Ch.14 - Acoelomate Animals Flashcards
what is an acoelomate?
no body cavity surrounding gut
what phylum do not have a gut?
protista, porifera, cnidaria
what is a pseudocoelomate?
body cavity not entirely lined with mesoderm
what is an example of a pseudocoelomate?
what’s a eucoelomate?
body cavity entirely lined with mesoderm
what are 2 examples of eucoelomates?
earthworms and arthropoda
what are the 3 germ layers?
ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
what is it called when something has all 3 germ layers?
what phyla are diploblastic?
cnidaria and ctenophora
In a ladder-like nervous system, paired anterior ganglia = _______
primitive brain -> aka CNS
In a ladder-like nervous system, paired lateral nerve cords = _______
peripheral nervous system
how is the acoelomate body plan flattened?
what does monoecious mean?
one individual with both sexes
how do flatworms move?
ventral cilia on slime track and muscle waves
what is in the common name of class turbellaria?
what classes are in the phylum platyhelminthes?
turbellaria, trematoda, cestoda
what are auricles?
what are ocelli?
what is the common name for class trematoda?
parasitic flukes
what human liver fluke adult lives in the live bile duct and eggs shed with feces?
what is miracidium?
egg eaten by snail, hatch into ciliated larva
how is redia produced?
when miracidium enters snail tissue and becomes sporocyst
what do redia produce (asexual reproduction)?
tailed cercariae
what do cercariae do?
leave snail and burrow into fish muscle
what is the primary/definitive host of clonorchis?
what is the first secondary/intermediate host of clonorchis?
what is the second secondary/intermediate host of clonorchis?
what are the symptoms of clonorchis?
if infection heavy -> cirrhosis of liver
general -> nausea, fatigue, diarrhea
how do you prevent clonorchis?
cook fish and control snails
what is the common name of the class cestoda?
parasitic tapeworms
Class cestoda do not have what systems?
digestive or respiratory systems
what is scolex?
organ of attachment (suckers, hooks)
how do terminal proglottids with eggs of the beef tapeworm shed off body?
from intestine with feces
what is eaten by cattle?
beef tapeworm
what are the symptoms of beef tapeworm?
usually none; diarrhea, weight loss
what is the life cycle of planaria?
cross fertilization -> cocoon -> freeliving flatworm
what is the life cycle of the human liver fluke?
eggs -> human feces -> miracidium -> redia -> cercaria -> burrow into fish -> encyst in flesh -> eaten by human -> human liver bile duct
what is the life cycle of beef tapeworms?
proglottid -> human feces -> eggs -> eaten by cattle -> intestine -> blood -> encyst in muscles -> eaten by human -> human intestine
Is the class turbellaria parasitic?
is the class trematoda parasitic?
is the class cestoda parasitic?