CIT Flashcards
________ is a mild or moderate level of depression that persists for at least two years
_______ are drugs that inhibit pain by cutting off or dissociating the brain’s perception of the pain.
Examples include:
PCP, its analogs, ketamine, flecainide
There is no known threshold for overdose, however delusions can be so strong as to create suicidal behavior. Body temperature can become high enough to be deadly. Often the state known as ‘excited delirium’ is created by this type of drug
Dissociative Anesthetics
The underlying element behind mental-illness related behavior is usually not _____ or _______.
criminal or malicious.
_______ is a pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others, Tendency to interpret actions of others as deliberately threatening or demeaning. Believes (without basis) that others are exploiting, harming, or deceiving them.
May initially appear objective, rational, & unemotional but may quickly devolve into combativeness, stubbornness, & sarcasm.
paranoid personality disorder
Cognitive Disorders: Significant decline in one or more areas including the following: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_; \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_; \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_; \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_; \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_; \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_;
Social awareness;
Executive function;
Learning memory;
______ is an enduring pattern (long lasting) of thinking, feeling, and behaving that is relatively stable (inflexible) over time, and that deviates markedly from the person’s culture.
They may become involved in the criminal justice system because their way of thinking & perceiving their environment & others may lead them to law-breaking behaviors. They often also exhibit some form of mood, depression, or anxiety concerns, & frequently substance abuse.
Personality Disorders
bipolar disorder has a _____ times higher Suicide risk than the general population, compared with unipolar depression,
bipolar disorder causes more work disability and overall poorer outcome.
Impulsivity is usually the reason for law enforcement interaction, which results from exhibitionism, shop-lifting, substance abuse, or other illegal activities.
Name some tips for talking with someone who has Alzheimers.
- ______;
- ______;
- ______;
- ______;
- ______
- Just keep talking
- Avoid arguments
- Converse one-on-one
- Keep things simple
- Diminish distractions
______ is a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, emotional expression, and poor impulse control. May exhibit frantic efforts to avoid abandonment. A pattern of unstable relationships marked by idealizing and devaluing partners. Self-damaging impulsivity (excessive spending, promiscuous unprotected sex, substance abuse, other recklessness). Recurrent suicidal behavior. Poor anger control. Emotional over-reactivity. More frequently diagnosed in females.
borderline personality disorder
_______ relieve pain, induce euphoria, and create mood changes in the user.
Examples include: opium, codeine, heroin, Demerol, Dilaudid, morphine, Methadone, Suboxone, Subutex, Vicodin, and Oxycontin.
Overdose indications: slow, shallow breathing, clammy skin, seizures, and coma
Narcotic Analgesics
_______ is caused by impact to head, mechanisms of rapid movement or displacement of the brain within skull, can happen with blasts, blunt force trauma and penetrating injuries. Leading cause motor vehicle accidents
traumatic brain injury
Deinstitutionalizing and; lack of community mental health resources resulted in incarceration instead of treatment. Approx. ____ - ____ people in prison nationwide would have been in mental hospitals in the past.
40,000 - 72,000
Depression is a natural reaction to trauma, loss, death, or change. An estimated 16.1 million American adults had at least one major depressive episode.
Women suffer nearly ___ ___ as much as men w/depressive episodes. Avg age of onset is mid-____, but depressive episodes can start much earlier. Most people have experienced some form of depression in their lifetime or had repeated bouts with depression.
2 times as much as men;
mid 20s
_____ - affects opioid brain receptors as morphine. Drug concern in Thailand. May be mixed with caffeine drink or codeine cough syrup called 4x100.
________ is not just feeling sad or “blue.” This is an intense level of depression that persists for at least two weeks.
Major depressive disorder (MDD)
______% of adults with bipolar disorder had symptoms beginning in adolescence. The lifetime prevalence rate is appx _____% of the U.S. population will experience a bipolar episode within their lifetime. More diagnosis in women than men. Average age onset is appx _____.
