Multiculturisim Flashcards
________ refers to shared culture and background. Members of an ethnic group usually have common ancestry and generally share language, religion, and other cultural patterns.
_____ is the act of regarding one’s culture as the “center of the universe,” and hence as the basis for all comparisons with other cultures.
______ is an adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge of or examination of the facts; i.e., bias.
_____ a way of thinking and acting based on tradition; i.e., learned behavior passed down from one generation to another.
____ generally refers to groups of people with common ancestry and physical characteristics.
Since no “pure” races exist, some prefer to avoid reference to race and instead discuss group differences under the heading of ethnicity. However, the existence of this concept is in dispute.
____ is a cognitive position based on a person’s knowledge, feelings, and experiences about someone or something influencing him/her to behave in a certain way about that person or thing.
Attitudes change because of life experiences. Attitudes and life experience may exist in a correlative relationship. Hence, a particular life experience may lead to a change in a particular attitude.
_____ acting on the basis of prejudice
True or False
Prejudice is a universal ill. All of us have some kind of prejudice.
_____ (fear and insecurity) leads to justification for various types of discrimination that are considered to be of advantage to the dominant group.
Societal Strain
_____ provides an outlet for projecting one’s tensions and frustrations onto other people.
_____ - symbolizes one’s affiliation with a more dominant group.
Authoritarian personality
___ provides a convenient group or person to blame when things go wrong in one’s personal life or in the community.
____ - affords a convenient grouping for people of whom one is not knowledgeable. Lumping or grouping such people together under a popular stereotyped description saves time and provides a convenient grouping.
Stereotype and Categorical Treatment
____ - provides a source of egotistic satisfaction, through comparing others with oneself.
The following are examples of the ________:
Ethnocentrism Stereotype and Categorical Treatment Scapegoat Projection Authoritarian personality Societal Strain
Functions of Prejudice:
Four Basic Feelings or Attitudes Harbored By Most Prejudiced Persons:
- ______
- _____
- _____
- _____
- Feeling of superiority
- Fear
- Others are strange and different
- Proprietary claims
The following are examples of ________.
Racial Ethnic Gender National origin Political affiliation Authority figures Sexual orientation Differently abled Religious Age Economic/occupational Weight Physically challenged Individual personal preferences
Forms and targets of prejudice
True or False
The right to be free implies the right to be different
________ by any group limits the other groups’ effectiveness in business, education, political office, etc.
__________ tends to reinforce prejudice concerning the group’s alleged inferiority
The role of the peace officer includes enforcing laws in an ______ manner and supporting the concept that all persons, including criminal justice personnel, are equally subject to the law and will be treated equally by it.
Adverse consequences of insensitivity include:
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- ______
- Hurt feelings
- Anger
- Behavior
- Ineffective performances
- Loss of personal and professional respect
Positive consequences of sensitivity include:
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- Respect of community
- Respect from fellow professionals
- Support for democratic principles
- Self respect