L's Flashcards
lung markings
Refers to the radiographically visible bronchial walls and pulmonary vessels.
lumbosacral instability
Abnormal movement between last lumbar and first sacral vertebrae due to a congenital or acquired disorder. Radiographically characterized by narrowing of the vertebral canal or intervertebral foramina(which causes compression of the nerve roots that form thecauda equia in the lumbosacral region). Other names:cauda equina syndrome, lumbosacral stenosis, lumbosacral malarticulation.
Complete loss of contact between articular surfaces.
Abnormal lymph node; term generally is used to describe lymph node enlargement (more correct term is lymphadenomegaly).
lung markings
Refers to the radiographically visible bronchial walls and pulmonary vessels.
Toward the side; away from the midline plane. Contrast medial (Figure 2.22).
lymphography (lymphangiography)
A radiographic contrast study of the lymphatic vessels.
On the side that faces the lips; used to describe lesions associated with the mouth.
lateral recumbency
Animal is positioned lying on its side.
lateral radiograph
The x-ray beam enters the right or left side of a body part and exits the opposite side.
A detected radiographic abnormality
On the side that faces the tongue.
Ventral curvature of the spine.
lumbophrenic angle
Junction of the diaphragm and lumbar spine at the dorsocaudal aspect of the thoracic cavity on a lateral radiograph.