B's Flashcards
block vertebra
A congenital defect caused by failure of one or more vertebral bodies to segment normally during development. Vertebrae appear fused, but each vertebral body maintains normal length.
bone cyst
A cavity within bone, often filled with fluid.
Usually well-defined margins and may be septated.
bone infarcts
Foci of necrosis caused by decreased blood supply to intramedullary bone; appear as multiple small areas of increased medullary opacity
bone sclerosis
An increase in opacity of bone; eburnation is a type of bone sclerosis.
bone spur
A well-defined bony projection. Term is used to describe osteophytes (occur along non-weight-bearing articular margins) and enthesophytes (occur at sites of attachment to bone, e.g., ligaments, tendons, joint capsules).
border effacement
Occurs when two structures of same opacity are in contact and their individual margins are no longer distinguishable where they touch. The margin of a structure is only visible when it is adjacent to a different opacity (i.e., opacity interface). Other names: edge effacement, silhouette sign/effect.
Refers to the shape of a skull in which the nasal cavity is considerably shorter than the cranium.
Also, the cranium commonly is more dome shaped, frontal
sinuses tend to be small or absent, and the occipital protuberance often is small. Examples: English Bulldog, Pug
bronchial cuffing
Thickening of the peribronchial interstitial tissues due to accumulation of fluid, cells, or fibrosis; a sign of a bronchial pulmonary pattern
bronchial pulmonary pattern
A radiographic appearance in which bronchial walls are thickened and/or increased in opacity (latter includes mineralization of bronchial walls). Commonly caused by proliferation or infiltration of collagenous and cartilaginous tissues and associated mucous glands. May also result from accumulation of peribronchial interstitial fluid or cellular material. The size and shape of the bronchial lumen may be altered.
Abnormal and permanent dilation of bronchi or bronchioles with loss of normal branching and tapering.
A radiographic contrast study of the major airways.
On the side that faces the cheek; used to describe lesions associated with the mouth
A device that holds a grid within the x-ray table.
The Bucky (Potter-Bucky diaphragm) moves the grid rapidly
a secondary ossification center that contributes to the shape
of a bone but does not contribute to overall bone length.
barium sulfate
A positive contrast medium with a high degree of opacity. Consists of a white crystalline powder, micro-pulverized and in suspension. Adheres well to suspending agents, enabling it to efficiently coat mucosal surfaces. Barium is not metabolized or absorbed.
barium enema
A radiographic contrast study of the colon using barium sulfate.