TC Tuesday flashcards
A person may establish financial responsibility by depositing _____ with the comptroller in: cash; or ______ that: are of the type that may legally be purchased by savings banks or trust funds; and have a market value equal to the required amount. TC 601.122
$55,000; securities
A person may establish financial responsibility by making a deposit with the county judge of the county in which the motor vehicle is registered. (b) The deposit must be made in cash or a____ in the amount of at least _______. TC 601.123
cashier’s check; $55,000
A person in whose name more than ____ motor vehicles are registered may qualify as a self-insurer by obtaining a certificate of self-insurance issued by the department. The self-insurer must supplement the certificate with an agreement that, for accidents occurring while the certificate is in force, the self-insurer will pay the same judgments in the same amounts as an insurer would be obligated to pay under an owner’s motor vehicle liability insurance policy issued to the self-insurer if such policy were issued. TC 601.124
A person may establish financial responsibility by filing with the department a bond: with at least ____ individual sureties, each of whom owns real property in this state that is not exempt from execution under the constitution or laws of this state; conditioned for payment in the amounts and under the same circumstances as required under a motor vehicle liability insurance policy; that is not cancelable before the ____ day after the date the department receives written notice of the cancellation; accompanied by the fee required; and approved by the department. TC 601.121
two; sixth
Height Limits: ____ to _____ reflectors
15 - 60 inches
Height Limits: ____ to _____ Aux Driving Lamps
16 - 42 inches
Height Limits: ____ to _____ Fog Lights
12 - 30 fog lights
Height Limits: ____ to _____ Headlamps
24 - 54 headlamps
Height Limits: ____ to _____ Taillamps on car
15 - 72 tailamps on car
Height Limits: ____ to _____ taillamps on motorcycle
20 - 72 taillamps on motorcycle
A dealer may issue a temporary tag for use on an unregistered vehicle by the dealer or the dealer’s employees only to: 1. _____________ 2. _____________ and 3. convey or cause: A. from dealers place of business in this state to another of the dealer’s places in another state. B. Dealers place of business to a place the vehicle to be repaired, reconditioned, or serviced C. from state line or location in this state where vehicle unloaded to dealers place of business D from the dealer’s place of business to a place of business of another dealer; E. from the point of purchase by the dealer to the dealer’s place of business; or F. to road test the vehicle; TC 503.062
- demonstrate to a prospective buyer; 2. use the vehicle for or allow its use by a charitable organization.
The buyer’s tag is valid for the operation of the vehicle until the earlier of: _____. TC 503.063
(1) the date on which the vehicle is registered; or (2) the 60th day after the date of purchase.
True or False: The dealer: must show in ink on the buyer’s tag the actual date of sale and any other required information; and is responsible for displaying the tag. TC 503.063
A dealer shall obtain ____-hour Internet access at its place of business, but if the dealer is unable to access the Internet at the time of the sale of a vehicle, the dealer shall complete and sign a form, that states the dealer has Internet access, but was unable to access the Internet at the time of sale. The buyer shall keep the original copy of the form in the vehicle until the vehicle is registered to the buyer. Not later than the next business day after the time of sale, the dealer shall submit the information required. The dealer may charge a reasonable fee not to exceed $____ for costs associated with complying with this section. TC 503.0631
24; 20
A dealer or an employee of a dealer ______ use a dealer’s temporary tag as authorization to operate a vehicle for the dealer’s or the employee’s personal use. TC 503.068
may not
If the trier of fact finds that the person committed the violation wilfully or with conscious indifference to law, the court may TREBLE the fine otherwise due as a penalty for the violation. What does treble mean? TC 503.094
A violation of a license plate and tags otherwise provided by this section, an offense under this section is a: TC 503.094
misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $50 or more than $5,000.
(1) Section 503.067(b) or (c) is a
Class C misdemeanor;
(2) Section 503.067(d) is a
Class A misdemeanor;
A person may not produce or reproduce a temporary tag or an item represented to be a temporary tag for the purpose of distributing the tag to someone other than a dealer or converter. An offense involving this violation is a:
state jail felony; and
A violation under Section 503.067(b), (c), or (d) is a __? B). A person may not operate a vehicle that displays an unauthorized temporary tag C). A person other than a dealer or converter may not purchase a temporary tag. D). A person may not sell or distribute a temporary tag or an item represented to be a temporary tag unless the person is: 1. A dealer issuing the tag in connection with the sale of the vehicle; or 2. A printer or distributor engaged in the business of selling temporary tags solely for uses authorized under this chapter.
state jail felony if the person who committed the offense criminally conspired to engage in organized criminal activity.
