Test #3 Vocabulary Flashcards
A-Lot/So much
Both hands in open five face/cupped up move up and outwards
Dom hand in open 5 face self at face - close fingers by chin (move left and close fingers by chin)
- Fan and over into flat O
Hands in closeish 5/almost a little cupped(thumb more out) - palm face out- move hands in circles (towards outside first then in)
Both hands in One shape - start palm face down - then move hands up so they face palm out
***One shape NOT D shape
Both hands in F shape - start finger tips face each other - go around in circle so end with pinkes side by side touching
- Finger spell Fun (#FUN)
- both hands in U shape - ND hand in U palm down - Dom hand in U swipe on nose and then hit back od ND hand (like do you mind)
***Can use NMS to show HOW much fun – stronger/bigger = more fun
Dom hand in Horizontal K shape - go back and forth between you and person
**Direction sign - go between people
**Can incorporate number signs - three/four etc.
Both hands in open five - face each other - tap thumbs on chest twice
***Like double fine
Both hands in R shape but thumb out - palm face each other - tap thumb on chest twice (like Vacation but R)
Dom hand in H shape - finger tips face towards face - move hand in circle around face
ND hand close five palm up - dom hand in Y face down - Dom hand in Y shape rubs on palm of ND hand
***For state
Dom hand in two shape but finger bent - draw a SMALL W shape in air (Down up and down up) - move away from body
- Both hand in V shape palm face self - both hands tap on cheek bone and move outwards
- Both hand in V shape palm face self - both hands tap on Cheek bone and move outwards and circle as you move outwards
Because (RH-Why)
Rhetorical Question - never sign for because (like and - no sign for and)
Instead of because use rehtorical WHy instead - choose any why but eyebrows up
Example - I didn’t come to school because I was sick
Sign - Me not go to school - why me sick
Rhetorical why = do why but twiddle finger + eyebrows up
- Both hands in 6 shape - fingertips towards each other/touching - shake wrists back and forth so sign moves towards and away from self
- Both hands in 6 shape palm face fowards - move hands up and down like moving in a wave
Water + Waves
Do water sign - then both hands in closed 5 palm down and move up and down so like moving like wave
- ND hand in S shape by chest - dome hand in open 5 finger tips twards self - move dom hand towards self and up/wiggle fingers - like study almost nbut face self and move towards self
- fs-BEACH
Both hands in close by face each other by side of face/forehead level - bend fingertips so l;ay flat and only thumb out
I-Hope = down once
Two expectaction = down twice
ND hand in One shape face side - dom hand in one shape horizontal - Dom hand taps on ND finger and pulls back towards self and bends finger into X
ND hand in close face palm donw - dom hand in close five palm down - and sweeps under ND and ends palm face foward
**Dom hand is significntley lower than ND hand
**Iconic sign
Same as born but dom hand is touching bottom of ND hand
Dom hand in close five palm fown - hand by side and bounce up/dpwn twice
***Can make multiple by using both hands
Same as child but instead of bouncing move hands up
Dom hand face down by side and move upwards
- Fs Main
- Dom hand in F shape by left shoulder - finger tips swipe down/flick down twice
Finger spell utah
Dom hand in U shape - face palm foward - pointer finger touching cheek - rub up and down
Dom hand in X shape palm foward - Swipe towards right then swipe down
Both hands in close 5 - palm face up - move hands in circles
Both hands in Open A - start palm down/ thumb horizontal - swipe up next to body and move sign so end thumb face up
Dom hand in Y - palm face foward/down and move wrist fowards and back a bit (towards and away from self)
***Means understand what you are saying
Both hands in B shape face each other and swing back and forth
Same as rollerblade but hands in two shape with fingers bent and palm up
Ice Skate
Same as rollerblade but hands in one shape with fingers bent and palm up
Same as Ice Skate but move hands down towards ground a little and up towards self
Page 78-79 in red book - has state sign
Most = abreviation
Loan signs:
Oklahoma - OKLA
Iowa - IOWA
Dom hand in 6 shape - fingertips tap right shoulder - move hand fowards circle sign as go
Same as Washington but in Long O
Washington DC
If don’t go a lot - Sign for washington then fs-DC
If go a lot - just fs-DC
Dom hand in Open A - thumb taps forehead then open hand into open 5 and move around face and tap thumb on cheek
- Dom hand in Y with point up - next to right ear/chin -bend into Y shape – bend twice
- Dom hand in Open 8 by right ear/chin and flick forward twice
