midterm Flashcards
two time periods of history
1. BC
2. AD
- before Christ
- anno Domini (“in the year of our Lord”)
three eras of history and their years
- ancient history (4000 BC - AD 500)
- medieval history (AD 500 - AD 1500)
- modern history (AD 1500 - present)
theory man came from apes and creation was by chance
God has supreme power over all nations, rulers, and individuals
worship of man
large group of people who think of themselves as one and act in history as a single entity
focal point of all history
Jesus Christ’s first advent to earth
home of the first civilizations
Fertile Crescent / Cradle of Civilization
first postdiluvian civilization
way of life for a group of people
Sumerian language that was their greatest contribution to civilization
history’s second great empire builder and first great king of the Sumerians
Sargon of Akkad
land between the rivers
first empire to rule the Middle East after Babylon
Old Babylonian Empire
king of the Old Babylonian Empire known for his law codes
first people to use iron extensively
aggressive people that had the capital city of Nineveh
Assyrian who built the world’s first great library
destroyed the temple for the first time
Neo-Babylonian Empire
Neo-Babylonian king who built the Hanging Gardens had Daniel as an important official
one of the Jews taken captive by the Babylonians that advised several kings
(1.) defeated the Neo-Babylonian empire with their great leader (2.)
- Persia
- Cyrus the Great
Persian leader who married Esther (also called Xerxes)
land Abraham was promised (name all three names)
(Canaan, Palestine), or Israel
man called from Ur and given a promise from God; father of a great nation
man after God’s own heart; second king of Israel; greatest king of Israel
wisest king of Israel; built the temple
Solomon (under him and David, Israel was the greatest nation in the world (1000 BC))
religion whose god was Allah
founder of Islam
largest continent
location of Mount Everest (highest point on earth)
hordes of fierce barbarians who invaded India from the northwest
religion of India that recognized Brahma (absolute, impersonal spirit) and reincarnation to reach spiritual perfection
social arrangement of India with four divisions
caste system
native Indian family that drove out the Greeks and established the first Indian empire
Mauryan Empire
greatest ruler of the Mauryas
founder of Buddhism
Siddhartha Gautama
religion that says human desire is the cause of all suffering and is focused on the Middle Way (self-denial) and tries to reach nirvana
empire that inaugurated India’s golden age
empire of India responsible for the Taj Mahal
Mogul Empire
“Middle Country”
Chung-kuo (ancient name for China)
largest continental empire in history was with the Chinese _____dynasty
emperor of the Mongol Empire
Genghis Khan
nephew of Genghis Khan in the Yuan dynasty around Marco Polo’s time
Kublai Khan
Italian merchant that explored China during the Yuan dynasty
Marco Polo
the gift of the Nile
first Egyptian king who united Upper and Lower Egypt
Greek father of history
Rosetta Stone
dark continent
Greek poet who wrote the Iliad and Odyssey
Spartan leader who led 300 men to stall while everyone else fled
brought Athens to its fullest measure
war where Sparta fought Athens
Peloponnesian War (Sparta won)
what was Athens known for
their government (representative democracy); and they were a city-state
wars between Carthage and Rome
Punic Wars (Rome won)
Carthage’s leader who brought war elephants to fight Rome during the Second Punic War
strong Macedonian leader who conquered a large amount of land and spread Greek culture before his death
Alexander the Great
Julius Caesar crossed the ______
first emperor of Rome
Caesar Augustus
first Christian emperor of Rome
Constantine I
ruled the empire during the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ and at the time of the Savior’s death, resurrection, and ascension around A.D. 30
200 years of peace in Rome under Caesar Augustus
Pax Romana
first Roman emperor to extensively persecute Christians
who wrote the book of Revelation
year the entire Bible was completed
AD 100
theory Jesus gave Peter authority over the church, which was then passed down to others after him that is part of Catholicism
Petrine Theory
means of grace that salvation “depended on”
gave the English the Bible in their own tongue after hand translating it from Latin to English
John Wycliffe
idea of withdrawing from society to really develop your faith
monasticism (hermits lived alone, monks and nuns lived in monasteries and convents)
John Wycliffe’s followers
most famous Mayor of the Palace
Charles Martel
first Emperor of the Romans who began the Holy Roman Empire
Otto the Great
John Huss was martyred and John Wycliffe was declared a heretic in the ______
Council of Constance
a way of life based upon the ownership and use of land
holy wars
crusades (there were 6)
pope who called for the start of the crusades
Pope Urban II
famous painter who made the Last Supper
Leonardo da Vinci (also made Mona Lisa)
the David sculpture was made by
created the printing press
Johann Gutenberg
first great English king
Alfred the Great (Anglo-Saxon)
William the Conqueror won the Battle of Hastings and he was _____
began the Plantagenet line of kings
Henry II
war between France and England that was long
Hundred Years’ War (France won)
the war between the Lancasters and Yorks
War of Roses (Lancasters won (Tudors))
where did Christopher Columbus land
San Salvador
printed the first edition of the Greek New Testament
Desiderius Erasmus
what started the Modern Ages
the Protestant Reformation
began the Protestant Reformation with the Ninety-five Theses
Martin Luther
who started the Jesuits
Ignatius Loyola
French Calvinist Protestants
treaty that gave official approval for territorial, state-established churches
Peace of Augsburg
Father of Dutch Liberties
William the Silent
Henry VIII’s three wives in order and their children
- Catherine of Aragon: Mary was her daughter
- Anne Boleyn: Elizabeth was her daughter
- Jane Seymour: Edward was her son
Elizabeth I dealt with what two Catholic nations
Scotland and Spain
the outstanding leader of the Scottish Reformation who caused several issues for Mary Stuart
John Knox
Edward VI’s Protestant advisor
Thomas Cranmer
Swedish warrior-king who helped the German Protestants gain the upper hand
Gustavus Adolphus
ended the Thirty Years’ War
Peace of Westphalia
name for scientists before the modern age
natural philosophers
discovered the heliocentric view
Nicholas Copernicus
discovered the three laws of planetary motion
Johannes Kepler
scientist who built a telescope
Galileo Galilei
responsible for the universal law of gravitation
Isaac Newton
solidified the scientific method
Francis Bacon
the first scientific organization
the Royal Society
the music capital of the world
a work of superior excellence that has stood the test of time—a work for people of all ages
most recognized chorale piece in the world
the Hallelujah Chorus
father of English hymn
Isaac Watt
known for his 5th and 9th Symphonies
Ludwig van Beethoven
greatest Dutch master of art
Rembrandt van Rijn