Target Anylysis (imported from AT Course) Flashcards
What are the factors affecting V of D?
- density of the charge
- charge diameter
- degree of confinement
- strength of detonator
Define burn to detonation?
Occurs when there is an abrupt acceleration of the
flame front until it becomes a shock wave.
What is the definition of rarefaction?
A negative pressure phase (in either air or water)
Rarefraction is the area of low relative pressure following a shock wave.
What are the 3 levels of damage?
Disablement, destroyed, neutralized
What factors affect personnel vunerabilities?
Attitude (target area presented)
Protection ( buildings, PPE, equipment)
What is the formular used lethality probability Rule?
Pk = Ph x Pr x PL
What are the types of attack on aircraft?
Overpressure (Blast)
Kinetic energy (bullets or fragmenting warheads)
Special kinetic energy (continuous rod)
Shaped charges (EFPs)
What are the types of aircraft kills?
KK-Kill The target suffers immediate and catastrophic disintegration.
K-Kill The target is destroyed in less than 10 secs.
A-Kill The target is destroyed in less than 5 mins.
B-Kill The target is defeated in less than 5 hours.
C-Kill The target’s mission is not achieved (mission abort).
E-Kill The target may complete its mission but needs repair before it
can fly again.
What are the affects of altitude on a blast warehead?
Miss Distance
Altitude increases/warhead increases
What are the warhead types used on aircraft?
Cluster disc warhead are types of warheads on aircraft, name more?
- Blast
- fragmentation
- fragmentation plus blast
- special kinetic energy
- shaped charges
- sub-projectiles
- cluster munitions
What are the types of Armour used?
- RHA- rolled homogeneous armour
- Spaced HA
- ply
- Face hardened
- reactive
- composite
- slat (bar
What is shattering?
IRT shot failure (Barreling, Shattering, Lateral bending) explain Shattering.
Raising the hardness of a steel shot, whilst increasing its compressive strength, makes the shot brittle
On a APC what is a F kill?
F kill is a firepower kill, destroying the tanks ability to use its gun.
The weapon system is destroyed
What are the 4 factors behind armour effects?
- Luminosity
- Heat and fire
- Spalling
- Overpressure
What is the problems with combined kinetic and chemical rounds
The intense shocks to which any initiating mechanism is subjected on initial impact and during penetration.
Two types of enhancing penetration
rocket assist
barrel lengthening
lengthening the projectile
improve steadiness of shot
What are the factors affecting wound severity?
- Actual energy transferred
- Rate of transfer of energy from projectile to target
- Tumbling/ yawing reduces energy transfer
How does HESH work?
When the rebounding tension wave meets further primary shock waves this exceeds the strength of the plate, and a large scab is detached from the rear surface.
Where is HESH initiated from
At the rear of the projectile/ Base detonating
Explain the reverse impact detonation
Detonation occurs before the fuze can produce detonation of the filling,
the shock wave will be travelling in the wrong direction
What are the forces used to discard the sabot? APFSDS?
Aero and gas pressures
Optimum stand off for a Shape Charge -munro effect
5 cone diameters
What is the projectile orientation that provides the best distribution of fragmentation?
The most effective distribution is when the projectile is vertical.
How can you control fragment velocity?
V of d of main charge
Amount of explosives
Density of charge
Density of raw material
How can you reduce the spin of a APFSDS round?
With a slipping driving band
What features can weapon designers change to change the size of fragments from the shell body?
Case material and mechanical properties
Thickness of the wall
Quantity of explosives and it’s position in relation to the fragment casing
V of D of the explosive
How does a rounds orientation affect it’s fragmentation
There is a more effective distribution when projectile is vertical
External ballistics, how to reduce air resistance
Small cross-sectional area
High mass
High velocity
Aerodynamic design
What are some factors that effect the performance of shaped charges?
Cone diameter Shape of liner Liner material Stand-off distance Rate of spin
Explain diffraction
Breaking up or scattering of a wave by an obstacle
How much of a fragmenting anti aircraft warhead is inefficient?
How can an fragmentation anti aircraft warhead be made more efficient?
Arrange the HE and fragments so they are projected in a narrow beam or band in one chosen direction
What is the length to diameter ratio for spin and fin stabilisation?
Spin 7:1
Fin 15:1
An EFP can penetrate from 1 CD up to..?
EFP penetrainion
1 to 1000
What are they ways on increasing penetration?
- Legthening of Barrel-
- Rocket assisted-
- Improve steadiness of shot-
- Lengthen the projectile-
- Use of segmented Long Rod Penetrators-
What are the types of shot failure?
- Barrelling
- Shattering
- Lateral Bending
What are the high energy forms of attack?
- Kenetic energy
- Chemical energy
- Combination of both
What is the tank damage assessment criteria?
M- Mobility Kill
F- Firepower Kill
K- Completely Destroyed
P- Payload Kill
What are the different types of armour?
