IR Flashcards
Milan Criteria
Liver Transplant in Context of HCC
- Pt < 65yo
- 1 tumor <= 5.0 cm
- Up to 3 tumors <= 3.0cm
MELD Score
To Predict 3mo Mortality After TIPS
- Based on Bili, INR, Cr
- MELD > 18 –> high-risk early death after TIPS
TIPS Stenosis/Malfunction
1) Velocities > 200 cm/s across narrowed segments
2) Portal vein velocity < 30 cm/s
3) Blood flow in portal vein away from stent
4) Worsening ascites/bleeding
Collaterals in Portal HTN
1) Esophageal Varices
- Coronary vein –> Azygos
2) Gastric Varices
- Splenic vein –> Azygos
3) Splenorenal Shunt
- Splenic vein –> Inferior phrenic –> Left renal
4) Mesenteric Varices
- IMV/SMC –> Iliac
5) Caput Medusa
- Umbilical –> Epigastric
6) Hemmorhoidal Varices
- IMV –> Inferior hemorrhoidal veins
Intimal Hyperplasia
Exuberant healing response following damage to vessel d/t angioplasty (3-12mo after)
1) Port wine stain
2) Focal gigantism
3) Venous malformation
Abscess Drain Size
1) 6-8F –> Clear fluid
2) 8-10F –> Thin pus
3) 10-12F –> Thick pus
4) > 12F –> Debris
When to Remove Abscess Drain?
All of following…
1) Drainage < 10cc/day
2) Abscess resolved on imaging
3) No fistula
Typical Flow Rates & Volumes for Catheters
1-2cc (4-10cc) –> Bronchial, Intercostals
4-8cc (8-15cc) –> Carotid, Subclav, Renal, Fem, IMA
5-8cc (30-40cc) –> SMA, Celiac
20-30 (40cc) –> Aorta, IVC, Pulm art
Balloon Diameter Size for Angioplasty
Aorta --> 10-15mm Common Iliac --> 8mm External Iliac --> 7mm CFA/Prox SFA --> 6mm Distal SFA --> 5mm Popliteal --> 4mm
When Allowed to Remove Cholecystostomy
1) Pt clinically improves
2) Clamp tube for 48hr to ensure proper internal drainage
3) Repeat cholangiogram to ensure cystic duct + CBD patent
4) At least 2-6wk passed since placement (risk bile leak)
When do you Need to Use Bird’s Nest Filter
IVC > 28mm
- If > 40mm, too large
Indications for IVC
1) Absolute
- Contraindication to AC
- Recurrent VTE despite AC
- Complication of AC
- Inability to achieve therapeutic AC
2) Relative
- Ileocaval DVT
- Massive PE treated w/ thrombolysis, embolectomy
- Non compliance w/ AC
- High-risk of bleeding complication on AC
3) Prophylactic
- Trauma w/ high-risk for VTE
- Surgery pt w/ high-risk for VTE
- Medical condition w/ high-risk VTE (e.g. critically ill)
Min Standard for Time Out
1) Correct pt
2) Correct procedure
3) Correct site
Normal Size of Aorta (Aneurysm)
Ascending –> 4.0cm (5.0cm)
Descending –> 3.5cm (4.0cm)
Abdominal (suprarenal) –> 3.0cm
Abdominal (infrarenal) —> 2.0cm