Test 3 *** Flashcards
A group of malignant disorders affecting the blood and blood forming tissues of bone marrow, lymph system, spleen
Risks for leukemia
Abnormal chromosome
Exposure to ionizing radiation
Immune deficiencies
Down’s syndrome
Acute myelogenous leukemia
25% of all leukemia
85% of acute leukemia in adults
Abrupt, dramatic onset
Serious infection or abnormal bleeding
Acute myelogenous leukemia
Uncontrolled proliferation of myeloblasts
Hyperplasia of bone marrow and spleen
Acute lymphocytic leukemia
Most common in children
10-15% of acute leukemia in adults
Immature lymphocytes proliferate in bone marrow
B-cell origin
Sings and symptoms of ALL
Bruise, bleeding, fever, nosebleeds, weakness, pain, CNS manifestations HA
Chronic myelogenous leukemia
Excessive mature neoplasticism granulocytes in bone marrow
Move to peripheral blood in massive numbers
Ultimately infiltrate liver and spleen
Chronic (mild sysmptoms) Accelerated (rapid/severe- doesn't respond to Tx) Blast phase( aggressive, METZ)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Production and accumulation of functionally inactive but long lived lymphocytes
Bcell involvement
Complete goal
Physical exam, blood is normal
Partial goal
Physical negative
Blood negative
Bone positive
Molecular goal
All studies negative
Stages of therapy
Achieve rapid, complete remission
Severe bone marrow suppression with neutropenia
After remission is achieved
Intent is to cure
Single or repeated courses
PO chemo for 2-5 years
First line therapy for CML
+ philedephilia chromosome