test 3.2 extra Flashcards
true or false
the term concentration and attention are used interchangeably
do researchers use the word attention or concentration more often
do practitoners use the word attention or concentration more often
what are the four parts that concentration contains
1) focusing on relevant cues (selective attention)
2) maintaining attentional focus (attentional focus)
3) having awareness of the situation and performance errors
4) shifting attentional focus when necessary
true or false
concentration is the ability to maintain focus on RELEVANT environment cues. when the environment changes rapidly the attentional focus should change as well
which is better to focus on internal focus or external focus
external focus
true or false
distal external focus produced better performance than proximal external focus
what is the term
An athletes ability to understand what is going on around him, allows players to size up game situations
situation awareness
true or false
experts and nonexperts do not differ in their attentional processing
false they do
is shifting attention easier or more difficult in pressure situations
more difficult
when a competitor wants to asses where he is in relation to all other competitor do he use a board-external or narrow-internal focus
board-external focus
when a competitor wants to asses his personal race judgment and effort distribution do he use a board-external or narrow-internal focus
narrow-internal focus
what are the three process explaining attentional focus
1) attentional selectivity
2) attentional capacity
3) attentional alertness
what is the term
Refers to letting some information into the information-processing system whereas other information is screened or ignored
attentional selectivity
true or false
as performers become more proficient in a given skill they can more from more conscious to more automatic control
what is the term
this aspect of attention refers to the fact that attention is limited in the amount of information that can be processed at one time
attentional capacity
does control processing or automatic processing involve conscious attention and awareness
control processing
does control processing or automatic processing involve processing without conscious attention and awareness
automatic processing
Allows a person to perceive several occurrences simultaneously ( what is the term)
Broad attentional focus
Occurs when you respond to only one or two cues, as when a baseball batter prepares to swing at a pitch (what is the term)
Narrow attentional focus
Directs attention outward to an object such as a ball in baseball or a puck in hockey (what is the term)
External attentional focus
Is directed onward to thoughts and feelings as when a coach analyzes plays without having to physically perform (what is the term)
Internal attentional focus