Test #2 - Culture Flashcards
Hearing world
Phrase for hearing people –> refers to spaces populated by hearing people
Terms for people who may not hear or speak
Deaf, deaf, DeafBlind, Hard-Of, Hearing, Late-deafned, Deaf mute
How many Americans have some difficulty hearing
48 Millions Americans have some sort of difficulty hearing
***Includes people born deaf or part of deaf culture
Who do you refer to about hearing loss
Audiologist - When confronted with Possibility of hearing loss - people tend to be referred to audiologist
Professional Who specializes in detecting hearing levels and proposing different types of Accommodations
- Prepares Audiogram + Gives label corresponding with hearing level indicated by audiogram
Field = Audiology
Purpose of Audiologist consultation
Measure degree + Type of hearing loss + configuration of hearing labels using a physical examination of the ear + tests of hearing and listening + Test middle ear function
Audiologist exam
Start = look at outer ear for evidence of malformations
THEN - use Otoscope )inserts in ear) to examine ear canal and eardrum (see if wax or objects blocking ear)
THEN - Do Pure-Tone Audiometry –> audiologist does a test of hearing tons
THEN - do Speech reception threshold
THEN - do Acoustic immittance test
Instrument that has a light and magnifying glass to look into ear
***Can look at condition of eardrum and note excess fluid
Pure Tone Audiometry
Overall: tests of hearing Tones
How is it done - Indiviudal goes into a soundproof room with headphones while the audiologist is ina dofferent room –> Audiologost turns on machin that emits pure tones at selected pitch or frequncies – Finds the lowest tone and frequencey individual responds to
- Audiologist turns on low sounds and increases the volume until the person is able to hear
Vary - sounds + pitch from low to high to determine hearing level in each ear
Measuring loudness
Loudness is measured in decibles
Speech Reception threshold
Overall - Testing level of speech that person can hear part of the time
Is a standardized list of phenotically balanced words - words are presented to person to asses the ability to recognize words across loudness levels
Acoustic Immittance test
Examines the function of outer and middle ear – can detect blockage in ear canal or fluid in middle ear or punctured ear drum
What is done after hearing tests are completed
After testing –> put the information on an audiogram
THEN recommendations are made for follow up testing or medical referrals
A chart that measures sound from 0-120 decibles and 125-800 cycles per sound for pitch
- Can be used for many reasons (Ex. Qualifying for the deaf olympics)
Circles = show hearing level of right ear
X = shows hearing level of left ear
Labels for hearing loss
***Based on the lowest level that you can hear
10-15 dB = normal
16-25 = slight hearing loss
41-55 = moderate hearing loss
56-70 = modertley severe hearing level
71 - 90 = sever hearing label
91+ = profound hearing levels
Hearing vs. Deaf people regarding audiologost
Hearing people may never see an audiologist/may never receive an audiogram BUT deaf people grow up seeing many audiologists/having stacks of audiograms
Word hearing Impaired
Audiologists + Speech Therapists often use Hearing impaired to describe all people with different types of hearing loss BUT this term is not embraced by deaf people
Pre vs. Post lingually deaf
Pre lingually deaf - Those who have not spoken or heard language before they became deaf (includes people born deaf)
Post lingually deaf = peolpe who speak and hear language before they became deaf (usally remeber what it is like to speak and hear before losing hearing)
Hard of Hearing
Refers to people who have slight to moderate hearing loss
Often use hearing aids + asisst devices –> this that are forms of amplifications
Why don’t amplification devices always work on HOH peolple
Before might be able to only hear high or low frequencies
Some people = can only hear low frequencies – can’t hear sounds b and d→ much of conversion has to be guesswork
Can’t hear high frequencies – th or s sounds = hard to hear
People in deaf culture
Might have some hearing or HOH people who identify with deaf culture even if they do hear
Ability to hear vs. Ability to understand
Many people can’t separate someone’s ability to hear from ability to understand
Is lip reading effective?