Dom hand in Open A - thumb swipes down on chin on right then move to left
***Like restaurant but with open A
- Same sign as color
- Same as Decline but with a C shape
Both hands in M BUT fingers flat out - fingertip point foward - move both hands out them down
North = N shape move up
South = S shape move down
East = E shape move east (right)
West = W shape move left
West Virginia
W shape move left - up into V - down into A
- Both hands in 5 palm face elf - interlock fingers - by chest move in circles - out and in
- Fs- US
- Fs - USA
Dom hand in V but finger flat - by foward - Flick fowards and back
Open A - palm face self - tap palm side on chest twice
Poland = same sign but move across chest
Atlanta = Thumb tap on chest
ND hand close five - palm face right - Dom hand in S/face palm foward - Dom hand touches ND palm (side of Dom hand) - tap top them move to tap bottom
ND hand across chest with fist -Dom hand in 5 - palm flat on ND wrist - move in circles
Both hand sin close 5 - fingertips touching - move hands back and forth and move across body - away from body
BIG deaf popultion
Dom hand in F – go up and down
Dom hand in D sign - shake back and forth
Dom hand in S shape then F shape
Both hands on close five face each other - fingertips tap - Dom hand moves away and shakes/twists in B shape
Dom hand in S sign Palm face self - Swirl around
Dom hand in A sign - Tap back of hand with thumb up to chest on right then tap on left
fs- LA
***Same sign for Louisiana (Can mouth Louisiana if LA for Louisiana)
Dom hand in C shape - Move right then down (turn so C is horzontal when move down) (makes a seven shape in air)
Dom hand in K shape - move over and down (right then down)
Dom hand in B hand shape (palm face out) - move hand on and down
New Orleneas
ND hand in close 5 palm out - dom hand in Long O - side of Dom hand flicks down on palm of ND hand
Long Island
ILY and point twinddles back and forth
Salt Lake City
fs- SLC
Both hands in Open A - start together - move Dom hand out away from body (extend arm out)
Dom hand in R sign palm foward - move right then down
***Also sign for Raliegh (need to add state)
Dom hand in A - palm out - move right then down
Dom hand in B sign palm out - move hand in circles
Dom hand in V shape Palm face left - rub pinter finger up top of nose
Dom hand in E shape - shake back and forth
Dom hand in C - put thumb on Cheek bone - shake foward and back
Dom hand in I shape - put fist with thumb side on chest and move from right to left
Dom hand in Y shape - Fingers against forehead - shake left and right
fs- SYR BUT swwop down and up as do it
Both hands shake above shoulders
Over there
Point to place
Dom hand in a G handshape tops ND shoulder and then moves to tap ND hip
***King/Prince = same but with K/P
Start Dom hand in Point tap on cheeck bone and twist foward and move into X shape
Both hands on closed 5 but fingers hrozontal - Dom hand by shoulder; ND hand in form of shoulder - move Dom hand towards ND hand - bring shoulder foward
Reverse NY
ND hand in clsoe five palm down - Dom hand in Y and Rib against palm of ND hand (back of Dom hand rubs on palm of ND)
***Also sign for NYC
Same as manhattan but palms together (palm of Dom hand rubs against palm of ND hand)
Fs- JC
Dom hand in D shape - fingertips tap twice near eyes
Same as vestal but with W
Staten Island
Fs- SI
Both hands in F shape - strat with fingertips touching - right hand flick away
Topic = subject
Both hands in V shape - face each otherish - bend fingers twice (like making quotation marks)
- fs- email
- Left hand in C shape - right hand in 1 shape horizontal - flick right hand finger (shake foward and back) through the hollow part of C
ONLY for the symbol
Right hand in A - palm out - move in circles
For word at
Use retorical
Example - I work where Bingahmton
. , / - ~
Just make symbol in air with right pointer
. - Just point foward
, - draw comma with pointer
/ - draw / with pointer
~- daw with pointer
Giving emial
MY EMAIL fs- email
***Numbers just use number sign don’t finger spell number
- both hands in open A - palm face self - swipe up twice at shoulders
- Both hand sin open A - tap at hips - them move up and tap at shoulders
***To Sign - MY ADRESS fs (fs street as ST dont use sign for street)
Street (general)
Both hands in B shape but horizontal - palm face each other - move fowards
Dom hand in Y shape - put by ear (verticle) OR hand in closed five but by ear with palm towards chin
***Normal gesture for phone
***Same sign as numbers (both hands in long O - fingertips tap - switch back and forth)
***When you sign phone number - all numbers palm out (when give information palm out); same for zip code
Number within emial
Can mouth them - becuase they are the ame
