Chapter 1-2 Flashcards
only reliable source of history
the Bible
written record of what mankind has done with the time God gave them
why is history important?
to help us make wise decisions now
three characteristics that set man apart from everything else
- language and thought
- knowledge of right and wrong
- freedom to make choices
the focal point of all history is ______
Jesus Christ’s first advent to earth
idea that man evolved from animals
BC and AD stand for
Before Christ
Anno Domini “in the year of our Lord”
three eras history is divided into
- ancient
- medieval
- modern
ancient history was from
4000 B.C. (the beginning of recorded history) - A.D. 500 (fall of the Roman empire)
medieval history was from
A.D. 500 (fall of the Roman empire) - A.D. 1500 (the Protestant Reformation)
modern history is from
A.D. 1500 (the Protestant Reformation) - present day
worship of man; exalting man in the place of or above God
the Flood (deluge) was around ______
2300 B.C. (within 1600 years of the Fall)
the first foundational civil ordinance
capital punishment (the death penalty)
an institution with the authority and power to control, direct, and rule in the action and affairs of others; these powers come from God
supreme power over all nations, rulers, and individuals
the ark landed ______
Mount Ararat
place where Noah’s family settled after the flood
Plain of Shinar
a descendant of Ham, his name means “mighty hunter”
the builder of the first world empire
the city built under Nimrod’s leadership in Sumer was _____
resulted in the confusion of languages and the dispersion of people into many nations
Tower of Babel
a large group of people who think of themselves as one and act in history as a unit
groups of people mankind are divided into, differing by skin color, head shape, hair type, and other physical features
3 factors of racial variety:
- A rapidly changing environment
- A small population
- Extensive inbreeding
Shinar, Modern Africa, Pakistan, India, Australia, Islands of the Aegean Sea and South Pacific were settled by ______
Ham’s family
earth divided
Asia, Modern Arabs, Jews, Arctic Regions, Pacific Islands, Americas were settled by _____
Shem’s family
Europe, Russia, India, Parts of the Middle East were settled by _______
Japheth’s family
the common language of the Japhetic People
the location of the Garden of Eden that is named for its characteristics
Fertile Crescent (“Cradle of Civilization”)
the two important rivers in the Fertile Crescent
Tigris and Euphrates
Greek for “Between the rivers”
the site of the first postdiluvian (post-flood) civilization was _____
the three oldest Sumerian settlements were _____
Eridu, Uruk, and Ur
Sumerian agricultural contributions
- Irrigation systems / flood control
- The wheel / plow
- Animal husbandry / crop-raising
the Sumerians greatest contribution to civilization was ____
Sumerian writing
broke the code of the trilingual cuneiform inscriptions
Sir Henry C. Rawlinson
three parts of Sumer’s history
- Early Dynastic Age
- Old Akkadian Period
- Third Dynasty of Ur
history’s second great empire builder
Sargon of Akkad
____ became king and led Ur to rule over the Sumerians during the Golden Age of Ur
Ur Nammu
established the world’s oldest law code
Ur Nammu
way of life for a group of people
characteristics of civilization:
- Control of food supply
- Division of labor
- Written language
- Codified laws
- Organized civil government
- Art and sciences
transmitting knowledge and cultural heritage to the next generation
the first to use formal education
the “tablet house” (school); trained them in cuneiform
most important Sumerian commercial industry
textiles (fabrics)
Sumerians most important architectural accomplishment were the ______
false belief that heavenly bodies influence human affairs and destinies
spreading of cultural traits and patterns
cultural diffusion
the king of the Sumerian city-states
four social classes of Sumer
Nobles: upper class rulers and priests
Commoners: free, land-owning citizens
Clients: craftsmen and other workers
Slaves: enslaved captives from war
belief in one God
worship of nature
worship of many gods
the world’s oldest work of literature outside the Bible
Epic of Gilgamesh
long poem written in a dignified form which tells the story of a great fictitious or historical hero