Syndromes Flashcards
1) Pituitary Gland Tumor (commonly prolactinoma)
2) Parathyroid Gland Tumor (commonly hyperplasia)
3) Pancreatic Islet Cell Tumor (commonly gastrinoma)
1) Parathyroid gland hyperplasia
2) Paragangliomas
3) Medullary thyroid cancer
1) Paragangliomas
2) Medullary thyroid cancer
3) Marfinoid habitus
4) Ganglioneuromas/Mucosal neuromas
Carney Complex
1ry Features - Blue nevi skin pigmentation - Cardiac myxomas 2ry Features - Extra-cardiac myxoma - Pituitary adenoma - Psammomatous melanotic schwannoma - Testicular tumors
CREST Syndrome
1) Calcinosis of the skin
2) Raynaud’s phenomenon
3) Esophageal dysmotility
4) Sclerodactyly
- Localized thickening/tightening of fingers/toes)
5) Telangiectasia
Potter Sequence
Mom takes ACEi during pregnancy
- -> Agenesis of fetal kidneys kidneys
- -> Oligohydramnios
- -> Pulmonary hypoplasia
Prune Belly Sequence
Eagle-Barrett Syndrome
1) Abdominal wall defect
2) Microcystis
3) Hydroureteronephrosis
4) Cryptorchidism
1) Wilms tumors
2) Organomegaly
3) Hemihypertrophy
4) Macroglossia
5) Omphalocele
1) Wilms tumors
2) Ugly faces
3) Mental retardation
Wilms tumors
Growth retardation
1) Wilms tumor
2) Progressive glomerulonephritis
3) Pseudohermaphroditism
Caffey Disease
Kids have extreme periosteal rxn
1) Vertebral anomalies
2) Anorectal atresia/Imperforate anus
3) Cardiac anomalies
4) TrachoEsophageal fistula
5) Renal abnormalities
6) Limb deformities/radial ray anomalies
CHARGE Syndrome
1) Coloboma
2) Heart defect
3) Atresia of choanae
4) Retardation
5) GU abnormalities
6) Ear abnormalities
PHACES Syndrome
1) Posterior fossa abnormality
2) Hemangiomas
3) Arterial anomalies
4) Coarctation of aorta + other heart defects
5) Eye abnormalities
6) Subglottic hemangioma
Kasabach-Merrit Syndrome
1) Hemangioendothelioma
2) Hemolytic anemia
3) Consumptive coagulopathy
Goldenhar Syndrome
1) Hemifacial microsomia
2) Pulmonary aplasia
3) Rib abnormalities
Li Fraumeni Syndrome
Mutation of p53 –> predisposition for cancer (100% lifetime risk of Ca by age 70yo)
- Sarcomas –> osteosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma
- CNS –> gliomas, medulloblastoma, choroid plexus carcinoma
- Leukemia
- Breast ca (25% pts, young ~ 33yo)
- Adrenal cortical carcinoma
Joubert Syndrome
1) Vermian aplasia (“molar tooth midbrain”)
2) hepatic fibrosis
3) Multicystic dysplastic kidneys
Alport Syndrome
1) Shrunken kidneys w/ cortical calcs
2) Hematuria
3) Multiple leiomyomas
BRCA 1/2
General - Tumor suppressor genes - Breast Ca, Ovarian Ca (most common genetic mutation associated w/ these cancers) - Prostate Ca - Pancreatic Ca BRCA 1 (chromosome 17) - Dense breasts w/ triple -ve cancer BRCA 2 (chromosome 13) - Inc risk male breast cancer
Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome
1) Multiple basal cell cancers
2) Craniofacial Abnormalities
- Odontogenic keratocysts
- Frontal bossing
- Macrocephaly
- Cleft lip
- Agenesis of CC
3) MSK
- Shortened 4th MCs
- Bifid ribs
4) Tumors
- Medulloblastoma
- Cardiac fibromas
- Fetal rhabdomyomas
- Calcified ovarian fibroma
Wallenberg Syndrome
Cause –> infarct to lateral medulla (PICA)
- Loss pain, temp sensation to contralateral body + ipsilateral face
- Ataxia
- CN IX/X palsy
Carcinoid Syndrome
Cause –> serotonin produced by carcinoid tumor when it metastasizes to liver
Lab Test –> Urine 5-HIAA (5-HydroxyIndoleAcetic Acid)
- Flushing
- Diarrhea
- Pain
- Right heart failure (degrades TV)
McCune-Albright Syndrome
Occurs in young girls
1) Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
2) Cafe-au-lait spots
3) Precocious puberty