T's Flashcards
table top technique
Image detector (e.g., film, cassette) is placed on top of the table without an interposed grid between x-ray tube and detector. Animal is positioned on top of the detector. Because in most configurations, the grid is in a Bucky tray within the table, techniques using a grid may be called Bucky technique and without a grid, table top
Anode (positive) part of x-ray tube and site of x-ray production; composed of metal alloy with high melting point which is able to withstand the high temperatures generated by interaction with electron beam.
teat sign
Describes the appearance of the pyloric antrum during a barium contrast study in which a relatively sharp, pointed, out-pouching of the pyloric antrum develops along the lesser curvature as a peristaltic wave pushes the contrast medium up against a masslike or stenotic lesion around the pylorus.
Describes the appearance of an extremely caudally displaced diaphragm in which the diaphragmatic attachments become visible as cranially directed, pointed projections on a ventrodorsal or dorsoventral radiograph. May result from tension pneumothorax or severe overinflation of lungs.
tissue density
Refers to characteristic of a body structure to block (absorb or attenuate) x-rays based on the mass of that structure. Bone and teeth most dense; air or gas are ance of these structures resembles the shape of a signet ring (a finger ring with an insignia on the front).
tracheal ratio
Technique used to objectively measure the size of the tracheal lumen by comparing the width of the trachea to the width of the thoracic inlet at the level of a line connecting the first sternebra and first thoracic vertebra on a lateral thoracic radiograph. Noraml= 20%, Brachycephalic breeds= 16%, BD= 10%
tracheoesophageal stripe sign (a.k.a tracheal stripe)
Occurs when the esophagus contains gas and the ventral esophageal wall blends with the dorsal tracheal wall to mimic false thickening of the tracheal wall (sign indicates presence of gas in the esophagus). Other name; tracheal stripe sign.
A radiographic contrast study of the lumen of the trachea.
tram lines
Parallel soft tissue or mineral opacity lines representing abnormal bronchial walls (walls are thickened and/or increased in opacity and do not taper normally). Characteristic of a bronchial pulmonary pattern, but not as reliable for identifying thickened bronchi as donut signs (paired pulmonary vessels are often mistaken for thickened bronchial walls and confused with tram lines). Other names: railroad tracks.
transitional vertebra
A developmental anomaly in which a vertebra has anatomic characteristics of two adjacent vertebral regions. (e.g., sacralization of L7, lumbarization of S1).
Triadan system
A numbering system that provides a consistent method of identifying teeth across all animal species.
A concretion of hair in the alimentary tract(usually stomach or intestine) .
A concretion of hair and plant materials in the alimentary tract (usually stomach or intestine).
Transudate vs. modified transudate
Transudate= flid is thin, clear w/ low SG, low protein, low fibrin, and low cell count (results from pressure filtration w/o capillary damage)
Modified transudate= fluid is serous to serosanguinous, may contain a vriety of cell types (often inflammatory) and can lead to restrictive pleuritis or unilateral pleural effusion.