Arrest Mechanics Flashcards
Mandibular Angle Nerve
Pressure Point
Located: base of the earlobe between the mastoid and the mandible
Pressure directed: in and forward toward the tip of the nose
How: Stabilize head, (football cradle hold) head to armpit, digital finger to pressure point, give command, if they are not in compliance use, Alleviate pressure when command is obeyed
Use when: (sitting) resisting passively / not active aggression
Infraorbital Nerve Pressure Point
Infraorbital Nerve Pressure Point
Located: at the base of the nose
Pressure directed: at 45 degree angle towards the top center of the head
How: Stabilize head, (football cradle hold) head to armpit, straight hand, 1st knuckle near thumb, top lip, pull down then up and back, give command, if they are not in compliance use, Alleviate pressure when command is obeyed
Use when: when you want to get someone to comply and get up
Hypoglossal Nerve
Pressure Point
Located: approx. 1 in. forward of the “R” angle of the mandible and 1 in. underneath the jaw, in the notch of the jawbone
Pressure directed: toward the top and center of the head
How: Stabilize head, (football cradle hold) head to armpit, digital finger to pressure point, give command, if they are not in compliance use, Alleviate pressure when command is obeyed
Use when: when you want to get someone to comply and “get up”
What are the 3 basic weaponless strategies?
- ►Self Control - Police role, protect the public and take violator into custody
- Balance
- Awareness
What are the principles to Self-defense?
- Prevention
- Be aware of potential dangers
- Avoid overextending yourself
- Maintain proper distance to allow yourself adequate reaction time
- ►If attacked, move out of the line of force rather than try to stop the force
Police officers have the burden to justify the use of a baton by the ______________________.
► totality of the circumstances
What are the advantages and disadvantages for the direct approach (on foot)?
- Advantage - observe all movements
- Disadvantage - lose surprise element and vulnerable to resistance
What are the advantages and disadvantages for the rear approach (on foot)?
- Advantages- surprise; reduces probability of direct attack
- Disadvantage - may provoke physical response in defense of him/herself
What are the advantages and disadvantages for the side approach (on foot)?
- Advantage - suspect off balance
- Disadvantage - cannot observe all movement; reduces surprise
What are the advantages of the various methods of approaching, confronting, and interviewing the suspect: One vs. two officers (on foot)?
- Visual contact with each other
- Approach should be spread in V formation
- Plan confrontation
- Communicate
- One (1) officer in charge
- Side officer keep hands free, gun away from suspect, observe suspect hands
What are the various methods of approaching, confronting, and interviewing the suspect with one officer?
- observe all of the subject’s actions
- gun side away from subject
- non-restricted physical position to allow movement
- hands free of unnecessary items
When is frisk justified and considered?
- Justified
- ►weapons
- ►officer and/or public safety
- Consideration
- one officer vs. two officers
- stress safety
- clothing, heavy clothing vs beach attire
- stress pat down vs. search (you’ve arrested them 1st)
3 types of subjects when it comes to tactical handcuffing.
- Totally cooperative
- Totally uncooperative
- ►***Potentially uncooperative***
What is the criteria needed to justify handcuff?
- Subject has committed a crime
- Subject is an escape risk
- Subject is a safety hazard to himself or others
►What are the Supplements to handcuffs?
- tie
- belt
- shoelaces
- strips of cloth
- plastic handcuffs
What principles must strikes utilize?
fluid shock wave principle
The stunning effect of strike techniques will last an average of ____ - _____ seconds
3 - 7 Seconds
Tunnel Vision: is a ______% reduction in peripheral vision.
What are the components of acceptability?
- Tactical (and sound)
- Legal (meets legal qualifications)
- Medical
What are the steps in the survival reaction time model?
- Perception
- “Stimuli received by perpetual sense”
- Analyze / evaluate
- Analyze - Identification of stimuli
- Evaluate - Recognition of stimuli relationship to officer
- Formulate plan
- Plan formulation developed from past training and experiences
- Initiate motor action
- Physical actions dependant upon training and capabilities
Alleviate pressure when command is obeyed

“_________” - as the minimimum safe zone that officers should maintain when dealing with others. The minimum safe distance from a subject is at least 6 feet.
Reactionary Gap
What are examples of chemical and electrical devices?
- Taser
- OC pepper spray
- similar weapons
What are examples of impact weapons?
- straight baton
- expandable baton
- side handle baton
- similar weapons
A weapon capable of inflicting SBI or death.
Baton (impact weapon)
Strike areas:
- center mass of arms
- center mass of legs
- abdomen
Non-strike areas:
- above plane of shoulders (ie. neck/head)
- Groin
- center of back (spine) / kidney area
- pectoral region (chest)
Force that is intended or known by the actor to cause, or in the manner of its use or intended use is capable of causing, death or serious bodily injury.
Deadly Force
__________ means force not likely to cause death or great bodily harm and can be used if you reasonably believed that such conduct was necessary to defend yourself or another against an attacker’s imminent use of unlawful force and the use of unlawful force by the attacker appeared ready to take place.
non-deadly force
Which areas are considered deadly force?
- above plane of shoulders (ie. neck/head)
- Groin
- center of back (spine) / kidney area
- pectoral region (chest)
When is a person justified in using deadly force (DF) against another?
