Interviews and Questions (R.M. = research methods) Flashcards
Describe Interviews
- similar to a questionnaire in that they gather self report data that includes information regarding peoples attitudes, feeling and beliefs. often used to supplement and extend knowledge of a studies topic
- researchers often need training in order to carry out an interview effectively
- interviews are face to face conversations, where the language needs to be appropriate for the participant to understand
- can give qualitative and quantitative data and are transcribed in order to make analysis easier
- 3 types: structured (verbal questionnaires), semi-structured, unstructured/clinical interview (has a staring point, but each questions is based on the answer given after this
- structured/ semi-structured will often have an interview schedule to follow (the order to follow and timing)
Describe Questionnaires
- a set of written questions on a topic. frequently used in survey research in which large amount of data can be gathered
- questionnaires gather self report data that includes information regarding peoples attitudes, feelings and beliefs
- use different types of questions, open, closed, rating scales, which allows a collection of quantitative and qualitative data
- participants answer a set of rigid questions
- pilot questionnaires are often carried out to ensure questions are clear and understandable and the data is relevant
- different way to distribute a questionnaire, post, phone, verbal, e-mail