- Rolled Homogeneous Armour (RHA)
- Spaced Homogenous
- Ply
- Face Hardened
Reactive- Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA) - Composite (Chobham)
- Slat (Bar)
Definition of an explosion?
An explosion is a nuclear, chemical or physical process leading to a sudden release of energy.
3 types of explosions?
- Physical Explosion
- Chemical Explosion
- Nuclear Explosion
What are the primary effects of an explosion?
- Heat
- Blast
- Fragmentation
Define blast?
Violent disruptive effect caused by an explosion caused by an explosion. From the explosion there is an evolution of heat and gases and a shock front which emanates from the center of the explosion.
What are the advantages of FAE?
1- FAE provides larger over pressure at greater distance than HE would provide.
2- Requires little or no oxygen in the molecular structure therefore making a FAE explosion 3 to 5 times hotter than HE
Define defrlagration?
Describes subsonic combustion that usually propagates through thermal conductivity
Define Kinetic energy?
In the form of a solid missile (a Shot) which dissipates its energy on impact and requires no triggering device to control the energy release.
Define Chemical energy?
In the form of a substance, which has considerable potential energy relative to its mass, which can be released when suitabilty initiated.
What are the spin compensations used on shaped charges?
- Slipping driving bands
- Fluted liners
- Spin compensated liners
Describe reflection?
The blast wave is thrown back at an angle to the original path.
What are the principles of shape charges?
- A hollowing out the front face of a slab of high explosives to give a conical shape.
- Energy is directed inwards and forwards as a gases jet
- Metal liner is places on the front of HE charge it will collapse and be carried forward
Define barrelling
Direct compression failure in the shot material. The shot bellies out.
Define lateral bending?
At high angles of attack the shot is subjected to severe lateral stresses, both particularly towards its rear end.
Fortifications and armour can be attacked by various means of delivery. List 5:
Guns Grenades Mines Aircraft Bombs Missiles
Residual energy is one factor that ammunition designers take into consideration in the defeat of armour, if a round of ammo is to achieve its kill. List the remaining 3:
What are the terminal ballistic requirements?
- Small cross sectional area
- High Mass
- High Velocity
- Hard material
What are the purposes of a cap?
- Initial indentation
- Prevent shot failure
- Rotate shot to normal
What are 2 types of discarding sabots?
Petal and Pot
What does the following stand for APCNR?
Armour Piercing Composite Non Rigid
What are the types of targets?
- People
- Vehicles
- Structures
- Equipment
- Aircraft
- Complex
ON a battlefield there are 3 types of key targets that present themselves to land forces, list them?
- People
- Armoured Vehicles
- Aircraft in flight
What effects on aircraft does altitude have?
- Density
- Attenuation
- Miss Distance
- Altitude increases/ warhead increases
What are the 3 sub-divisions of aircraft on targets?
- Fast moving aircraft
- Slow moving aircraft
- Helicopters
What are the vulnerable areas of an aircraft?
- Avonics
- Fuel tanks and lines
- Crew
- Flight controls
- Airframes
- Engines
- Power Transmission systems
- Payload/ Bombload
2 types of damage on personnel?
- physical, mental
What are the different modes of attack on personnel?
- High probability of a hit
- Rapid transfer of energy
- Ni unnecessary overkill
What are the modes of attack on personnel?
Grenades, Mortars, Projectiles
What are fragmentation producers on personnel?
Generic HE projectiles
Pre notched containers
Pre formed fragments
What are the design characteristics of a HESH round?
- Head must be collapsible
- Head must not be pointed
- HE must have a high V of D
- Explosive be plastic in nature
- Fuze must be in the base
- Inert bituminous pad in nose
What can defeat HESH?
- Spaced Armour
- Skirting plate
- Grooved
- Reactive Armour
List 2 secondary effect of HESH?
- Anti- personnel effects from frag, shock wave
- Damage to sensitive equipment
What is the expected SCAB size for HESH ammo?
- Depends on calibre of weapon and thickness of armour but generally 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 times its own diameter.
What are the factors affecting the performance of HESH?
- Calibre, Angle of attack, Striking velocity
What is the definition of a shape charge?
A charge shape concentrates its explosive force in a particular direction.
How do shape charges achieve their effect?
Intense concentration of kinetic energy
What must a chemical explosive exhibit?
- Rapid expansion
- Evoultion of heat
- Rapidity of reaction
- Initation of reaction
Types of fuel used for FAE?
- Acetylene
- Butane
- Ethylene oxide
- Kerosene
- Propylene oxide
- Aluminium
3 phases of a blast?
- Shock front
- Positive Phase
- Negative phase
List the main targets of FAE?
- Concentrations of AFV and SP guns
- Parked aircraft
- Minefield clearnace
- Ships
- Bunkers/ trenches
- Concentrations of troops in the open