***if have a mask can say number then show number
Giving adress
fingerspell street name and abreviation for road/street/BLVD (Ex. if street is main street still fs-main)
***Email - can’t sign binghamton you have to fingerspell it
Both hands in close five palm face self - dom hand is behind ND hand (back of Dom hand on palm of ND) - Dom hand moves in U shape (goes down them up so them comes above ND hand)
Dom hand in O - put at chin and pull down
How old are you
Sign - Old with eyebrows down - them point to person
I am 45 - sign –> Me Age 45 -
Rule of 9 - can add 1-9 into sign for age to show ages 1-9
***If above nine - number then age
Both hands in open A - thumb face self - circle hands backwards (move towards/down then away and up)
Act then agent marker
- Fs - car fast
- both hands in S- by shoulders - shake down and up (like driving)
Bus - fs bus
Van - fs van
Both hands in S- by shoulders flick wrists fowards and backs (towards/away from body)
Already have (test #2)
Already have (test #2)
ND hand in S shape with arm horizontal - Dom hand in Close 5 above arm of ND - Dom hand sways back and forth (moving wrist)
Musiciaion = music + agent marker
Fs- TV
- Watching someone or pay attention - Dom hand in 2 shape - start pointing at eyes them flick out so fingers face foward
- Watch TV/movie - Dom hand thumb and pinter in C shape - Horizontal in front of eyes - move hand foward
- Watch as in time peice - dom handin F shape - tap on ND wrist
Video Phone/facetime
Both hands together at wirsts - Dom hand face left and ND face right - close and open fingers into long O
ND hand In close five palm face right - Dom hand with pinky to side taping ND hand - close and open into long O (face who you are recoding)
Record music - Open 8 - finger face down - move in Circles (then sign for music)
Dom hand by hip - make a no Sign with finger tips facing down
Pages in deaf culture
Called side kicks pagers - now when have assisted hearing devices for phones or door bells - can have pager that buzzes and will tell you what is happening
- call on phone - phone sign and move towards person calling (call me towards self or call you towards person)
- Call on video phone - ND hand in One shape horizontal - dom hand in X shape swipe on ND finger - go towards person call (call me towards self or call you towards person)
Already have (test #2)
Web page
Dom hand in W - palm face up - Move away from body bouncing up and down
Both hands on open 8 - middle fingertips tap - shake hands back and forth and move towards right
Already have (Test #2)
Dom hand in open 8 - tap middle finger on chin then on chest
No sign for Or - do which instead
You want __ __ which
Already have
Both hands in X shape with palm towards self - move around in circls (out them in)
Both hands in One shape - cross fingers right on top of left so forms X shape - bend fingers down twices
Both hands in I - cross hands across chest - then open up so both hands in I face foward
Same as Independet with F
Same as Independent with S
Same as indpenedent with D
- fs- season
- Left hand n close five palm face right - right hand in S - right hand side (thumb side) touching palm of left - move right hand in circle fowards then back
Winter - both hands in S shape by shoulder s- palm face inwards - move hands towards each other and away
Cold = same as winter + NMS
- Grow - left hand in close five palm face self - right have behind left in long o palm face self - right hand move up abive left and opens hand
- Spring/plants - same as grow but go up twice
Right hand in Pointer horizontal at forehead - move right and bend finger twice
Black = same but don’t bend finger
Ugly = at nose
Dry = at mouth bend finger once
cereal = at mouth but bend finger twice
Left hand in S shape with hands across chest - right hand in five - right hand sweeps bottom of elbow - goes down twice (ribs against elbow twice in downwards motion)
- Left hand in close five palm down horizontal - right hand in C shape - right hand starts at elbow and lift up (oppostite of day)
- Right hand in C shape - swerve it around (Start at one side and flips to the other side)
Same sign as happy
Start with both hands in one shape palm face out - move hands down and up and switch into 4 shape (end in both hands in 4 shape palm out)
Start with both hands in one shape palm face out - move hands down and up and switch into 3 shape (end in both hands in 3 shape palm out)
Left arm bent and in open A - right hand in open A - right hand knuckles hits at elbow of left hand twice
Both hands in E handshape - flick them out (face self them flick so palm out) - flick twice
OR can do same as christams #2 but with E
Independence Day
- Sign for independencxe then sign for day
- # JULY 4 - fs-JULY fast then 4