_______ is any medication capable of affecting the mind, emotions, and behavior.
“psychotropic medication”
Information from this CIT course will provide officers with effective strategies, tactics and; techniques proven to work most effectively when responding to individuals with mental illness, this information can help keep the ______ and ______ safe, and generally reduce civil liability.
46 of 50 states have CIT programs. The only states that do not have this program are: _____, _____, ______ & ______.
Alabama, Arkansas, West Virginia and; Rhode Island.
_______ accelerate the heart rate and elevate the blood pressure and ‘speed-up,’ or over-stimulate, the body.
Examples include:
Adderall, amphetamines, cocaine, ‘crack’ cocaine, ephedrine, khat, methamphetamine (crank, meth), phentermine, Sudafed, and Vyvanse.
Overdose signs:
agitation, increased body temperature, hallucinations, and seizures.
Central Nervous System (CNS) Stimulants
______ is a mental illness involving cycles between extreme activity and emotional highs (mania) and depression.
Bipolar Disorder
_______ is a condition that impacts a person’s thinking, feeling, mood and; may affect his/her ability to relate to others and; function on a daily basis.
“Mental Illness”
Degrees of ID IQ:
Avg: ___ - ___;
Borderline: __-__;
Mild ID: __-__;
Moderate ID: __-__;
Severe ID: __-__;
Profound ID: below ___
Avg: 90 - 109
Borderline: 70-79
Mild ID: 50-69
Moderate ID: 35-50
Severe ID: 20-50
Profound ID: below 20
Basic mental Health Stats:
In 2015 In the US within the past year an estimated _____million adults 18 years of age or older suffer with a mental illness.
______ is “a paroxysmal attack of pain, distress, or disordered function” or “emotionally significant event or radical change of status in a person’s life”
_____ means severe impairments and; limits or more major life activities such as financial, occupational and social.
serious mental illness
What are the external factors that may contribute to a situation escalating into a crisis?
- ____
- ____
- ____
Expectations the person can’t meet,
lacking sufficient support system or
being disconnected from sources of support,
substance abuse.
___________ are situational in nature, may be due to stress, grief, substance abuse. Duration and severity is often based upon a number of factors including coping skills, social support, treatment and substance use.
Episodes of Mental Illness
These are all examples of ______________:
death of loved one, death of pet, getting locked out of the house/car, layoff or termination from work, Financial difficulty, divorce, seperation, or child custody, legal difficulties
potential causes for a mental health crisis
What is the primary goal for Crisis Intervention Training?
The primary goal is to calm a person with mental illness who is in crisis; referring them to mental health services instead of incarcerating them.
Medication is not always necessary, and that decision should be made collaboratively with the affected person and his/her support system. Who may that include?
Physician, therapist, psychologist, social worker, family advocate, and sometimes a psychiatrist.
Those suffering severe mental illness account for at least _____% of all fatalities involving Law Enforcement.
________ is an illness involving a distortion of reality that may be accompanied by delusions and/or hallucinations.
A mental health concern becomes a mental illness when ongoing signs and symptoms cause frequent _____ and affect your ability to _____.
_______ can slow down the operations of the brain and the body.
Examples include:
alcohol, barbiturates, Clonopin, Cymbalta, Dilantin, Elavil, GHB (Gama hydroxybutryrate), Haldol, Lexapro, Paxil, Risperidal, Rohypnol, Seroquil, Serzone, Tegretol, Valium, Xanax and Zyprexa.
Overdose signs:
shallow breathing, cold skin, dilated pupils, rapid weak pulse, or coma.
Central Nervous System (CNS) Depressants
_________ are a cluster of mental, behavioral and physiological symptoms indicating that they continue using the substance despite significant substance related problems.
Substance Use Disorders
______ is a condition that an individual may have had since birth or childhood which has prevented them from full social or vocational independence in adulthood, and which continues throughout their lifespan.
Developmental Disorders
______ wide variety of breathable substances that produce mind-altering results & effects.
Examples include: Toluene, plastic cement, Dust off (canned air), paint, gasoline, paint thinners, hair sprays, and various anesthetic gases (like ‘whip-its’ or nitrous oxide).
