Test 11 Flashcards
To date, there is no conclusive evidence that any vitamins or dietary supplements are effective in preventing dementia. Vitamin E is not recommended for the prevention of AD in healthy adults, but it has shown modest benefit in patients with mild to moderate forms of the illness.
SSRIs are first-line anti-depressants due to their generally favorable side effect profile compared to TCAs and MAO inhibitors. Because certain SSRIs may be more likely to cause specific side effects (insomnia), a patient who responds to an SSRI but experiences intolerable side effects may be switched to a different SSRI.
Anaphylaxis is a clinical dx that can be difficult to recognize in surgical patients. Early recognition is dependent on PE (inspecting skin under surgical drapes).
Pylephlebitis, an infective suppurative portal vein thrombosis, is a rare but devastating complication of intraabdominal infections, including appendicitis.
Study designs
The case-control study is the most appropriate observational analytical design to identify potential risk factors for uncommon (rare) dxs.
Viral meningoencephalitis is characterized by inflammation of the meninges and brain parenchyma. Sx include fever, headache, nuchal rigidity, ams, and diffuse or focal neurologic abnormalities. Empiric acyclovir is indicated until herpes simplex virus is excluded.
Heart block
Mobitz type II second-degree AV block has a high rate of progression to complete third-degree AV block. In the absence of a reversible cause, all patients should undergo permanent pacemaker implantation.
Adverse drug rxn
Thiazides are sulfonamides; therefore, hydrochlorothiazide use can cause photosensitivity rash, and tx for this rash includes discontinuation of the thiazide, use of sunscreen, and avoiding sun exposure.
Cohort studies
Prospective cohort studies are organized by selecting a group of individuals (the cohort), determining their exposure status, and then following them over time for development of the dx of interest.