Target Innervation and Synapse Formation Flashcards
What are the steps of how an axon finds it target cell (target selection)?
- Defasciculation (axons unbundle)
- Enter, branch
- Find topographic location
- Find layer
- Connect with target cells
What molecules are involved with target selection
Step 1. NCAM
Step 2. BDNF, Semaphorin 3A
Step 3 & 4. Ephrins
Step 5. Cell adhesion molecules
What are the 3 steps in synapse formation?
- Target selection by the growth cone
- Generation of the postsynaptic apparatus in the target cell
- Differentiation of the growth cone into a presynaptic nerve terminal
What does synapse formation depend on?
It depends on bidirectional reciprocal communcation between the presynaptic neuron and the postsynaptic target cell
What model allowed us to learn so much about synapse formation? Why that model?
We learned through research on NMJ because of its simplicity, size, and accessibility
How many stages are there in the development of NMJ?
5 stages of development
What happens during 1st stage of development of NMJ?
Growth cone approaches muscle fiber
What happens during 2nd stage of development of NMJ?
Growth cone adapts to surface of muscle fiber
What happens during 3rd stage of development of NMJ?
A) muscle fiber area undergoes indentation.
B) vesicles cluster in active zones
C) basal lamina is formed
D) acetylcholine receptors on muscle fiber start to cluster
What happens during 4th stage of development of NMJ?
A) 2nd innervation by a second axon
B) Schwann cell ensheathment
C) nuclei in synaptic area show increased AChR expression levels
What happens during 5th stage of development of NMJ?
A) elimination of 2nd innervation
B) formation of junctional folds
B) complete ensheathment by basal lamina
What are the 3 mechanisms of increasing AChR density at synapse?
- AChR clustering
2a. activation of AChR expression close to terminal
2b. repression of AChR expression outside of the terminal area - AChR stabilization
What are the mechanisms of decreasing AChR density at synapse?
electrical activity
What triggers AChR clustering?
Neural agrin from basal lamina. It actives to tyrosine kinase MuSk which recruits rapsyn (R)
What triggers AChR expression?
Neuregulin binds erb receptor tyrosine kinase
What represses AChR expression in non-synaptic areas?
Neural activity; depolarization opens voltage-dependent Ca channels. Ca signaling regulates AChR expression
In embryonic cells, muscle fibers are innervated by multiple axons. After birth, the fibers are only innervated by one, what happened?
In embryonic stage, several axons from different neurons converge on a myotube. But after birth, all but one synapse per fiber are eliminated. So one axon can attach to multiple muscle fibers, but muscle fiber only has one axon.
What regulates removal of polyneural innervation?
electrical activity and growth factors
What is the difference between CNS synapse formation and NMJ formation?
CNS synapse formation is less understood
How is CNS synapse formation similar to NMJ
1) different steps
2) bidirectional exchange of signals
3) synaptic elimination
What cell adhesion molecules are needed for CNS synapse formation?
NCAM, SynCAM, and L1
What presynaptic neuronal adhesion molecules are involved in CNS synapse formation? What are mutations linked to?
neurexin (presynaptically) and neuroligin (postsynaptically);
mutations are linked to autism disorder