Task 7 Flashcards
What is the defintion of anorexia nervosa ?
- Straving themself
- convinced that they have to lose weight
- exercise a lot
- low self esteem linked only to body
- ALSO 50 have binge eating
What are the DSM 5 criterias for anorexia ?
- Less energy intake then required -> low body weight BMI
- Intense fear of gaining weight
- persistent behaviour that interferse with weight gain
- body weight = self evaluation
- lack of true recognition
What is the definition of the restrictesd type of anorexia ?
- during the last 3 months no engaging of binge eating/ purging behaviour.
- only exercies and dieting
What is the definition of the binge eating/puring type of anorexia ?
- during the last 3 months the individual has engaged in bing eating and puring
What are the prevalances of aneroxia nervos ?
- 1/2%
- 90% woman
- lower rates in cultures thta put less values on thiness
- highest suicide rate
- chronic
What is the onset time for aneroxia nervosa ?
- adolesence and young adults
What are the comorbidity disorder of aneroxia disorder ?
- depression and OCD
What does aneroxia nervosa do to your body ?
- cardiovascular problems
- expansion of stomach, lesser bone strength
- kidney damage
What is the definition of Bulima nervosa ?
- uncontrolled eating followed by behaviour which prevent weight gain
- lack of control
- BMI is rather noraml
What are methods to prevent weight gain ?
- purging
- laxatives
- exercise
What are the DSM 5 criterias for Bulimia nervosa ?
- binge eating abnormal amount with no control over
- compensatory behaviour after binge eating
- self evaluation based on body shape
What are the two subtypes of Bulimia nervosa ?
- The puring type
2. non puring type
What are the prevalance of bulimia nervosa ?
- 0.5 to 3%
- chronic
- more comman in femal
- western societies more comman
- high suicide
What is the onset time of bulimia nervosa ?
- adolesence
What is the defintion of binge eating disorder ?
- Similar to bulimia but not regular engagement in purring fasting or exercising
- They eat continuously, without planned meal times
- often have family history with obesity
What are the comorbidity disorder regarding binge eating disorder ?
- depression, anxiety , alcohol abuse and persoanlity disorder
What are the DSM 5 criterias for binge eating disorder ?
- binge eating with abnormal large amount while having no control over it
- 3 or more symptoms
- at least once a weak for the last 3 months
- Not associated with recurrent use of compensatory behaviour
What are the 5 symptoms of binge eating disorder ?
- Eating more rapidly than normal
- Eating until feeling uncomfortably full
- Eating large amounts of food when not feeling physically hungry
- Eating alone bc embarrassed by how much one eats
- Feeling disgusted with oneself,
What are the prevalance of binge eating disorder ?
2- 5%
- more comman in woman
- chronic no cultural differnces
What are the comorbidty disorder ?
- depression anxiety and alcohol
Give a short summary of aneroxia nervosa (restricting type) ?
- underweight
- body image is severely disturbed
- no binging
- no purging
- no lack of control
GIve a short summary of aneroxia nervosa (binging/puring type) ?
- underweight
- Body image severely disturbed
- yes binging
- yes puring
- lack of control during binges
GIve a short summary of bulimia nervosa ?
- normal / overweight
- overconcerned with weight
- yes binging
- yes puring
- generall lack of control during
GIve a short summary of Binge-Eating Disorder ?
- oftern overweight
- distressed with overweiht
- yes binging
- no purging
- general lack of control
Define other specified eating disorder:
- also called atypical
- Belong to one o the for eating disorder but do not full fill all symptoms
Define unspecified eating disorder:
- choose not to specify the diagnosis (not a specific disorder can be named)
- because symptoms are not clear enough
Name some facts regarding other specified eating disorder:
- same several psychological problems -> lower self esteem
- 5%
What is meant by atypical anorexia nervosa ?
- form of other specified eating disorder
- basically aneroxia without weight loss
What is meant by night eating syndrome ?
- form of other specified eating disorder
- regularly eating excessive amounts of food after dinner & into the night
How does the biological perspective explain eating disorder ?
- AN a bit more then BN but aroun 50% herritable
- fuckd up hypothalamus
- Starvation shrinks the brain
1. Anorexia -> abnormalities in hypothalamus and serotonin & dopamine
- Bulimia -> abnormalities in serotonin, leading to crave carbohydrates
What is the function of the hypothalamus ?
- trouble detecting hunger/ stopping when full
What are socialcultural theories to explain eating disorder ?
- “standard of beauty”
- more present in female
- Also athlets are at a higher risk
How does cognitive psychology explain eating disorder ?
- Low self-esteem & perfectionism + dissatisfaction
- very concerned about opinion from others
- Dichotomous thinking
- attention bias
- Disordered behaviours as strategies to deal with painful emotions
What is meant by attention bias ?
