Tanchelm of Antwerp Flashcards
Who was Tanchelm of Antwerp?
A preacher who preached in Zeeland, Netherlands between 1110-1115.
What were the themes of Tanchelm’s sermons?
Tanchelm’s sermons were violently anti-clerical, and he compared churches to brothels and described the sacraments as pollutions.
What were the counter-allegations against Tanchelm?
Counter-allegations against Tanchelm were of sexual immorality. It was claimed that he ‘married’ an image of the Virgin Mary and engaged in foul activity with someone dressed in a costume like Mary.
Can the accuracy of these claims be trusted?
The accuracy of these claims is questionable, as accusations of sexual immorality were often levied against anti-establishment figures.
How can Tanchelm be summarized?
Tanchelm was inspired by apostolic poverty and Gregorian reform, but he was disappointed by the Church’s lack of fulfillment towards these reforms. He was violently anti-clerical and anti-sacerdotal.. Hostility between Tanchelm and the Canons of Utrecht have been interpreted as a power struggle between RObert II of Flanders (sipporter of reform) and the lax clergy. Thus he sent Tanchelm as a demagogue to stir up the populace agaisnt the clergy which may have led to diosecan rearrangement beneficial to Robert.