Test #3 Vocabulary Flashcards
A-Lot/So much
Both hands in open five face/cupped up move up and outwards
Dom hand in open 5 face self at face - close fingers by chin (move left and close fingers by chin)
- Fan and over into flat O
Hands in closeish 5/almost a little cupped(thumb more out) - palm face out- move hands in circles (towards outside first then in)
Both hands in One shape - start palm face down - then move hands up so they face palm out
***One shape NOT D shape
Both hands in F shape - start finger tips face each other - go around in circle so end with pinkes side by side touching
- Finger spell Fun (#FUN)
- both hands in U shape - ND hand in U palm down - Dom hand in U swipe on nose and then hit back od ND hand (like do you mind)
***Can use NMS to show HOW much fun – stronger/bigger = more fun
Dom hand in Horizontal K shape - go back and forth between you and person
**Direction sign - go between people
**Can incorporate number signs - three/four etc.
Both hands in open five - face each other - tap thumbs on chest twice
***Like double fine
Both hands in R shape but thumb out - palm face each other - tap thumb on chest twice (like Vacation but R)
Dom hand in H shape - finger tips face towards face - move hand in circle around face
ND hand close five palm up - dom hand in Y face down - Dom hand in Y shape rubs on palm of ND hand
***For state
Dom hand in two shape but finger bent - draw a SMALL W shape in air (Down up and down up) - move away from body
- Both hand in V shape palm face self - both hands tap on cheek bone and move outwards
- Both hand in V shape palm face self - both hands tap on Cheek bone and move outwards and circle as you move outwards
Because (RH-Why)
Rhetorical Question - never sign for because (like and - no sign for and)
Instead of because use rehtorical WHy instead - choose any why but eyebrows up
Example - I didn’t come to school because I was sick
Sign - Me not go to school - why me sick
Rhetorical why = do why but twiddle finger + eyebrows up
- Both hands in 6 shape - fingertips towards each other/touching - shake wrists back and forth so sign moves towards and away from self
- Both hands in 6 shape palm face fowards - move hands up and down like moving in a wave
Water + Waves
Do water sign - then both hands in closed 5 palm down and move up and down so like moving like wave
- ND hand in S shape by chest - dome hand in open 5 finger tips twards self - move dom hand towards self and up/wiggle fingers - like study almost nbut face self and move towards self
- fs-BEACH
Both hands in close by face each other by side of face/forehead level - bend fingertips so l;ay flat and only thumb out
I-Hope = down once
Two expectaction = down twice
ND hand in One shape face side - dom hand in one shape horizontal - Dom hand taps on ND finger and pulls back towards self and bends finger into X
ND hand in close face palm donw - dom hand in close five palm down - and sweeps under ND and ends palm face foward
**Dom hand is significntley lower than ND hand
**Iconic sign
Same as born but dom hand is touching bottom of ND hand
Dom hand in close five palm fown - hand by side and bounce up/dpwn twice
***Can make multiple by using both hands
Same as child but instead of bouncing move hands up
Dom hand face down by side and move upwards
- Fs Main
- Dom hand in F shape by left shoulder - finger tips swipe down/flick down twice
Finger spell utah
Dom hand in U shape - face palm foward - pointer finger touching cheek - rub up and down
Dom hand in X shape palm foward - Swipe towards right then swipe down
Both hands in close 5 - palm face up - move hands in circles
Both hands in Open A - start palm down/ thumb horizontal - swipe up next to body and move sign so end thumb face up
Dom hand in Y - palm face foward/down and move wrist fowards and back a bit (towards and away from self)
***Means understand what you are saying
Both hands in B shape face each other and swing back and forth
Same as rollerblade but hands in two shape with fingers bent and palm up
Ice Skate
Same as rollerblade but hands in one shape with fingers bent and palm up
Same as Ice Skate but move hands down towards ground a little and up towards self
Page 78-79 in red book - has state sign
Most = abreviation
Loan signs:
Oklahoma - OKLA
Iowa - IOWA
Dom hand in 6 shape - fingertips tap right shoulder - move hand fowards circle sign as go
Same as Washington but in Long O
Washington DC
If don’t go a lot - Sign for washington then fs-DC
If go a lot - just fs-DC
Dom hand in Open A - thumb taps forehead then open hand into open 5 and move around face and tap thumb on cheek
- Dom hand in Y with point up - next to right ear/chin -bend into Y shape – bend twice
- Dom hand in Open 8 by right ear/chin and flick forward twice
Dom hand in Open A - thumb swipes down on chin on right then move to left
***Like restaurant but with open A
- Same sign as color
- Same as Decline but with a C shape
Both hands in M BUT fingers flat out - fingertip point foward - move both hands out them down
North = N shape move up
South = S shape move down
East = E shape move east (right)
West = W shape move left
West Virginia
W shape move left - up into V - down into A
- Both hands in 5 palm face elf - interlock fingers - by chest move in circles - out and in
- Fs- US
- Fs - USA
Dom hand in V but finger flat - by foward - Flick fowards and back
Open A - palm face self - tap palm side on chest twice
Poland = same sign but move across chest
Atlanta = Thumb tap on chest
ND hand close five - palm face right - Dom hand in S/face palm foward - Dom hand touches ND palm (side of Dom hand) - tap top them move to tap bottom
ND hand across chest with fist -Dom hand in 5 - palm flat on ND wrist - move in circles
Both hand sin close 5 - fingertips touching - move hands back and forth and move across body - away from body
BIG deaf popultion
Dom hand in F – go up and down
Dom hand in D sign - shake back and forth
Dom hand in S shape then F shape
Both hands on close five face each other - fingertips tap - Dom hand moves away and shakes/twists in B shape
Dom hand in S sign Palm face self - Swirl around
Dom hand in A sign - Tap back of hand with thumb up to chest on right then tap on left
fs- LA
***Same sign for Louisiana (Can mouth Louisiana if LA for Louisiana)
Dom hand in C shape - Move right then down (turn so C is horzontal when move down) (makes a seven shape in air)
Dom hand in K shape - move over and down (right then down)
Dom hand in B hand shape (palm face out) - move hand on and down
New Orleneas
ND hand in close 5 palm out - dom hand in Long O - side of Dom hand flicks down on palm of ND hand
Long Island
ILY and point twinddles back and forth
Salt Lake City
fs- SLC
Both hands in Open A - start together - move Dom hand out away from body (extend arm out)
Dom hand in R sign palm foward - move right then down
***Also sign for Raliegh (need to add state)
Dom hand in A - palm out - move right then down
Dom hand in B sign palm out - move hand in circles
Dom hand in V shape Palm face left - rub pinter finger up top of nose
Dom hand in E shape - shake back and forth