Overdose indications: seizures and coma
______ are demonstrated by disturbances in emotional reactions and feelings. One’s emotional experience (mood) is inconsistent with his/her circumstances.
Mood Disorders
______ means deficits in intellectual and adaptive functioning detectible in infants/early childhood, must be diagnosed by the age of 18. Fixed mental conditions that can’t be cured. Deficits in communication, self care, home living, personal safety, academic functioning, occupational abilities.
Intellectual Disability (ID)
The following are common symtoms of _________:
Prolonged feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, excessive guilt. Loss of interest in usual activities, Difficulty concentrating or making decisions, Low energy or fatigue, An inability to enjoy usually pleasurable activities, Appetite change resulting in weight loss or gain, Changes in sleeping habits.
_______ are distortions in sensory input, causing the individual to experience hearing, seeing, feeling, or smelling something that is not there.
_______ is the most commonly used tool to diagnose mental illness based on behaviors and thinking
DSM5 - Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition
What are the concepts of Stigma?
Labeling someone w/a condition;
Stereotyping people w/that condition;
Discrimination against someone on basis of label
Creating division (superior US and denigrated THEM);
True or False:
2/3 of people who experience mental illness can live rewarding, satisfying, and productive lives
These performance tasks that can be utilized to help determine if a Intellectual Disability problem exists: •\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_; •\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_; •\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_; •\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_; •\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_; •\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_;
- Give directions to their home;
- Ask them to read, write a simple statement;
- Tell time;
- Explain how to make change from a dollar
- Define abstract terms (such as emotions or feeling terms);
•Count to 100 by multiples of 5;
True or False:
Insanity is a psychological term used as a defense to avoid criminal consequences for certain acts.
False, Insanity is a legal term used as a defense to avoid criminal consequences for certain acts.
Some of the variables that some people may develop PTSD from trauma exposure include:
- ________;
- ________;
- ________;
- ________;
- ________;
- ________;
- Frequency of exposure
- Intensity duration of trauma
- Level and quality of support received following the event
- Lasting injury or impairment from the trauma
- Control the person felt during the traumatic event
- Intensity of emotional reaction during the event
________ is an affirmative defense to prosecution that, at the time of the conduct charged, the actor (as result of mental disease/defect) did not know that his conduct was wrong.
_________ a developmental disability in which a person suffers from sensory disorders that keep them from effectively filtering and blocking painful sensations. Their sensory disorders can cause extreme pain from loud noises and bright light that can move them toward frustration and acts of aggression. officers in contact with these individuals will notice certain behaviors such as fear of touch, repetitive behavior, insistence on routine, extreme anxiousness in new situations, and a tendency to become confused easily.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
______ - persistent grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy. Exaggerates achievements, talents. Expects to be recognized as superior. Believes s/he is ‘special’ and should be treated accordingly. Exploits others. Often believes oneself to have special powers or to be the chosen leader of the world or universe. Demonstrates arrogant, haughty, or judgmental behaviors/attitudes. More frequently diagnosed in males.
narcissistic personality disorder
___ of ___ people with Alzheimers will wander. If not found within ____ hours ½ of them risk serious injury or death.
6 of 10;
24 hours
______ - is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and; violation of the rights of others, pattern of rule-breaking, failure to conform to social norms (infringing upon the rights of others) and/or consistently engaging in illegal behavior. Deceitfulness, indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, conning others for personal gain. Aggressiveness by repeated physical altercations and;/or a history or propensity to harm animals. More frequently diagnosed in males.
antisocial personality disorder
Only ____% - ____% of violent acts can be attributed to individuals living with a serious mental illness.”
3% - 5%
Findings indicate their were ____ fatal officer-involved shootings in 2015 and ___% of those the subject displayed signs of mental illness.
990 fatal;
The following describe some methods most effective in talking to someone with ______.
