Syrian Colloquial Arabic 1 Flashcards
دوبو عمرو عشر اسنين
He’s barely ten
انت عم بتصف معها؟ (int ‘am bitsaf ma’a?)
You’re taking her side? -you’re siding with her?
لساتك عم تتوحمي؟
You’re still having cravings?
سلملي عليه (sellimli alih)
Say hi to him for me
لا تفهمني غلط
(La tefhemni ghalat) Don’t get me wrong; don’t misunderstand me.
مقطوع من شجرة
Cut from a tree (lit.) someone with no family
خيرها بغيرها
Maybe some other time
انت قاعد توقف معها
انت عم بتصف معها
بتخاف ما؟
You’re scared, right?
ما بتعرف تسبح؟
You don’t know how to swim
ايه عادي
(Fig.) what’s so strange about that?
اذا وقعت انا بنقذك
(Iza wa’at ana banqizak)
If you fall i’ll save/rescue you
ايه بلا حكي فاضي وخلينا ندوّر ع الزلمي
Yes, quit BSing and let’s go look for the man!
على رأسنا والله
We’re really grateful!
كبّه بالزبالة
(Kibbo biz-zibaleh) throw it in the trash
كبّ الطابة
(Kabb at-Tabeh)
He threw the ball
(Ba’ah’?) bouquet
ليش حتى كبّها؟ نشّفها وبعملها زهورات
Why should/would I throw them out? I’ll dry them and make dried flowers (for tea) out of them. (She’s probably joking here)
ليش لحتى أدرس بما انو رح اغش
Why should I study since I’m going to cheat?
سوريا بخير ليش لحتى ما نضحك
Syria’s fine, why shouldn’t we laugh? (Sarcastic political comment)
زِتّ الطابة
He threw the ball.
Know what I mean?
احترنا يا قرعة من وين/منين نبوسك؟
We’re confused baldy(lit. Pumpkin) where do we kiss you?
-means to indicate someone who is hard to satisfy, is giving you a hard time. Bc one greets with a kiss on the cheek in the Arab world, so when someone is bald it is like their cheek and so confusing. (Any implication of a kiss ass?)
فصعب ترضيه
And so it’s hard to satisfy him.
شبهوها ب
It’s likened to; they likened it to…
فبتحتار تبوسك
So you get confused where to kiss it. (The relative pronoun/connecting phrase here is implied)
كيف بدنا
How can we…how should we… how do we want to…
يكون كتير كتير بيغلّب
He really really gives people a hard time
ومهما حاولت معاه مش ضابط ولا إشي.
No matter how hard you try with him nothing works