Test 2 Flashcards
three great fertile river valleys of Asia
- Tigris-Euphrates
- Indus
- Huang He/Yellow River
Asia makes up nearly __1__ of earth’s land and more than __2__ of earth’s people
- 1/3
- 1/2
the largest continent
the highest point on earth
Mount Everest
the lowest place on earth
Dead Sea
India’s first civilization
Indus Valley Civilization
indigenous people of India
fierce barbarians that conquered the Indus Valley Civilization and controlled India by 600 BC
religion of the Indian region
Hindu’s one, absolute, impersonal, universal spirit
the process of rebirth
a Hindu law where the soul evolves towards spiritual perfection; says that a person’s deeds in this life will directly affect their station in the next life
India’s strict division of social classes
two distinct cultural features of India
Hinduism and the caste system
four castes of India
- Brahmans (Hindu priests)
- princes/warriors
- landowners/merchants
- farmers/laborers/servants
a person who broke the caste system rules
native Indian family that drove out the Greeks
Maurya Empire
greatest Mauryan ruler
Hindu nobleman who chose the monk life
Siddhartha Gautama
Buddha means ______
“Enlightened One”
The _____ is the lifestyle of Buddhists, extreme self-denial and avoidance of uncontrolled desire
“Middle Way”
a spiritual state of mind in Buddhism in which one can escape endless reincarnations, eliminate human desires, and become completely oblivious to self and the world
native Indian dynasty that inaugurated India’s “golden age”
empire founded by Babar
Mogul Empire
“best of buildings” Mogul Emperor’s wife’s tomb
Taj Mahal
a language mix of Persian, Arabic, and Hindi
a cotton material with a checked or figured print
the world’s oldest living civilization is _____
country with the world’s largest population
two great river systems of China
Huang He “China’s sorrow” and Yangtze
first known civilization of China shortly after the dispersion
Huang He Civilization
the name for the ancient Chinese land, believing they were the geographical and cultural center of the earth
Chung-Kuo (“Middle Country”)
a ruling family
China’s first dynasty that developed a system of writing
China’s longest ruling dynasty
two philosophers from the Chou dynasty
- Lao-tse: harmony with nature
- Confucius: respect tradition, learning, honesty, and family
empire that united China
first emperor of a united China
Shih Huang Ti
dynasty that built the Great Wall of China
empire that was the height of ancient China’s power and glory
Chinese empire at the same time as the Roman Empire
the link between Rome and China
the Great Silk Road
fierce nomads from Northern Asia that were led by Genghis Khan
the longest continental empire in history
Mongol Empire
dynasty led by Genghis Khan’s grandson Kublai Khan
Yuan Dynasty
Italian explorer who lived in China for 20 years and spread good reports of China
Marco Polo (Yuan Dynasty was when he was in China)
China’s dynasties:
- Shang
- Chou
- Ch’in
- Han
- Mongol
- Yuan
- Ming
- Ch’ing
an island country in the North Pacific Ocean
four major islands of Japan
Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku
means “Source of the Sun”
original Caucasian inhabitants of Japan
a religion of nature worship in Japan
a group of extended families who led the small states of Japan
Japanese clan that established a loose rule over other clans
Yamato clan
“Founder of Japanese Civilization”
Prince Shotoku
the period of time after Shotoku’s death when a central government was formed, the emperor owned the land, and a tax system began
Taika (Great Reform)
Japanese word for emperor
second largest continent
world’s largest desert
Sahara Desert
world’s longest river
Nile River
the ancient connection from Africa to Asia
Isthmus of Suez
built in 1869 and connects Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean
Suez Canal
the most magnificent empire in the ancient world
Egypt’s original name
original Egyptians, Hamitic people
local name for Egypt
two kingdoms of Egypt
- Upper Egypt (South)
- Lower Egypt (North)
the smaller division of Egypt, each having their own king