- Speak clear and concise, resist urge to speak loud;
- use yes or no questions;
- try using non-verbal or written prompts;
- Be patient;
- Reassure patient of their safety;
- Check for ID bracelet, pendant, key chain, wallet card, clothing number that has safe ID number or emergency contact
_______ may include abnormally high, expansive, joyful, angry, or irritated mood. Inflated self-esteem. Decreased need for sleep. More talkative than usual. Flight of ideas or feeling of thoughts racing. Excessive risk-taking. Lasts at least 4 days.
Manic Phase
Crisis Intervention training:
What is the primary cause for the continous problem with Law Enforcement?
Medication non-compliance because abrupt medication cessation is a primary cause of crisis incidents.
_______ is fixed false beliefs that are maintained despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
The CIT program was created in _______ ___, September ___ after police shot 26 yoa man w/mental illness this death with racial overtones was a catalyst that resulted in the creation of CIT a year later.
Memphis TN; 1987
Basic mental Health Stats:
__ in __ people (9.8 mill or 4%) have severe mental illness
1 in 25
Basic mental Health Stats:
17.9% of all adults, or __ in __ people with mental illness the past year, these stats don’t include substance use disorders.
1 in 5
______ cause the user to perceive things differently than they appear to others.
Examples include: Ayahuasca, DMT, LSD, peyote, psilocybin. MDMA, Molly, or Ecstasy are overlap drugs, and can cause hallucinations, but act more like stimulants in the body.
Overdose: There is no known threshold for overdose.
However, for MDMA the symptoms are the same as stimulant overdose.
(agitation, increased body temperature, hallucinations, and seizures)
_______, is indicated by long durations of impairment.
Persistent mental illness
Who can use DSM5 to evaluate and diagnose mental illness based on behaviors and thinking?
psychiatrist, psychologist, licensed professional counselor, licensed social worker, or other qualified professionals.
What are the goals for Crisis Intervention Training?
lessening injuries to officers,
alleviating harm to the person in crisis,
promoting decriminalization of people w/mental illness,
reducing stigma,
using a team approach when responding to crisis.
________ can include psychosis or a schizophrenia spectrum diagnosis.
Psychosis can be present w/other diagnoses: substance intoxication, bipolar disorder, and even major depressive disorder.
Physical circumstances can also induce a psychotic state. Potential conditions include: organic brain disorders (brain injury or infections to the brain) and drug or alcohol withdrawal.
Thought Disorders
“Risk of being killed when approached or stopped by Law Enforcement in the community is ____ times higher in individuals with untreated serious mental illness than other civilians.
16 times higher
_______ can develop after a person is exposed to a traumatic event, including actual or threatened death, injury, or sexual violence. A person may have experienced the traumatic event(s) directly, or may have witnessed the even occur to someone else.
Does a mental disease or defect include abnormality manifested only by repeated criminal or otherwise antisocial conduct?
No, mental disease or defect does not include abnormality manifested only by repeated criminal or otherwise antisocial conduct.
_______ include Alzheimers, dementia, and TBI. A Significant decline in one or more areas.
Cognitive Disorders
The single most common factor in suicidal behavior or death by suicide is that the individual is experiencing _________.
_________ can be drug induced, medication induced, medical condition, develops over a short time period, attention deficits, memory deficit, disorientation, creates speech comprehension issues, or follows instructions.
TBI accounts for the folowing percentages per category:
Mild _____%, Moderate ___% Severe ____%
Mild 75%, Moderate 22% Severe 3%
psychotropic medication can be an essential part of an effective treatment plan often used to treat some of the following conditions and symptoms: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_; \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_; \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_; \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_; \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_; \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_;
Psychosis Anxiety Depression ADHD Impulse control Mood swings (aka: lability)
“CIT has been shown to _______ impact officer perceptions, _______ the need for higher levels of police intervention, _______ officer injuries, and re-direct those in crisis from the criminal justice system to the health care system”
Increase public trust and confidence in law enforcement among people suffering from mental illness, their families, and the community at large.
_______ is Delta - tetrahydrocannabinol/THC. Synthetics: K2, yucatan fire, JWH, RCH, UR-114, XLR-11. CBD oil 0.5% or less.