- unconsciously organise perceptions of the world around body size -> mostly one specific body part
What is meant by dichotomous thinking?
- things are either all good or all bad
How does the family dynamic influence eating disorder ?
- AN caused by : overinvested & overcontrolling parents
- Separation and individuation from one’s family -> leads to lose of control
- regain of contorl via eating disorder
What is meant by the family dysfunctional theory ?
- dysfunctional family structure actively promotes the development of eating disorders
Explain the restraint theory of nisbett:
- People have genetic/ preconditioned set-point -> obese people have a higher set point (so they fight against normal biological process)
What is meant by the three factor model of lowe ?
- Three factors contribute to dieting construct
1. Frequency of PAST dieting & overeating
2. current eating
3. weight supression
How does psychtherapy treat aneroxia ?
- difficult to treat (forced)
- need to win trust
- Long process with many setbacks
- Usually CBT (confronting and rearding weight gian
- Family therapy (family coached to control child)
How does psychotherapy treat Bulimia ?
- focus on changing the extreme concerns about shape/weight are the main issue
- CBT (confront to forbidden food and shows patient a new attitude regarding weight)
- Expanded CBT
How does expand CBT treat people with bulimia ?
- increasing motivation to change and then help to regain weight while at the same time addressing psychological issues
How does psychotherapy treat Binge eating disorder ?
- Interpersonal therapy
- Behaviour therapy
- Dialectic behavioural therapy
What is meant by interpersonal therapy ?
- discussing interpersonal problems related to the client’s eating disorder
What is meant by behvaiour therapy ?
- teaching the patient how to monitor her food intake, is reinforced for introducing avoided foods into her diet, and is taught coping techniques for avoiding bingeing
What is meant by dialectic behavioural therapy ?
- focus on emotional regulation
What is meant by inhibtory learning ?
- exposure therapy will promote better treatment outcomes If we first identify the fear core in the disorder
- if we would treat every patient identically it would not help or even make the symptoms worse
How does the transdiagnosic model expalins eating disorder ?
- A network of interrelated meachnism accounf for all eating disorder
- We have 4 mechanism
- That means that the patient specific disorder is not relevant
- u can treat them all in the same way
Name all four mechanism of the transdiagnostic model ?
- Clinical perfectionism
- Core low self esteem
- Mood intolerance
- Interpersonal difficulties (other people try to control patient)
How does the transdaignostic theory treat patients with eating disorder ?
- In four satges over 5 months
1. Education
2. review of progress
3. modify psychopathology
4. Ensuring the progress
What are some biological treatment options ?
- SSRIs, antidepressant and fluoxetine (BN)
How can more treatment be identified for any kind of eating disorder and why is it not done like that ?
- Experimental Psychopathology (EPP)
- because it has major ethical issues
What is Experimental Psychopathology (EPP) about ?
- Manipulation of maintaining factors are carried out in experimental studies in healthy, non-afflicted individual
Is a restriction of calories good for ur overall life ?
- we live longer when we eat less calories
- because of decrease of body fat and less muscle loss
- increased glucose regulation
How do we determine the lvl aneroxia ? And name all 4 stages ?
- via the BMI
- Mild 17-18
- Moderate 16 - 17
- Severe 15 - 16
- Extreme lower then 15
What are feeding this oders ? (name 3 examples)
- Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder -y only eat exceptions
- Rumination disorder _ chewing on something fo a long time
- Pica -> eating thinks which are not eatable
What are the four lvl of bulima nervosa and how is it indicated ?
- how many times compensatory behaviour occurs
- Mild 1-3
- Moderate 4-7
- Severe 8-13
- Extreme14 and above
- > per week
What are the four lvl of binge eating nervosa and how is it indicated ?
- Indicated by how many times they binge eat
- Mild 1-3 a week
- Moderate 4-7
- Severe 8-13
- Extreme: 14 and above
What does the maintenance model suugest ? (ASK ELENA)
- That everythink is linked to - Overvaluation and control of body shape and weight = which is connected to self worth
Explain the milshake experiment:
- 3 condition: none, one and two milshake
- 2 Groups: Restricted(diet) or not restricted
- > after that u could eat as much ice cream as u would like to
What were the outcomes of the milshake experiment ?
- restricted people follow a binge eating pattern after breaking the diet
- So they thought diet is the cause of binge eating -> after that study - but findings were correlational
How can the milshake experiment be adjusted ?
- manipulate the restraint varaibale !!!
What did other experimental studies figure out ?
- That the cause of overeating is dieting !
- Dieting is not the cause of binge eating
What can be concluded while taking the milshake and experimental studies into account ?
- Nothing can be the true cause of binge eating, till now !