united the two kingdoms and became the first Pharaoh of all Egypt
_____ created the capital city of Memphis in the middle of Egypt
At the time of _______ Egypt was the greatest power of the ancient world
the Exodus
“Father of History”
Greek explorer who gave Egypt the name “the Gift of the Nile”
small rivers that form a triangle (delta) shape by the Mediterranean Sea
Nile Delta
four gifts of the Nile
- soil (most important)
- transportation
- papyrus
- protection
- the strange writings of the ancient Egyptians
- everyday writing of Egypt
- hieroglyphics
- hieratic
a book of prayers placed in Egyptian tombs
Book of the Dead
an ancient rock with three languages
Rosetta Stone
a French scholar who worked for 14 years to decipher the Egyptian language
- Biblical name for Memphis
- Biblical name for Thebes
- Noph
- No
“city of the dead”: all the remains of Thebes
god-king of Egypt
the Pharaoh’s chief assistant
The ______ best symbolizes the Egyptian Conception of state and society
gods personified as nature or animals
Egyptian god represented with the body of a man, and head of a falcon
process of preserving bodies
the most famous mortuary temple belonged to _____
Hatshepsut (may have been Moses’ stepmom)
one of the world’s greatest archeological discoveries (1922)
King Tut (Tutankhamen)
Egyptian kingdom with their greatest art and architectural accomplishments
Old Kingdom
Egyptian leader in the Middle Kingdom who reunited the two lands of Egypt
Mentuhotep I
Egyptian dynasty in the Middle Kingdom when the Hebrew people are estimated to have arrived in Egypt
Twelfth Dynasty
Asiatic warriors/”Shepherd kings”
Hyksos (ended the Middle Kingdom)
AKA the Egyptian Empire
the New Kingdom
a Theban prince who was the founder of the New Kingdom
Ahmose I
Egyptian leader who was responsible for the greatest height of their power
Thutmose III
Thutmose’s son who may have been involved in the Exodus
Amenhotep II
most outstanding monarch of the later New Kingdom
Ramses II
the center of Egyptian life and one of the great cities of the Arab world during the Middle Ages
Africa was known as this because it was an unexplored mystery until the 19th century
the Dark Continent
____ of Africa is deserts
desert in Southern Africa
Kalahari Desert
Africa’s longest mountain range
Atlas Mountains
tallest mountain of Africa
Mount Kilimanjaro
Africa’s largest lake
Lake Victoria (source of Nile)
world’s longest and second deepest lake
Lake Tanganyika
largest rift in the earth’s surface
Great Rift Valley
descendant of Ham who went to the “Fertile” Sahara Desert
____ means “a bow”
Phut (they were skilled archers and mercenaries)
greatest ancient civilization in Africa’s interior
descendant of Ham who went to Sudan (South of Egypt)
Cushite warrior who overcame Egypt
The first African on record to become a Christian
Ethiopian Eunuch
mountainous region of Africa north of modern Ethiopia (Abyssinia)
Sabaea (Kingdom of Aksum)
oldest surviving Christian hymn
“Shepherd of Tender Youth”
greatest ruler of the Mali Empire
Mansa Musa
the belief that natural objects and force are inhabited by mostly malignant spirits
Largest central empire from 1400-1700s
Kingdom of the Kongo
owners of the 3 Great Pyramids of Giza (Cheops)
Khufu (largest pyramid), Khafre, and Menkaure
the pharaoh at the time of the Exodus
Amenhotep II
man with so much money that he gave it out on his trip to Mecca
Mansa Musa
famous African trading empires in
Ghana Empire, Mali Empire, Songhai Empire, and the Kingdom of Benin
algebra means __1__ and was invented in __2__
- the reunion of broken parts
- India
the North African Christian Augustine spoke on ____
recorded Korean history began ______
108 BC
the first major empire of India
Maurya Empire
Japan and Korea were culturally similar to ______
chief religions of Southeast Asia
Islam and Buddhism
river that run westward into the Atlantic Ocean
Niger, Congo, and Orange River
river that run into the Indian Ocean
Zambezi and Limpopo Rivers
wrote “Shepherd of Tender Youth”
ruler of Songhai that possessed more power and wealth than any other West African rulers
Askia the Great