Lip reading = usually infective because many sounds look the same on the lips
Example - ball vs. mall
Things that affect ability to hear
There are many external factors that affect ability to hear
Example - Bakcground noise + Revertbration (Many assistive devices can’t block revertbration)
Two catagories of hearing loss
- Congenital Loss –> Hearing loss before/at birth
- Acquired Loss –> Loss after birth
Two areas in the ear where hearing loss occurs
- Conductive loss – Issue in outter or middle ear
- Sensionueral Loss – Problems with inner ear or auditory never
Genetic causes of deafness
Gene mutations are cause of deafness in >50% of babies born deaf
Over 400 genes have been found to cause people to become deaf (genes can cause deafness during different times in lifecycle)
***Still trying to find all of the genes that cause people to become dead
Types of ‘deaf genes’
Non-syndormatic –> only cause people to become dead without any other physical changes (2/3 of deaf genes)
- Example – Connexin 26
Syndromic –> Affected person will ONLY be deaf if they also have additional conditions (1/3 of deaf genes)
- Example - Hunter syndrome (growth failure) + Usher syndrome (blindness) + Wardenbir Syndrome (Pigmenbtation)
Aquired Loss
Become deaf due to external factors (NOT GENES)
- Can develop during birth or any time in life
Examples - Meningitis + Menire Disease + Premature births + Fetal Alchol Syndrom + Elderly + Rubella (German Measles)
Rubella + Deafness
When have rubella = had explosion of deaf children –> NOW have rubella vaccine = the number of children getting rubella decreased = less deaf children
Most common cause for hearing loss in adulthood
Most common cause for hearing loss in adulthood = damage to hearing mechanism
Due to loud noises + drugs + aging + accidents + diseases
Conductive hearing loss
Hearing loss related to outer and middle ear
- Often outer/middle ear issues can be fixed
- Often temporary
Example - Ears that are not fully open + earwax + ear infections + physical injury
Sensorinuernal Loss
Limited to the cochlear in inner ear + connecting auditory nerve
- Cannot be repaired + usually permanent
Damage to cochlea = includes missing hair or disorder where sound is not carried from cochlea to auditory never
People = experience drastic changes in sensation of loudness
Transmits sound from middle ear to auditory nerve –> process includes 20,000 hairs inside the cochlea – sound moves through wavs of hair to nerve
Converts sounds to electrical impulses
Looks like snail + Size of pea
Relationship between deaf community and auditory technology
Beleif about babies born with disabilities
For a long time there was a beleif that people born with disabikities were being punished or manifesting demonic orgins
- Babies born with disabilities (including deaf) were killed + abondoned + imprisoned
Old cured for deafness
Attempts to cure deaf people have existed for centuries (most cured only worsened the daamge)
Example - Use hot oil with boiled worms OR operation on tongue to speak (FAILED) OR shaking of head or forcing deaf people to screen so loud blood came out of mouth and ears
- Some doctors would strike head hard enough to fracture it (in hopes it would shake something loos)
Mircles cures cold by get-rich-quick medicine med included magnetic hats + bibrating machines + artifical eardrums + blowers + inhalers + massagers + oils
What happened after cruel medicine
Cruel medicine stopper but many deaf adults remember being forced to speak and lip read in school (if they tried to sign they were punished)
***Prohibition of deaf children from learning or using sign is still happening (BUT without physical punishment)
Logic behind avoiding using sign
If a deaf child doesn’t learn to sign = they will be less likely to speak and socialize with other deaf people = they can better integrate into the hearing world
Medical perspective
Utilizing auditory technology is the defauly to make deaf people into hearing people
Auditory technology over time
Auditory technology has evolved other time
Auditory technology history
Start = Ear trumpets
THEN - (1936) Hearing aids BY 1950s Hearing aides could be word by anyone
1960s-1980s - deaf children were required to wear body hearing aides at school
1984 - FDA aproval for cochlear implants for kids
1990 - Apprached cochlear implants for ages 2+
2002 - Approaved cochlear implants for 12 month old
Body Hearing Aids
Have a plastic tan case that was strppaed to chest or have a belt with cord attached to speaker system connected to a plastic ear model that fit ear canal
- Transmitted sounds at high levels that did not match audiograms
***Deaf children were often forced to wear them