Terminology Flashcards
Define echolalia
Pathological, non-purposeful imitation of another’s speech - thought form disorder
Can also be sign of Catatonia
Define logorrhoea
Increase in quantity of speech
Define pressure of speech
Rapid speech of increased quantity (logorrhea) that is difficult to interpret
Define dysprosody
Loss of normal melody/prosody/rhythm of speech
Name the term to describe a decrease in quantity of speech
Poverty of speech
Name the term to describe adequate amount of speech but lacking information due to vagueness
Poverty of speech content
How is anxiety and fear differentiated?
Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension caused by anticipation of danger, whereas fear is anxiety caused by a real/realistic danger.
Define psychosis
Inability to distinguish reality from fantasy
Define psychosis
Inability to distinguish reality from fantasy
Define delusion
Fixed false belief based on incorrect inferences which is not consistent with their cultural or religious beliefs and practices and cannot be logically reasoned with
Define catalepsy
A type of catatonic behavioural symptom. Less rigid than catatonic rigidity. Can still move postured limb but patient will stay in fixed position after they’ve been passively moved
Define negativism
A behavioural catatonic symptom in which there is sudden or random motiveless resistance against or no response to instruction /external stimuli, questioning or to be moved
Define echopraxia
A catatonic behavioural symptom in which there is a pathological imitation of another’s movement.
What is the difference between tremor and chorea?
A tremor is an involuntary, rapid, rhythmical alternating movement. Chorea is involuntary and rapid but random and jerky. Both are behavioural symptoms
Define dyskinesia
A behavioural symptom in which there is difficulty performing voluntary movements that the patient could previously perform
Define dystonia
A behavioural symptom in which there are sustained contractions of opposing muscle groups. Very painful eg torticollis
Define mania (6)
A mood characterised by elation or irritability, hyperactivity, hypersexuality, pressured speech + thought, flight of thought AND complete disruption to work or social activities. If psychotic symptoms present, the episode is by definition mania. If not, could be mania or hypomania.
Define an alexithymic mood
Inability to be aware of/ describe own emotions
Define anhedonia
Loss of interest in all pleasurable activities. Mood abnormality
Define compulsion
Pathological need to act on an impulse/ obsession that, if restricted, produces anxiety
Define circumstantiality
A thought form disorder in which there is over-inclusive speech, delaying the final goal due to unnecessary diversions and details. The speaker does eventually connect the starting point to the destination. Not necessarily pathological
Define tangeniality
A thought form disorder in which the speaker diverts from the initial train of thought slowly and never returns to the original point, jumping tangentially from one topic to the next.
Define derailment
A thought form disorder in which the speaker begins with a normal thought form but rapidly derails the topic
Define loosening of associations
A severe thought form disorder with many derailments that do not link to the previous subject at all, incoherent.