- Self-defense; (even if actor didn’t retreat) actor reasonably believes DF is immediatly necessary to protect the actor or 3rd party against unlawful DF;
- Had reason to believe suspect entered / attempting to enter unlawfully and forcefully, actor’s occupied habitation, vehicle, or place of business or employment;
- unlawfully and forcefully removing or attempting to remove, the actor from the actor’s habitation, vehicle, or place of business or employment; or
- To prevent others imminent commision of:
- Aggravated kidnapping
- Murder
- Sexual Assault / Aggravated Sexual Assault
- Robbery / Aggravated Roberry
Person is justified in using force or deadly force against another to protect a 3rd person if:
- under the circumstances as the actor reasonably believes them to be, the actor would be justified in using force or deadly force to protect himself against the unlawful force or unlawful deadly force he reasonably believes to be threatening the third person he seeks to protect; and
- the actor reasonably believes that his intervention is immediately necessary to protect the third person.
What are the various methods of approaching, confronting, and interviewing the suspect with two officer?
- observe all of the subject’s actions
- gun side away from subject
- non-restricted physical position to allow movement
- hands free of unnecessary items
- V position
- one officer in command
What is the physical contact - position?
- to side or rear of subject when possible
- subject should be off balance
- keep subject verbally informed of your actions and expectations
Why must a subject during arrest be given a reason in clear language?
Subjects may resist officers simply because they don’t understand the nature of the arrest.
What are the positions for applying handcuffs and other restraining devices?
- standing
- sitting
- prone
- kneeling
What are methods of applying handcuffs and other restraining devices on one suspect?
Methods of applying handcuffs include:
- hands to rear
- palms out
- handcuffs double-locked
- in an emergency, apply in any manner possible
Whate are the methods of applying handcuffs and other restraining devices on two suspects and with one set of handcuffs?
- right hand to right hand
- left hand to left hand
- this procedure causes them difficulty in running
What are the methods of applying handcuffs and other restraining devices on two suspects and two sets of handcuffs?
- hands to rear
- arms interlocking
- palms out
- handcuffs double-locked
True or False:
Handcuffs are not a temporary restraining device!
Remember, handcuffs are a temporary restraining device only!
Which case was about finding that officers were not entitled to qualified immunity on claims that they used excessive force in unduly tightening an arrestee’s handcuffs.
Vondrak vs. City of Las Cruces
Which case was about handcuffing too tightly and failing to double-lock the handcuffs may lead to an excessive force claim when the officers have been placed on notice of a suspect’s complaints, especially if the suspect expresses a medical condition aggravated by the handcuffs.
Baskin v. Smith
Which case was about a surgeon was initially awarded $33 million in damages for permanent nerve damage to hand, resulting in inability to perform surgery unassisted, following tight handcuffing when he detained and mistakenly believed that the rental car he was driving was stolen.
Gousse v. City of Los Angeles
What are the methods of physical search of suspects when standing?
- from the rear
- watch the arms
- one holding suspect’s waistband from the rear
- search with free hand
What are the methods of the physical search of suspects in prone position?
- Face down
- Arms extended outward
- Legs spread
What are the methods of the physical search of suspects in kneeling body search?
- On knees
- Legs crossed
What are the advantages of holding the suspect’s waistband from the rear?
- officer safety;
- Should the suspect attempt resistance, (s) he can be pulled backward or pushed forward, giving the officer an opportunity to step away.
For officer safety, what should a peace officer do in the seating / carrying area of his/her vehicle?
The officer should search the seating or carrying area of his/her vehicle for weapons or contraband when going on duty and also after each prisoner transport is completed.
Methods of escorting suspects when you have one officer, one suspect:
- officer to the rear and side of suspect with gun side away
- holding waistband or belt between cuffed hands vs. holding arm
Methods of escorting suspects when you have one officer, two suspects:
officer to rear
Methods of escorting suspects when you have two officers, one suspect:
- to rear of suspect
- one officer on either side
- one officer holding either arm
Methods of escorting suspects when you have two officers, two suspects:
- to rear of suspects
- one officer on either side of suspects
- holding waistband or belt between cuffed hands vs. holding arm
Methods of transporting suspects when you have one officer, one suspect:
- right front seat, if no cage
- seat belt fastened
- door locked
- officer place his/her gun on left side
Methods of transporting suspects when you have two officers, one suspect:
- right rear seat, if no cage
- officer, left rear seat, if no cage
- seat belt fastened
- door locked
- officers place their guns on left side
Methods of transporting suspects when you have one officer, two officers, two suspects:
- rear right and center rear seat, if no cage
- officer left rear seat, if no cage
- door locked
- officers should place weapons on left side, if no cage
Why shouldn’t one officer attempt to transport more than one prisoner at a time without access to special transporting equipment?
Because of the danger involved for the officer.
What are the components to affect an arrest?
- keeping prisoner in sight
- maintaining control
- escort positions
- verbal communication
- handcuffing
- standing a cuffed suspect up from prone, kneeling in a safe and efficient manner
- assessing safety, communication and de-escalation
- transporting
What does OODA Loop stand for?
Observe, Orient, Decide and Act.
What are the two tactical reactionary options that are avaialble to an officer during any survival situation?
- Penetrate
- Disengage
Jugular Notch Nerve
Pressure Point
Located: at the base of the neck, just above the sternum
Pressure directed: downward at a 45 degree angle
How: find notch at jugular, push two fingers in and down curving the bone
Use when: to get someone to sit.