Split between conventuals and spirituals Flashcards
What was Francis’ concern with the expansion of the order?
With the expansion of the order, Francis was concerned about the potential abuse and arrogance within the Franciscan hierarchy that may have compromised the simple, egalitarian way of life that he was so keen on promoting.
What step did Francis take shortly before his death in 1226?
Shortly before his death in 1226, Francis took the step of dictating a testament for brothers and sisters of the faith - recording his memories of the order and requesting that the testament be always kept with and read with the Rule and insistence that no glosses or interpretations be made.
What was the conflict with Francis’ instructions that arose after his death?
A number of Francis’ instructions conflicted with what was already happening - not because of abuse but because of the commitment members of the order had to carrying out Francis’ vision.
What was Pope Gregory IX’s ruling in Quo Elongati regarding Francis’ testament?
In Quo Elongati, Pope Gregory IX claimed that the Brothers were not literally bound by the testament and were allowed to reinterpret the text.
What was the significance of Pope Gregory IX’s decree regarding Franciscan brothers’ use of materials owned by papal figures?
Equally important was his decree that although Franciscan brothers were not allowed to own property (propietas), they could use (usus moderatus) materials owned by papal figures.
What tensions arose within the order by 1250?
By 1250, there was increasing tension within the order - tension between Francis’ original ‘High Poverty’ and the growing demand for a spiritual institution to serve the Christian spiritual needs.
Who were some of the leaders that took charge in quick succession in response to problems within the order?
Franciscan leadership had also seen some problems - Crescentius of Iesi was apparently guilty of soliciting fancy buildings and welcoming financial donations. The leadership continued to fluctuate with John of Parma and Bonaventure taking charge in quick succession.
What was the Usus Pauper controversy?
In the 1270s and 1280s, there was the Usus Pauper controversy - where tensions between those committed to strict adherence to the original poverty envisaged by Francis flared with those who wanted to institutionalize his ideals on a long-lasting material basis.
What was the first split within the order?
The first split within the order was between the conventuals and spirituals. The conventuals did not advocate for ownership of property or grand buildings, etc., just did not want a potentially nebulous promise to be part of the Franciscan vow. The spirituals, developing in the hotbeds in Northern Italy and Southern France, were inspired by Francis’ original testament and the writing of several contemporaries.
What was the issue causing discussion in the impasse between competing notions of authority and obedience?
The issue was how to define and embody impoverishment in the world - this was a discussion caused in the impasse between competing notions of authority and obedience.