watched an exhibition of Frenhc defa students in London where Clerc was (along with other Roch-Ambroise Curron, Abbe Sicard and Jean Massieu)
***Frenchmen were more open than Braidwood – invited Gallaudet to visit their school in paris (used signs)
Braidwood vs. French Method
Braidwood = oralist methid
French = used signs
Abbe Charles-Michel de L’Epee
French monk who opened the first public school for deaf youths in Paris
***recognized teaching talent in deaf students and helped devlope them into teachers
Preparing Deaf teachers
Preparing Deaf students to become teachers of the dead provides role modeling in language and culture and taps into Deaf cultural capital
NOW - stradegies are being shared and documented with hearing
L’Epee and sign
Made French Method
L’Epee studied natural sign of Parisian youth and attempted to standardized this sign to conform to French grammar with invented signs for articles and grammatical markers - added them into french sentence in sign language
ASLO - used spanish manual alphabet
Juan Martin Pablo Bonet
Created Spanish manual alphabet (done in 15th century)
De L’Epees sucessor - He simplified L’Epee’s language teaching approach and continued the method of using manual signs following the grammar of spoken French rather than natural sign language grammar of the Deaf community
Roch-Ambroise Auguste
Deaf eductor + former student of Sicard
Criticized French method - said the “add on” signs were akward – recommend that teachers use the natural sign language
***Still debate – should we use ASL (natural sign language) or methodological signs or manual codes of english
Native American Roots
While discovering America explorers from other countries recorded how they met Native Americans who used sign and gestures during hunting + rituals + trade + storytelling
Plains Indian Sign Language
Used by Cheyenne, Comanche, Kiowa, Sioux tribes in Great plains regions = most widley studies sign from Native Americans
Loss of Native American Sign
After schools for the deaf were established - deaf members left their tries and dropped their Native American Sign to learn ASL
ALSO as Native Americans shrank - the sign language also began to die because no longer used
Native American Sign today
Today - Linguists try to save Native American spoken and sign language through scholarly studies + by creating libraries that record these language in digital format (avaible for students and future Linguists)
ASL vs. Native Sign
Structure of Native sign differs from ASL BUT they do share some features such as the use of iconicity (signs that look like object they represent) + use of space + use of movment
Role of Gestures and home signs
Third influence of ASL = use of gestures and home signs – brought to school by deaf children in rural areas
Use of gesturing
Before public schooling - deaf children used gestures and home signs with hearing families
Body language used to communicate and label objects through mime or acting movements
Home signs
Created by deaf children to use with hearing family who don’t know sign
- Do not have consistent meaning-symbol relationships or formal grammar + not passed from generation to next
Linguits + Home signs
Linguists are intrigued with the study of home signs because it helps understand how gesture systems and home signs are created without an adult language model in the home
New language born + deaf schools
Wgen children meet other deaf kids and adules and congregate at deaf schools –> their home signs and grammar evoloves –> new language is born
How long does it take to standardize language
Takes two or three generations for standardization of language to occur
ASL + New England
ASL was also influenced by historical changes brought on by communities of deaf and hearing people who used signs in New England
Deafness in New England Towns
Due to recessive trait that came from England and subsequent intermarriage in America - the number of deaf people increased in three new england towns
***Hearing familes with deaf indiviual and other hearing people learned sign to help deaf people integrate into society
Martha’s Vinyard + Sign
Had its only language - Martha’s Vinyard Sign language - used from 18th century - 1950s by both deaf and hearing people
Use of Sign in New England
Used in Schools + Chruches + marketplaces –> languages were brought to schools and became standardized
Deaf schools + various languages
Deaf schools were the store hourses of all the sign language varieties of home signs + gestures + village signs
Sign varieties bleneded with French signing (which was used by teachers) –> Led to the evolution of ASL
How did ASL spread throughout US
ASL spread when deaf students and teachers went off to establish more schools – more and more students and adults began to use ASL
ASL Archeologists
Aim to trace history of signs + trace changes over time + gather evidence supporting claim that ASL is a heritage langauge for deaf people
ASL beyond US and Canadian Boarders
ASL has spread into other countries in Southeast Asia + Africa
Examples - Nigeria + Ghana + Gambia + Kenya + thailand - use of ASL and sign codes in English infleunces sign lnaguage used by deaf communities
HOW - due to efforts of missionaries and teachers who brought ASL to these countries
Issue about globalizing ASL
Some view the spread of ASL as a kind of sign language oppression where ASL is used to replace the natural signs of the countries instead of respecting the sign of the local deaf community
***Spread = resulted in death of many indigenous languages
Enables Liguists to look for similarities across sign languages and study the roots of vicabulary
Example - Thai Sign and ASL share 57% of their cognates –> many Thai Signs look like ASL BUT also found 7 distict sign languages in Thailand and Vietnam that belong to three language families and look different from ASL
Andrew Foster
Deaf African American who brought ASL to Africa
Most widley used sign language
ASL is beleived to be the most widley used sign language around the world
International Sign language
Gestuno - not universally used by Deaf people (show you cannot make up a language)
- No country has adopted Getuno as their language
***Gestuno was made for international conferances
Can you make up a language
You can’t make up a language - languages evolve within communities of users
Culture + language are tied – they are inseperable
How many Signed languages are there
136 sign languages
7,105 spoken languages
Where are signed laguages found
Sign languages are found in Euorpe + Latin and South America + Africa + New Zealand and Australia + Asia + Middle East
What do all Sign languages have
All have Phonology (sound system) + Semantics (vocab) + Syntax (grammar) + Morphology (study of word parts) + Pragmatics or discourse (conversations)
Each signlaguage has it own history + own way it spread + own vocabulary _ own grammar
English Speaking countries + Sign
English speaking counrties do not have the sam sign language
Bristish Sign and ASL are different
***In the same way mesican sign and Spanish sign are different waith diferent dialects even though they are in counrties that share the same spoken language
Canandian Sign language
Canda has two sign languages - ASL and Lague des signes Quebecois – each have its own culture (has own laanguage + literature + social identity + common beleifs + values + traditions + history)
How do most sign languages spread
Most sign languages spread when children and adults use it at schools for the deaf BUT not all sign languages are passed down through formal schooling
***In many countries deaf students graduate from their schools and come back as teachers
How did middle eastern signs spread
Middle east = have numerous sign languages used by Arab deaf communities
Deaf children are born into tribes and stay isolated from other deaf children
Unlike US - the various sign languages in the middle east have remained isolated from each other due yo close knot families amnd tribes + wars + delayes in establishment of formal schooling for deaf children
Number of deaf children in middle east
Due to arranged marriges leading to high levels of consanguity + high frequencey of recessive traites + poor nutrition/health care + head injuries during occupations and warfare –> there is a high incidence of children who are deaf
Standardizing sign in middle east + china
In an attempt to stanrdize sign Saudi Arabia + china published doctionaries of signs – but the givernment signs have not bee accepted or used by deaf communities
ASL Stats
500,000 Deaf amiercans use ASL
4% of deaf popultion learn ASL from deaf parents
When do Deaf children with hearing parents learn ASL
Deaf children with hearing parents may learn ASL at different times
Heretidity of ASL
ASL is spread horizonally from deaf child to peer or adult NOT vertially from parent to child (EXPECT when deaf parents use ASL with child from birth)