On the sale or transfer of a motor vehicle to a dealer who holds a general distinguishing number, the dealer shall remove each license plate issued for the motor vehicle. A person may use the license plates removed from a motor vehicle on a new motor vehicle purchased from a dealer after the person obtains the department’s approval of a title and registration application. This section applies only to: a passenger vehicle with a gross weight of ____ pounds or less; and a light truck with a gross weight of ______ pounds or less. TC 504.901
6,000; 10,000
A person who violates (TC 504.502 antique vehicle plates) may not be used for regular transportation (only a parade and not allowed w/advertisement) and commits an offense. An offense under this section is a misdemeanor punishable by: TC 504.941
a fine of not less than $5 or more than $200.
A person commits an offense if the person operates on a public highway, during a registration period, a motor vehicle that does not display two license plates that: have been assigned by the department for the period; and comply with department rules regarding the placement of license plates. An offense under this section is a misdemeanor punishable by: TC 504.943
fine not to exceed $200. A court may dismiss a charge brought if the defendant: remedies the defect before the defendant’s first court appearance; and pays a fine not to exceed $10.
A road tractor, motorcycle, trailer, or semitrailer that does not display a license plate that: has been assigned by the department for the period; and complies with department rules regarding the placement of license plates. An offense under this section is a misdemeanor punishable by: TC 504.943
fine not to exceed $200.
A person commits an offense if the person operates, or as the owner permits another to operate, on a public highway a motor vehicle that has attached to it a number plate or registration insignia issued for a different vehicle. An offense under this section is a: TC 504.944
misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $200.
A person commits an offense if the person attaches to or displays on a motor vehicle a license plate that: is fictitious. An offense under this section is a: TC 504.945
An offense is a Class B misdemeanor.
A person commits an offense if the person attaches to or displays on a motor vehicle a license plate that: has blurring or reflective matter that significantly impairs the readability of the name of the state in which the vehicle is registered or the letters or numbers of the license plate number at any time An offense under this section is a: TC 504.945
fine of not more than $200, unless it is shown at the trial of the offense that the owner knowingly altered or made illegible the letters, numbers, and other identification marks, in which case the offense is a Class B misdemeanor.
What is the penalty for this offense? A person commits an offense if the person: manufactures, sells a license plate deceptively similar to a license plate issued by the department; or makes a copy or likeness of a license plate deceptively similar to a license plate issued by the department with intent to sell the copy or likeness. TC 504.946
a felony of the third degree if the person manufactures or sells a deceptively similar license plate
A person commits an offense if the person: a license plate is deceptively similar to a license plate issued by the department if it is not prescribed by the department but a reasonable person would presume that it was prescribed by the department. An offense under this section is a: TC 504.946
a Class C misdemeanor if the person possesses a deceptively similar license plate, except that the offense is a Class B misdemeanor if the person has previously been convicted of an offense under this subdivision.
A person commits an offense if the person with criminal negligence purchases or possesses a license plate flipper. An offense under this subsection is a: TC 504.947
Class B misdemeanor.
A person commits an offense if the person with criminal negligence manufactures, sells, offers to sell, or otherwise distributes a license plate flipper. An offense under this subsection is __________ TC 504.947
a Class A misdemeanor.
A peace officer _____ issue a citation for an offense unless the officer attempts to verify through the verification program that financial responsibility has been established for the vehicle and is unable to make that verification. TC 601.053.
may not
The department shall accept evidence of financial responsibility from an owner for another person required to establish evidence of financial responsibility if the other person is: an operator employed by the owner; or a member of the owner’s immediate family or household. TC 601.054
TC 601.054
Exceptions to financial responsibility requirement does not apply to: the operation of a motor vehicle that: is a former military vehicle or is at least ____ years old; is used only for exhibitions, club activities, parades, and other functions of public interest and not for regular transportation; and for which the owner files with the department an affidavit, signed by the owner, stating that the vehicle is a collector’s item. TC 601.052
The department for cause may cancel a certificate of self-insurance after a hearing. Cause includes failure to pay a judgment before the ___ day after the date the judgment becomes final. TC 601.124.
31st day
The 1st offense in violation of motor vehicle liability insurance requirement is a: _______. TC 601.191
misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $175 or more than $350.
