Terms And Concepts - Cognitive Flashcards
Have an understanding of all the terms and concepts
What is experimental group?
A group of participants that are under experimental conditions
What is control group?
Participants that aren’t under experimental conditions (normal life conditions)
What is Objectivity?
The whole study should be value free and unbiased throughout the whole test
What is subjectivity?
The researcher judgement is shaped by personal opinions and feelings
What is reliability and what are the different types?
Reliability is basically saying is the study consistent in its research
The 2 different types are:
- Inter rater reliability
- Test retest reliability
replication = more reliable
Explain the inter rater reliability?
Researchers judge the participants behaviour and gives a consistent estimate of reoccurring behaviours
Explain test retest reliability?
Its a measures of the consistency of the study (the consistency of a test across the time)
A way that this can be done is repeating the study twice at 2 different points of time.
What is internal validity and what the different types?
All you need to remember is that its based around accuracy of the test
The different types are:
- construct validity
- concurrent validity
What is construct validity?
Is the study able to measure the concept its supposed to.
For example: test score = IQ, college = more mature
What is concurrent validity?
It compares the new study with the old study
If the new test has the same results to the old = the new test has concurrent validity
What is external validity and what are the different types?
Same as internal validity is based on the accuracy of whatever its measuring
The different types are:
- ecological validity (setting validity)
- mundane realism (task validity)
What is ecological validity (setting validity)
This measures the performance of the test is able to predict the behaviours in real world settings
What is mundane realism (task validity)
To what extent are the materials/procedures (mostly tasks) involved in the experiment are similar events that occur in the real world
What is predictive validity?
In a nutshell its like predicted grades in school
What is generalisabilty?
To see the results of the research is applied on a target population and the amount we are allowed to use on the participants
What is population validity?
Are you able to apply the study results of one sample group and is able to be generalised to a larger group
What is experimenter effects?
Is is the consequences of the experiment due to the characteristics or actions of the experimenter
You can think of this like the events in a trial and error run: you will get mistakes due to your actions because you don’t know it fully to avoid those mistakes
what is demand characteristics?
this can be seen as the experiment is biased due to the researchers forcing their expectations upon the participants to act as expected. This can be also be due to participant variables as they could have a mindset to what the researchers want them to react so they feel more motivated
what is controlling variables? *also called extraneous variable
these are the variables that have been discovered before the test and so they control it as it can effect the results of the study
what is confounding variables?
opposite of controlling variables: the variables that wasn’t taken into consideration (can also affect the test as well)
what is counter balancing?
simplified = control the negative effects
different sequences can give out different results.
example: half the participants do the test in one way and the other half does it the opposite way
what is randomisation?
whatever the test is about: material, tasks etc are given at random
what is order effects?
the positioning of the questions, items and task influences the outcome.
this can affect the participants behaviour as they can become bored, had prior knowledge, fatigue
what is credibility?
in a nutshell can you trust this source, how believable is it to an extent
what is experimenter bias?
The experimenter unconsciously conveys to participants how they should behave + what the study is about
this is done by unintentionally giving clues to the participants