Both hands in closed five cupped palm face self - hands in front of face - move wrists so hands move towards and away from each other
***Dialect based
Memorial Day
Both hands in 2 palm, face self - fnger tips tap under eyes then move foward - then bring hands (still in two and pal, face self) - move hands to gove towards right and hand shoulder THEN do sign for day
Sign for looking back - Right hand in 2 palm face self - tap under eye - then move hand behind shoulder (Still in two palm face self)
New Years
Sign for new then sign for year
year = both hands in S - right on top them move around and tap on top
fs- EVE - full E –> Full V –> then just bend V
St-Patricks Day
Right hand ‘pinch’ left arm - then sign for day
- Both hands in close five palm face self - tap chin then move both hands out away form body in circles
- Right hand in 3 with finger tips down - tap back of hand on chin - then move hand down and pinch fingers together by chest (move from chin to chest)
Right hand in Q - (finger tips down) - tap back of hand on chin
Valentines Day
Sign for heart then sign for day
Both hands in Open 8 - make a heart shape by chest with middle fingers
How Much/How many
start both hands in S shape with palm face up - then move hands up as open into open 5
***Include eye brows down
fs - Eid
Right hand sin long O - left hand in O - Right hand finger tips down go into left hand - bound in and out twice
Right Hand starts in open 5 then pull back into long O - do by forehead but farther out
Right hand in long O by forehead but far out - open into open 5 twice (O –> 5 –> O –> 5)
Already have
Already have (Winter + NMS)
Right hand in Long O - fingertips at chin - then move up towards mouth and open into open 5
Right hand in 5 but finger tips bent - start with fingertips near mouth then flip so palm face down (move when flip so hand is farther form face)
Both hand in closed 5 - palm face self - and bend wrists so hand move forward and back (like fanning self)
Both hands in open 5 palm face each other - exetnds arms out so they are above head/fowards - move hand sin circles around each other (still flat and palm face each other)
Both hands in 5 with fingers a little bent - palm face down - by shoulders - move hands up and down
***Can show how much its face (rain more = move up and down more)
Both hands in open 5 palm face up - move hands down and widdle fingers
***More move down/more intsense = indicate snowing more
Right hand in one shape - move wrist so that you draw O in the air then at bottom open into open 5 and move fowards/away from head
Both hands in open five - palms face towards each other - move wrists so hands move in circles at the same time and move hands right (circles at the same time as move right)
Both hand sin close five palm down - make a wave movment
Both hands in one shape - fingertips towards each other - move fingers around each other in circles and move hands around as doing circles
Both hands in Gun shape with pinter and middle - put tips of thumbs towards (left hand on top) - the move hands in circles with fingers bending at the same time as circles
same as month but fingers goes up and down (left hand in one shape - right hand in one shape but finger horizontal - right hand fingers rubs up and down on left hand finger)
Right hand in O - shake back and forth a bit (Show number then do sign for degree)
Can sho F or C after to show farenhit or Celcius
Both hands in 5 palm face each other (done wityh hands extended far infront of head/forehead - circle hands around each other then pul both hands back into S shape
Same as strom but small version near body
Right hand in one shape (palm face out) - draw zign zag in air on right THEN left hand in one shape (palm face out) and draw zig zag in air on left side
Right hand pinter figers taps near ear THEN bith hand sin S shape - move left and right THEN open both hands and keep moving left and right but also twindle fingers
Same as thunder but stop at S shape and move back and forth
Right hand in 6 Shape - tap pointer finger tip on chin - then both hands in five palm face down (start near hipsih) and move hands up towards head which twiddling fingers
Element Classifiers
Shows how much (raining a little vs. raining a lot)
For snow - can show snow then show how much accunalative (Show accumalting by have both hands in palm face towards each other and moving up)
both hands in B handshap - dom hand on top - move dom hand foward twice
Both hands in B - right hand on bottom - right hand moves foward twice
Left hand in open 5 with palm down - right hand palm face left (ring or middle or pointer or thumb) - tap finger on palm of left hand
Ring = freshman
Middle = sophmore
Pointer = Junior
Thumb = Senior