Test 1 Flashcards
Ornithology is the study of…
*reptiles and amphibians
What level of organization or complexity does a roundworm have?
*cell aggregate
*organ system
organ system
A group of cells united to perform a clear function together is a definition of…
*cell aggregate
*organ system
organ system
The function of the chorion membrane in an embryonic vertebrate is to…
*exchange gases
*store waste
*prevent drying and act as a shock absorber
*provide nourishment
exchange gases
In the process of a slow block occurring what takes place?
*an electrical potential change to a vitelline or cell membrane
*the hardening of a vitelline or cell membrane to form a fertilization membrane
*the invagination of a blastula to form a primitive gut
the hardening of a vitelline or cell membrane to form a fertilization membrane
When an egg cell begins cleaving into multiple cells these cells are called…
Metamorphosis is an example of…
*indirect development
*direct development
indirect development
What is a blastopore?
*a hollow ball of cells formed after a fertilized egg cell undergoes cleavage
*the cavity inside a hollow ball of cells
*the primitive gut formed during gastrulation
*the opening of the primitive gut formed during gastrulation
*a hollow ball of cells that has begun the process of invagination or pushing in of cells into the interior
the opening of the primitive gut formed during gastrulation
which of the following describes a mesolecithal egg?
*mostly dense yolk with only a disc of cytoplasm and cells on its surface at one end that divides
*a moderate amount of yolk at one end with cells at the other end
*sparse, evenly distributed yolk and cells through the egg
a moderate amount of yolk at one end with cells at the other end
Protozoa are…
*the same as a kingdom protista; all members of the kingdom can be called protozoa
*the most primitive type of protista that live in hostile conditions like hot sulfur springs
*the animal like protistans
*protistans that live symbollically with other organisms in a way that benefits both
*small passively floating animals, plants, and protistans in water that are fed upon by other animals
the animal like protistans
what does the protozoan Toxoplama cause?
*african sleeping sickness
*mental retardation
Multinucleated individuals are characteristic of which phylum of protistans?
Which of the following does not use one or more flagella in locomotion?
Which of the following is a life stage of the protozoan causing malaria and is also the stage that is transmitted to humans by a mosquito when it bites us?
when protistans reproduce asexually by having their nucleus divide several times, then the cell divides to produce several cells, this is known as…
*binary fission
what is the purpose of encystment in protozoans?
*to allow it to reproduce sexually
*to allow it to move throughout the host’s circulatory system
*to allow it to move from the host’s gut to the part of the host’s body where it will live as an adult
*to allow it to reproduce quickly
*to allow dormancy to help it survive harsh conditions
to allow dormancy to help it survive harsh conditions
which phylum includes planaria?
A body cavity completely lined with mesoderm defines what type of body cavity?
which flatworm class does not have a digestive system?
which is not true of roundworms?
*some are endoparasites
*is pseudocoelomate
*has a cuticle
*is monoecious
*has a complete digestive system
is monoecious
which of the following is not a roundworm?
*liver fluke
*filarial worms
*trichinella worms
liver fluke
which of the following is a class of flatworms and is the one that includes flukes?
A life cycle in which the female worm migrates to the anus to lay her eggs, resulting in an itch and possible contamination of bedding, is found in…
*trichinella worms
the general term for a worm-like animal that is parasitic is…
*filarial worm
*trichinella worm
*helminth worm
helminth worm
which of these does a roundworm not have to help it in its locomotion?
*a fluid filled body cavity
*circular muscle
*it has all of these
circular muscle
which of the following is not a protease that aids digestion of proteins?
Movement in the intestine that moves food through the intestine is called…
Which enzyme is not important in the breakdown of food in humans?
which of the following are defined as simple organic molecules essential in our diet?
which of the following digests food only intracellularly?
Biology is defined as the study of animals.
Interstitial fluid is considered to be an extracellular fluid.
The modern concept of fertilization that recognizes that raw materials in an egg cell are assembled into an organism is known as epigenesis.
Holoblastic cleavage is cell division during development when the entire egg is cleaved completely.
A fish is an amniote.
Giardia can cause mental retardation in humans and is in the phylum apicomplexa.
Euglena moves in water by means of a pseudopod.
Flatworms are monoecious.
Cercariae are a stage in the life cycle of a tapeworms.
A scolex is a structure found in tapeworms that helps them attach to the intestine.
Primary hosts are defined as the host species in which sexual reproduction occurs, and this involves eggs being produced. So humans are the primary host for both the human liver fluke and the beef tapeworm.
The body of members of phylum nematoda is flattened dorsoventrally.
Transverse fission or the splitting of a portion of its body that then regenerates to form a new individual asexually is a means of reproduction in planaria and other members of class turbellaria.
Rotifers are pseudocoelomate animals.
The roundworm parasite that humans can contract by eating uncooked infected pork or bear meat is a trichinella worm.
One of the functions of the components that make up bile is to neutralize the acidity of partially digested food coming from the stomach into the small intestine.
The amino acids classified as essential amino acids are those amino acids that the body cannot survive without and so they must be synthesized by the body for important functions.
The majority of food digestion or breakdown by enzymes occurs in the stomach, while the absorption of most of this food broken down in the stomach occurs in the small intestine.
Deposit feeding is the type of feeding found in bivalves such as clams.
The digestive enzyme produced by our body in the mouth to start the digestion of certain foods is amylase.