If a person has been previously convicted of an offense, an offense in violation of motor vehicle liability insurance requirement is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine ______. TC 601.191
of not less than $350 or more than $1,000
If the court determines that a person who has not been previously convicted of an offense in violation of motor vehicle liability insurance requirementis is economically unable to pay the fine, the court may reduce the fine to ______. TC 601.191
less than $175.
Defense: Financial responsibility in effect at time of alleged offense: It is a defense to prosecution that the person charged produces to the court one of the documents, listed in evidence of financial responsibilty, that was valid at the time that the offense is alleged to have occurred. After the court verifies a document produced, the court ____ dismiss the charge. TC 601.193
A person commits an offense if the person tampers with, damages, or removes a barricade, flare pot, sign, flasher signal, or other device warning of construction, repair, or detour on or adjacent to a highway set out by the state, a political subdivision, a contractor, or a public utility. This section does not apply to a person acting within the scope and duty of employment if the person is: an officer, agent, independent contractor, employee, or trustee of the state or a political subdivision; a contractor; or a public utility. An offense under this section is a misdemeanor punishable by: ________. TC 472.021
- a fine of not less than $25 or more than $1,000; 2. confinement in a county jail for a term not to exceed two years; or 3. both the fine and the confinement.
A person commits an offense if the person: disobeys the instructions, signals, warnings, or markings of a warning sign; or drives around a barricade in a construction or maintenance work zone when workers are present and any written notice to appear issued for the offense states on its face that workers were present when the offense was committed. Each violation of this section is a separate offense. An offense under this section is a: ______ TC 472.022
the offense is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $2 or more than $400; or
A person commits an offense if the person: disobeys the instructions, signals, warnings, or markings of a warning sign; or drives around a barricade. Each violation of this section is a separate offense. An offense under this section is a: _____. TC 472.022
misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $1 or more than $200,
A person commits an offense if the person: disobeys the instructions, signals, warnings, or markings of a warning sign; or drives around a barricade where a warning sign or barricade has been placed because water is over any portion of a road, street, or highway. Each violation of this section is a separate offense. An offense under this section is a: ______. TC 472.022
the offense is a Class B misdemeanor.
Before requesting a person to submit to the taking of a specimen, the officer shall inform the person orally and in writing that: if the person refuses to submit to the taking of the specimen, that refusal may be admissible in a subsequent prosecution; and if the person refuses to submit to the taking of the specimen, the person’s license to operate a motor vehicle will be automatically suspended, whether or not the person is subsequently prosecuted as a result of the arrest, for not less than ____. TC 724.015
180 days
The provisions of this chapter (Implied Consent) that apply to _________ of a license for refusal to submit to the taking of a specimen apply only to a person arrested for an offense involving the operation of a motor vehicle or watercraft powered with an engine having a manufacturer’s rating of ____ horsepower or above. TC 724.002
suspension; 50
Before requesting a person to submit to the taking of a specimen, the officer shall inform the person orally and in writing that: if the person is younger than 21 years of age and has any detectable amount of alcohol in the person’s system, the person’s license to operate a motor vehicle will be automatically suspended for _______ even if the person submits to the taking of the specimen, but that if the person submits to the taking of the specimen and an analysis of the specimen shows that the person had an alcohol concentration less than the level specified by Chapter 49, Penal Code, the person may be subject to criminal penalties less severe than those provided under that chapter. TC 724.015
not less than 60 days
One or more specimens of a person’s breath or blood may be taken if the person is arrested and at the request of a peace officer having reasonable grounds to believe the person: while intoxicated was ________, or a watercraft; or was in violation of Section 106.041, Alcoholic Beverage Code. TC 724.012
operating a motor vehicle in a public place
A peace officer shall require the taking of a specimen of the person’s breath or blood if the officer arrests the person and the person refuses the request voluntarily a person that was operatorating a motor vehicle or a watercraft involved in an accident that the officer reasonably believes occurred as a result of the offense and, at the time of the arrest, the officer reasonably believes that as a direct result of the accident: 1. any individual has ____ or will _____; 2. an individual other than the person has suffered _____; or 3. an individual other than the person has suffered ____ and been transported to a hospital or other medical facility for medical treatment. TC 724.012
- died or will die 2. serious bodily injury 3. bodily injury
