T Spine / L spine Flashcards
what nerve root is responsible for innervation of the iliopsoas?
what nerve roots are responsible for quad strength?
L3 / L4
what nerve roots innervate the tibialis anterior?
what nerve root innervates the extensor hallucis longus?
t/f the Jackson one legged standing hyperextension test can indicate spondylolysis, facet joint pain or SI joint dysfunction if painful
spasticity, weakness, clonus, and positive Babinski are what type of neuron signs?
upper motor neuron signs
in slipped apophyseal ring , if the disc herniates anteriorly into the vertebral body, what can develop?
Schmorl node
what injury is characterized by posterior fracture of the ring apophysis with protrusion of bone rim and disc into the canal?
slipped apophyseal ring
t/f slipped apophyseal ring occurs in the skeletally immature
what is the typical MOI of annular tear?
rotational stress
in what decades of life are herniated nucleus pulposus most common?
3rd / 4th
what is the treatment for annular fissure?
nsaids/ medrol dose pak/spine stabilization PT
in the process of nucleus pulposus herniation, what is a central restraint/structure?
posterior longitudinal ligament
what are the cardinal movements of the spine that are the most common MOI of disc herniation?
flexion and rotation
neurosurgery could be considered for herniated disc if no improvement with conservative care after how many weeks?
8-12 weeks
flaccid muscles, weakness, numbness and hyporeflexia are considered signs of what type of neuron injury?
lower motor neuron
what are the two major categories of spinal stenosis?
central and foraminal
acquired congenital stenosis is typically due to short nature of what portion of the vertebrae?
what is the typical MOI for spondylolysis?
repeated extension and hyperextension maneuvers
for an acute stress injury of the pars interarticularis, for how long should activities be limited?
4-8 weeks
what type of brace may be indicated for acute pars interarticularis stress injuries or spondylolysis?
Boston orthosis
there are five categories of spondylolistheis. what is the most common type in young athletes?
isthmic (defect in the pars)
how many grades of spondylolisthesis are there?
each grade of spondylolisthesis accounts for what additional degree of slippage?
if a diagnosis of spondylolisthesis occurs before the age of 10, then what type of monitoring is needed due to risk of progression?
yearly radiograph
what is the treatment for most cases of spondylolisthesis?
conservative care including spine stabilization exercises
what type of cartilage lines the facet joint?
hyaline cartilage
what are the two primary treatments for facet joint pain?
nsaids and facet injections
return to sport in facet syndrome and SI joint dysfunction is only limited by what?
the supine to long sitting test where there is leg discrepancy between sitting and lying is positive in what condition?
SI joint dysfunction
what is the name for the condition is characterized by fixed rigid thoracic kyphotic deformity with or without pain?
Scheuermann disease
how is scoliosis defined?
lateral curvature of more than 10 degrees
for scoliosis curvature less than 20 degrees, how often should skeletally immature patients be monitored with XR?
every 4-6 months
when would bracing be considered for scoliosis?
curve greater than or equal to 25 degrees or if progressing over time
what 3 blood tests should be considered if suspicion for disc space infection or osteomyelitis?
CBC, SED, and blood culture