Head & Neck Flashcards
Jaw Lesions
1) Cystic
- Radicular/Periapical cyst
- Dentigerous/Follicular cyst
- Incisive/Nasopalatine canal cyst
- Globulomaxillary cyst
2) Solid
- Giant cell reparative granuloma
- Ameloblastoma
- Odontoma
- Paget’s
- FD
Named Nerves from Brachial Plexus
1) Long Thoracic (C5-7) –> Derratus anterior
2) Phrenic Nerve (C3-5) –> Diaphragm
3) Suprascapular Nerve (C5-6) –> Supra/Infraspinatus
4) Dorsal Scapular Nerve (C5) –> Rhomboid major/minor
5) Axillary Nerve (Posterior cord) –> Deltoid
6) Medial & Lateral Pectoral Nerve (Medial/Lateral cords) –> Pectoralis major/minor
7) Thoracodorsal Nerve (Posterior cord) –> Latissimus dorsi
EOM Enlargement
1) Thyroid Ophthalmopathy
2) Myositis
3) Sarcoid
4) Orbital pseudotumor
5) Lymphoma
6) Mets
Orbital Infiltrate
1) Infection
2) GPA
3) IgG4
4) Sarcoid
5) Orbital pseudotumor
6) Lymphoma
7) Mets
Discrete Orbital Mass
1) Infantile hemangioma
2) Cavernous hemangioma
3) Sarcoid
4) Orbital pseudotumor
5) Lymphoma
6) Mets
7) Lymphangioma
8) Dermoid
9) Schwannoma/Neurofibroma
10) Rhabdomyosarcoma
Enlargement Optic Nerve/Sheath Complex
1) Optic neuritis
2) Meningioma
3) Sarcoid
4) Orbital pseudotumor
5) Lymphoma
6) Mets
Lacrimal Gland Pathology
1) Dacryoadenitis
2) Salivary gland tumor
3) Sarcoid
4) Orbital pseudotumor
5) Lymphoma
6) Mets
Bony Orbit
1) Neuroblastoma mets
2) LCH
3) Sarcoid
4) Orbital pseudotumor
5) Lymphoma
6) Mets
DDx Hyperdense Secretions
1) Fungal infection
2) Inspissated secretions
3) Hemorrhage
4) Polyp
5) Mucocele
6) Calcification
DDx Midline Destructive Lesion of Sinonasal Tract
1) Cocaine
2) Foreign body rxn
3) Sarcoid
4) TB
5) Lymphoma
6) GPA
7) Syphilis
Calcified Ocular Mass
1) Retinoblastoma
2) Astrocytic hamartoma (TS & NF1)
3) Choroidal osteoma
Non-Visualization of Inner Ear Structures
1) Congenital hypoplasia
2) Labyrinthine ossificans
3) Late otospongiosis
4) Paget’s/FD
DDx Post-Op Complication
1) Abscess
2) Hematoma
3) Arterial pseudoaneurysm
4) CSF leadk
5) Venous varix
6) Seeding of original tumor