No level of overdose.
Two common forms of depression are:
Major Depression Disorder, and Dysthymia.
What are some questioning methods for individuals with Intellectual Disability?
- ________;
- ________;
- ________;
- ________;
- ________;
Questioning methods:
- Be patient for a reply;
- Repeat question as needed;
- Ask short, simple questions using simple language;
- Speak slowly;
- Ask open-ended NOT “yes/no” questions
______ - some mix of solvents and chemicals.
includes: Alpha PVP, ethylone, MDPV, methoxetamine, methylone, pentylone.
Behavior hard to predict also overdose, may cause idiopathic excited delirium.
bath salts
TX SB 1849 legislation established an easier process by which people with mental illness and/or Intellectual Disabilities can receive a personal bond as well as…required law enforcement to learn de-escalation techniques to reduce ________.
“Each law enforcement agency shall make a good faith effort to divert persons suffering from mental health crisis or substance abuse to proper treatment”
To reduce use of force
Why do many people not seek treatment for mental illness?
⅔ because of the stigma;
financial struggle;
discouraged/unable to persist finding best treatment options;
feel that medications squash creativity;
can be lethal if one mixes medications;
they start to feel better and believe that they no longer need them
What are some of the reasons people stop taking their meds?
- Lack of insurance,
- expenses of medications;
- unpleasant side effect - can be lethal
- squash creativity
- Lack of access to consistent mental health treatment;
- Experience of taking medications daily for life.
- start to feel better and believe they need it
______ is a name for a group of symptoms caused by disorder that affects the brain. Degeneration of mental functioning involving Thinking, memory and reasoning.
Examples of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ include: depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, eating disorders and addictive behaviors.
mental illness
______ of national suicides are completed by veterans.
Traumatic exposures can include: •\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ •\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ •\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ •\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
- Physical injuries
- Witnessing/experiencing/participating in combat
- Military sexual trauma
- Moral injuries (Acts going against belief system)
Military Sexual Trauma (MST) is unique that it is ____________.
perpetrated by a trusted brother or sister-in-arms
____% of women reported sexual assault in the miltary and over _____ of all veterans w/MST are men.
over half
The impact of moral injury can be emotional and behavioral.
Emotional impact may include:
shame, ___, ___, ____, ____, or anxiety about possible consequences.
- guilt,
- grief,
- regret,
- anger.
The impact of moral injury can be emotional and behavioral.
Behavioral impact may include:
- Alienation and withdrawal,
- self-harm (including suicidal ideation or attempts),
- substance abuse.
Survivors guilt can exacerbate feelings of _____, _____, or _____.
- depression,
- anxiety, or
- other PTSD-related symptoms.
the following are symptoms of PTSD in a veteran.
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- Instrusion
- Avoidance
- Negative thoughts or mood
- Hyperarousal / Hypervigilance
Suicide was the ___ leading cause of death in Texas.
Suicide is the ____ leading cause of death in the U.S.
White males accounted for ___ out of ___ suicides in 2015.
7 out of 10
There were ____ suicides per day, at a rate higher that the rate of homicide; this averages to one person every ____ committing suicide.
on a daily basis, ___ - ____ veterans commit suicied per day.
the 4 methods of Suicide risk assesment:
- ______;
- ______;
- ______;
- ______
- Plan;
- Method;
- Means;
- Intent;
A trauma affected veteran of recent conflicts may have encountered a number of variables that can serve as triggers, including:
women and children being used as suicide bombers
roadside debris being and IED
Can distinguish civilians from adversaries
What are some resources an individual can contact.
Suicide hotline numbers, resource appendix, existing social supports (religous
What are the 3 points to roughly determine a subject’s mental health status:
Three-Point Assessment:
- Level of comprehension
- Behavior
- Emotion
5 Universal Truths:
1. All people want to be treated with dignity and respect. 2. All people want to be told why they are being asked to do something. 3. All people want to be asked rather than told to do something. 4. All people want to be given options rather than threats 5. All people want a second chance.
