DSM 5 Flashcards
What are the DSM 5 criterias for ADHD ?
- 6 Symptoms
- prior 12 years old
- 6 Months
- in 2 settings
What are the DSM 5 criterias for PTSD ?
- Exposure to death injury or sexual abuse (4 forms)
- Flaschbacks
- Began or worsend of negative thoughts or feelings
- Began of strong arousal
- At least a month present
- Avoidance of either:
1. Feelings or emotions
2. External cues
What are the DSM 5 criterias for Anxiety disorder ?
- in 2 settings
- Fear is based on negative evaluation
- Fear is out of propotion
- more than 6 months
- allways present
What are the DSM 5 criterias for Panic ?
- Within a minute
- 4 symptoms regarding fear, bodily reaction or deepersonalization
- 1 month presence of either
- > conern
- > change in behaviour
What are the DSM 5 criterias for Generalized anxiety ?
- 6 months
- Difficulzies to control worries
- 3 Of the following symptoms (One of them more then 6 months):
- > Restlesness, fatigue, lack of sleep, no concentration, irretability
What are the DSM 5 criterias for OCD ?
- Obsession and/ or compulsion must be present
- more than an hour a day
What are the DSM 5 criterias for Hoarding behaviour?
- Can not give an posesion away even if it has no value
- Due to saving and reduced stress
- hoarding is present on active living areas ( no use )
What are the DSM 5 criterias for Narcisissm ?
- Impairemnt in social functioning in two or more
- > Empathy, superficial relation, unrealistic goal setting, no real identity
- Grandiosity and attention seeking must be present
- 2 or more situtation
- stable since onset (6 months and 5 symptoms)
What are the DSM 5 criterias for Major depressive ?
- 5 Symptoms (one of the must be lose of intrest, lose of pleasure and deepresed mood)
- 2 weeks
- Never mania or hypomaniac
What are the DSM 5 criterias for mania dissorder ?
- irretable mood or/and goal directed bahviour
- 1 week
- 3 Symptoms (4 if on only irretable is present)
What are the DSM 5 criterias for ANOREXIA NERVOSA ?
- Restriction of energy intake relative to requirements, leading to significantly low body weight
- Intense fear of gaining weight or intense behaviour that interfers with gaining weight
- self-evaluation only based on body
What are the DSM 5 criterias for BULIMIA NERVOSA ?
- Recurrent episodes of binge eating, characterised by both
- > eating amount of food that is def larger than most people
- > no control over eating
- Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviours
- occurs 1 a week for 3 months
- Self-evaluation only based on body
What are the DSM 5 criterias for BINGE-EATING DISORDER ?
- Recurrent episodes of binge eating, characterised by both
- > eating amount of food that is def larger than most people
- > no control over eating
- no Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviours
- occurs 1 a week for 3 months
- durring eating 3 symptoms
What are the DSM 5 criterias for substance abuse ?
- Impaired centre control (symptoms which show addiction)
- Drug must lead to social Impairment
- Drug must lead to Risky behaviour
- Drug must show Pahrmological criterias (biological impact)
What are the DSM 5 criterias for temper dyregulation behaviour ?
Definition: Young kids show bipolar disorder
- Temper outburst 3 times a week
- for atleast 1 year
- 2 settings
DSM 5 for hypomenia:
- 4 followed up days with mania symptoms
- but not sever enough to interfere with function