Task 5 Flashcards
What ist the 5 factor theory ?
- States that every personality is based on 5 traits
- Big 5
- stongly influenced by genes
What two models, does the DSM 5 exist off ?
- categorical model
- Dimensional/alternative model
Explain the categorical model:
- defines 10 different disorders
- clear cut boarders
- still currently used
Explain the dimensional/alternative model:
- uses a continuum
- States that we all are present on the same continuum just thta people with a disorder are more on the right side
What are the cons, on the categorical model ?
- not consistently validated
- can not explain co occuring personaliy disorder of different clusters
- did not match factor analysis
- most classified clusters are borderline and NOS (trash bin)
What does cluster A contain ?
- Schizoid, Schizotypal and paranoid
- Discription;
1. All connected to schizophrenia
2. Speak in a weird way and are a bit suspicious
What does cluster B contain ?
- Antisocial, Borderline, Histronic, Narcistic
- Discription:
1. All connected to imulsive dramatic and emotional behaviour
2. suicide
What does Cluster C contain ?
- Avoidant , Dependent, obsessive compulsive
- Discription:
1. little self confident, anxious and fearful
Give a definition of schizoid:
- Detachment no relationship, less emotions
Give a definition of schizotypal:
- detachment, odd thinking, paranomall
Give a definition of paranoid:
- being constantly victimized by someone because of suspcious
Give a definition of antisocial:
- impulsive and aggressive
Give a definition of borderline:
- often harm themselves strong mood changes
Give a definition of histronic:
- over expression of emotion and attention seeking
Give a definition of narcistic:
- strong sense of self importance
- grandiosity
Give a definition of avoident:
- shy but want contact
Give a definition of dependent:
- need to be taken care of
Give a definition of obsessive compulsive :
- order and perfectionist
Descripe narcisstic people a bit more in depth:
- Dramatic acting and seeking attention, no depth emotion and relationships
- Like the US cause that is a place where self confidence is needed
- only relay on self evaluation
What are the DSM 5 criterias for narcisstic people ?
- present more then 6 months
1. grandiose sense of self-importance
2. preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
3. Believes that he or she is “special” and unique (only connects to high social people)
4. Requires excessive admiration
5. Has a sense of entitlement (especially favorable treatment )
6. Is interpersonally exploitative (ausbeuterisch)
7. Lacks empathy
8. often jealous
9. Arrogant - > 5 must be present
What factor does the DSM 5 criteria leave out ?
- vulnerable criterias
What are the prevalance of narcistic disorder ?
- 1%
- More prevalent in younger adults
- inherrited 40%
- looses job
- suicidal behaviour
What are the comorbidity disorders of narcistic disorder?
- Substance abuse and mood and anxiety disorder / also physical and sexual aggression
How does the psychodynamic oriented theories explain narcissim ?
- narcistic behavior is a maladaptive strategy(sclechte) for managing emotions and self views
- So they did not learn how to handle stress
- Did not learn to see a positive view of them
How does the cognitive theorie explain narcissim ?
- Narcistic behavior develops because of overvaluation by others during childhood
- Narcistic behaviour as defense mechanism against rejection
What is also one of the main causes of narcisstic behaviour ?
- cause by childhood abused
How does the multifactory theory explain narcisstic behaviour ?
- Inheritance (40%)
- Temperament
- Psychological trauma
- Age-inappropriate role assignments
What are the treatments method of narcissim ?
- Cognitive techniques
- Exploratory collaborative approach
What are some side facts regarding narcisstic behaviour and treatment ?
- They usually do not want tretament besides when they have depression
- unstable working reliance -> difficulty to treat
- Till now, no real psychotherapy or medication
How does the cognitive techniques treat narcisstic people ?
- Show them a realistic expectations of abilities
- Show them the needs of others
- Try to change self serving bias
Who came up with with the idea that narcisstic people have both grandiosity and vulnerablility ?
- Pincus & Lukowitzky
How does the exploratory collaborative approach narcisstic people ?
- focus on clarifying the patient’s unique & subjective personality functioning
- goal is to build an alliance (bündnis) & relational foundation
How do vulnarable narcisstic people cope with difficulties ?
- high self esteem = cause by intense shame
Explain the alternative model a little bit more in depth ?
- Focus on 2 main features:
1. Impaired personality functioning
2. presence of pathological personality traits.
What are the 5 broad domains of pathological personality traits ?
- Negative affectivity
- Detachment
- Antagonism
- Disinhibiton vs compulsitvity
- Psychoticism
What is meant by negative affectivity?
intense and frequent experience of negative emotions
- other extrem !
What is meant by detachment ?
being shy regarding social interactions and from other people
- other extrem !
What is meant by anatgonism ?
acting in a way that u create difficulties for other people
- other extrem !
What is meant by disinhibtion vs compulsitivity ?
can be responsible or impulsive and risk taking
What is meant by psychoticism ?
unusual, bizarre thought
- other extrem !
How does the alternative model identify disorders (name 3 steps).
- Identify how does the individual function insense of self and other relationship
- determine if any of the 5 pathological personality trait is present
- See if people meet the criteria’s of any of the 6 disorders
- > remember culture must be known
What are the 6 disorder of the personality regarding the alternative model ?
- Antisocial, avoidant, borderline, narcissistic, obsessive compulsive and schizotypal
How does the alternative model identify impairment based on lvls ?
- functioning to not functioning at all (0 -4)
- must be higher then lvl 2
What is meant by hybrid model ?
- Combines continum model with categorical model
How do narcistic people search for a patner ?
- seek status and power and self-esteem rather than intimacy or caring. (Also want sex)
- Rating themself better then there partner
Why are narcisstic people so attractive ?
- Via self-confidence, extraversion, charm, and manipulation skills
What is coonected to high self esteem and low self esteem ?
- high self esteem are less likely to experience mania (lovesickness)
- High self-esteem individuals experience love more passionately (eros)
- Low self esteem are attracted by narcistic people
What kind of love style do narcisstic people follow ?
- Game playing love style (Also called ludus)
- need for power and autonomy
- Definition of it greater (more) relationship alternatives and lesser commitment (not influence by gender) and less intimacy
What is meant with slef esteem ?
- Feeling good about urself
What is meant by the principle of least interest ?
- the person with lower interest in a relationship has more power
Are narcissti people more angry then others after a rejection ?
- narcissism is a moderator of aggression
- narcissists were more angry and aggressive after experiencing a social rejection
- narcissists were also more aggressive toward an innocent third party
is self esteem correlated to aggression ?
- no it is not ?
To what is violance connected to ?
- gaining respect
What is meant with Narcistic injury ?
- major events which destroy them
- Example: divorcing
What is meant by narcistic mirroring ?
- They need to be seen by there surrounding in the same way as they seem themselves
What is the connection between emotion and narcisstic people ?
- Less accurate in recognising emotional expressions in others
Explain on a neurological basis the cause of narcissim ?
-> Deficits in prefrontal grey matter volume, region is related to empathetic functioning
Ask elena to go over the diagramm with u ?
- > also ask elena regarding study one !
- narcissism was positively correlated with feelings of anger and negatively correlated with more internalized negative emotions in a self-reported