غازي القصيبي- حياة في الادارة Flashcards
الفحوص الطبية
Medical tests, examinations
Rest and relaxation
الراحة والاستجمام
ممتعا بكل قواه النفسية والعقليه
Possessed of all his psychological and mental faculties
To be contemporaneous with, to be a contemporary of
عرض علي
To propose, to suggest to someone
To be entrusted with
أوئتمن على
الوقت قد حان ل+مصدر
The time had come for+masdar
Composition, drafting, formulation
ادى الى
Led to
التصاقي ب
My adherence to
To become aware of, cognizant of, acquainted with,
أطّلع على
Sensitive matters
امور حساسة
موجَّه الى
Aimed at, directed towards
Scent, smell, aroma
Both the public and private sectors
القطاعين العام والخاص
متغيرات وثوابت
Variables and constants
To deduce, extract
استخلص من
عِبرة، عِبر
Warning, lesson