What are tactis for gaining trust and building rapport?
•Honesty and sincerity are essential for rapport and trust.
−Individuals suffering from mental health issues can be very attuned to nuances of communication (dismissiveness, ulterior motives, condescension, non-verbal cues, labeling).
−Use the person’s name (the name that they prefer to be called).
−Be patient and try to match their conversational speed.
−Maintain a calm tone of voice.
−Do not minimize or discount the subject’s point of view.
What is the 80/20 rule
listen for 80% of the time and talk for 20%, this will enable the you to gather more information and make an ongoing situational assessment.
L-E-A-P-S method commonly used in counseling: This can be a polite and effect way of disengaging from the conversation with dignity and respect. L - \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ E - \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ A - \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ P - \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ S - \_\_\_\_\_\_\_
L - Listen Actively E - Empathize A - Ask questions P - Paraphrase S - Summarize
True or False
“You” statements are often interpreted as accusatory, creates defensiveness in the listener.
“I” statements, in contrast, do not imply blame, gives the speaker responsibility, helps to build rapport, and eases communication.
True or False
Do NOT Ignore demeaning language, Do NOT Focus on deflecting and redirecting the individual.
Ignore demeaning language, do not give weight to that type of statement. Focus on deflecting and redirecting the individual.
_______ This is a term that has been used to describe the policy of relocating people experiencing severe mental illness out of residential mental health facilities and the subsequent closure of many of those facilities. This process did not provide a substitute so that individuals with mental health concerns could receive needed medication, stabilization, or therapy to assist them in living successfully in the community
As of 2014, at minimum, ___% of the American homeless—140,000 individuals—were seriously mentally ill at any given point in time. ___% of the homeless—250,000 individuals—had any mental illness. people with severe mental illnesses are over ___ times more likely to be victims of violent crime than the general population.
Where does an officer receive authority to intervence during a mental health crisis?
Texas Health and Safety Code, Title 7 – Mental health and intellectual disability
Subtitle C – Texas Mental Health Code
Chapter 573 – Emergency Detention
Subchapter A – Apprehension by a peace officer or transportation for emergency detention by a guardian
_____ - Diverting someone from the criminal justice system (no arrest or charges made), and guiding them toward a different form of intervention:
Pre-arrest Diversion
The following are goals of ___________.
- Decriminalization of persons with mental illness.
- Increased public safety
- Reduction of inappropriate incarceration of persons with mental illness
- Reduce violence and victimization.
- Costs incurred by taxpayers when a person with mental illness is arrested, incarcerated, and/or hospitalized are decreased
- Lower recidivism rates among people with mental illness.
Jail Diversion Goals
Examples of Personality disorders: _______, ______, ______, _______
paranoid personality disorder,
antisocial personality disorder,
borderline personality disorder, and
narcissistic personality disorder.
These are Examples of: _________
Adderall, amphetamines, cocaine, ‘crack’ cocaine, ephedrine, khat, methamphetamine (crank, meth), phentermine, Sudafed, and Vyvanse.
Central Nervous System (CNS) Stimulants
These are Examples of: _________
alcohol, barbiturates, Clonopin, Cymbalta, Dilantin, Elavil, GHB (Gama hydroxybutryrate), Haldol, Lexapro, Paxil, Risperidal, Rohypnol, Seroquil, Serzone, Tegretol, Valium, Xanax and Zyprexa.
Central Nervous System (CNS) Depressants
These are Examples of: _________
Ayahuasca, DMT, LSD, peyote, psilocybin. MDMA, Molly, or Ecstasy are overlap drugs, but act more like stimulants in the body.
True or False
Dementia patients always have memory loss
Although memory loss is a common sign of dementia, memory loss alone does not mean someone has dementia. Dementia is not a normal part of the aging process, but up to half of all people over the age of 85 are affected by some form of dementia
A person in _______ may be more prone to acting instinctually rather than with logical thought; non compliance may be the result of a combination of these factors rather than an intentional act of defiance.