System Theory Terminology Flashcards
System Theory Term closed system
uses up its energy and dies
System Theory Term differentiation
becoming specialized in structure and function
System Theory Term entropy
closed, disorganized, stagnant; using up available energy
System Theory Term equifinality
arriving at the same end from different beginnings
System Theory Term homeostasis
steady state
System Theory Term input
obtaining resources from the environment that are necessary to attain the goals of the system
System Theory Term negative entropy
exchange of energy and resources between systems that promote growth and transformation
System Theory Term open system
a system with cross-boundary exchange
System Theory Term output
product of the system that exports to the environment
System Theory Term subsystem
a major component of a system made up of 2 or more interdependent components that interact in order to attain their own purpose
System Theory Term suprasystem
an entity that is served by a number of component systems organized in interacting relationships
System Theory Term throughput
energy that is integrated into the system so it can be used by the system to accomplish its goals