Only the following may take a blood specimen at the request or order of a peace officer under this chapter: TC 724.017
- a physician; 2. a qualified technician; 3. a registered professional nurse; 4. a licensed vocational nurse; or 5. a licensed or certified emergency medical technician-intermediate or emergency medical technician-paramedic authorized to take a blood specimen
The blood specimen must be taken in a _____. TC 724.017
sanitary place
If a licensed or certified emergency medical technician-intermediate or emergency medical technician-paramedic takes a blood specimen at the request or order of a peace officer, a peace officer must: (1) _________; and (2) ___________. TC 724.017
observe the taking of the specimen; immediately take possession of the specimen for purposes of establishing a chain of custody
A person who is dead, unconscious, or otherwise incapable of refusal is considered not to have withdrawn the consent. If the person is dead, a specimen may be taken by: the county medical examiner; or the ___________ agent; or a __________ or a person authorized under Section 724.016 or 724.017 if there is not a county medical examiner for the county. TC 724.014
examiner’s designated agent; or a licensed mortician
It is a defense to prosecution of an offense requiring financial responsibilty that the motor vehicle operated by the person charged: 1. was in the possession of that person for the sole purpose of ____ or ____; and 2. was not ______ in whole or in part by that person. TC 601.194
maintenance or repair; owned in whole or in part
A self-insurer must receive at least ___ days’ notice of a hearing held. The department shall send notice of the hearing to the self-insurer by: _____; or e-mail if the self-insurer has provided an e-mail address to the department and has elected to receive notice electronically. TC 601.124
five days’; first class mail
A standard proof of motor vehicle liability insurance form prescribed by the Texas Department of Insurance must include:
- the name of the insurer; 2. the insurance policy number; 3. the policy period; 4. the name and address of each insured; 5. the policy limits or a statement that the coverage of the policy complies with the minimum amounts of motor vehicle liability insurance required; and 6. the make and model of each covered vehicle.
A standard proof of motor vehicle liability insurance form prescribed by the Texas Department of Insurance must include: ________. TC 601.081
- the name of the insurer; 2. the insurance policy number; 3. the policy period; 4. the name and address of each insured; 5. the policy limits or a statement that the coverage of the policy complies with the minimum amounts of motor vehicle liability insurance required; and 6. the make and model of each covered vehicle.
A motor vehicle liability insurance policy must state: _______. TC 601.073
- the name and address of the named insured; 2. the coverage provided under the policy; 3. the premium charged for the policy; 4. the policy period; and 5. the limits of liability.
Effective _________, the minimum amounts of motor vehicle liability insurance coverage required to establish financial responsibility under this chapter are: (1) $_____ for bodily injury to or death of one person in one accident; (2) $_____ for bodily injury to or death of two or more persons in one accident. (3) $_____ for damage to or destruction of property of others in one accident. TC 601.072
January 1, 2011 $30,000; $60,000; $25,000
On the request of a person who has given a specimen at the request of a peace officer, full information concerning the analysis of the specimen ____ be made available to the person or the person’s attorney. TC 724.018
A person who submits to the taking of a specimen of breath, blood, urine, or another bodily substance at the request or order of a peace officer may, on request and within a reasonable time not to exceed ____ hours after the arrest, have a physician, qualified technician, chemist, or registered professional nurse selected by the person take for analysis an additional specimen of the person’s blood. TC 724.019
If a person refuses the request of a peace officer to submit to the taking of a specimen, the peace officer shall request the person to sign a statement that: ________. TC 724.031
- the officer requested that the person submit to the taking of a specimen; 2. the person was informed of the consequences of not submitting to the taking of a specimen; and 3. the person refused to submit to the taking of a specimen.
If a person refuses the request of a peace officer to submit to the taking of a specimen, the peace officer shall request the person to sign a statement that: 1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ TC 724.031
- the officer requested that the person submit to the taking of a specimen; 2. the person was informed of the consequences of not submitting to the taking of a specimen; and 3. the person refused to submit to the taking of a specimen.
Height Limits: ____ to _____ reflectors
15 - 60 inches
Dim light ________ approaching a vehicle from opposite lane.
500 feet
Dim light _______ overtaking a vehicle from the rear.
300 feet
Parking distances not allowed within ______ of a fire hydrant.
15 feet
Parking distances not allowed within ______ of a crosswalk.
20 feet
Parking distances not allowed within ______ of a curb or edge of a roadway.
18 inches
Parking distances not allowed within ______ of a traffic control device.
30 feet
Distances not allowed to pass on a bridge, viaduct, tunnel, intersection is ______.
100 feet
Distances required for a horn to be heard is ______.
200 feet
An operator ______ stop, stand, park a vehicle on a sidewalk.
may not