Sympathetic/Parasympathetic; Cranial Nerves (Ch 14) Flashcards
The 2 divisions of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)
parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions
mobilizes the body during extreme situations
Sympathetic system
performs maintenance activities and conserves body energy
Parasympathetic system
The “resting and digesting” system, keeps body energy use as low as possible
Involves the D activities – digestion, defecation, and diuresis.
The “fight-or-flight” system
Involves E activities – exercise, excitement, emergency, and embarrassment
During vigorous physical activity, sympathetic division promotes other adjustments. What are they?
Visceral blood vessels are constricted
Bronchioles in the lungs dilate
temporarily nonessential activities, such as gastrointestinal tract motility are damped
In the parasympathetic (cranial division) division, what is cranial outflow
Preganglionic fibers run in the oculomotor, facial, glosspharyngeal, and vagus cranial nerves
innervate smooth muscles in the eyes that cause pupils to constrict and the lenses to bulge, so one can focus on close objects.
Oculomotor nerves (III)
stimulate many large glands in the head. Fibers that activate the nasal glands and the lacrimal glands of the eyes
Facial nerves (VII)
activate the parotid salivary glands
Glossopharyngeal nerves (IX)
fibers to the neck and to nerve plexuses serving virtually every organ in the thoracic and abdominal cavities
Vagus nerves (X)
Vagus nerves innervate what
liver, gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, kidneys, pancreas, and the proximal half of the large intestine
As the vagus nerves pass into the thorax, they send branches to the
cardiac plexuses supplying fibers to the heart that slow heart rate, the pulmonary plexuses serving the lungs and bronchi, and the esophageal plexuses supplying the esophagus.
the rest of the large intestine and the pelvic organs are served by the
sacral outflow
What other organs are served by the sacral outflow
distal half of the large intestine, urinary bladder, ureters, and reproductive organs
which division innervates more organs
How do the sympathetic (thoracolumbar) division innervate the pathways to the head
Serves the skin and blood vessels of the head; It’s fibers stimulate the dilator muscles of the irises of the eyes, inhibit the nasal and salivary glands, innervate the smooth muscle that lifts the upper eyelid
How do the sympathetic (thoracolumbar) division innervate the pathways to the thorax
Originates at T1-T6; Innervate the heart via the cardiac plexus, some innervate the thyroid gland
the major neurotransmitters released by ANS neurons
Acetylcholine and norepinephrine
the major actor in controlling blood pressure, even at rest
Sympathetic division
Division that normally dominate the heart and the smooth muscle of digestive and urinary tract organs
Division that slows the heart and dictates the normal activity levels of the digestive and urinary tracts
Parasympathetic division
most glands are activated by ______ fibers
which division increases the metabolic rate of body cells
Sympathetic division
All parasympathetic fibers release
which division raises blood glucose levels
Sympathetic division
exerts short-lived, highly localized control over its effectors
parasympathetic division
which division mobilizes fats for use as fuels
Sympathetic division
Main integration center of the ANS
which division increases mental alertness by stimulating the reticular activating system of the brain stem
Sympathetic division
Medial and anterior hypothalamic regions direct
parasympathetic functions
lateral and posterior areas direct
sympathetic function
contains centers that coordinate heart activity, blood pressure, body temperature, water balance, and endocrine activity
Emotional responses of the limbic lobe of the cerebrum to danger and stress signal the hypothalamus to activate the sympathetic system to
fight or flight status
serves as the keystone of the emotional and visceral brain, through its centers emotions influence autonomic nervous system functioning and behavior.
nerves of smell
I. olfactory
nerve of vision. Outgrowth of the brain
II. optic
means “eye mover”. Supplies four of the six extrinsic muscles that move the eyeball in the orbit.
III. oculomotor
innervates an extrinsic eye muscles that loops through a pulley-shaped ligament in the orbit.
IV. trochlear
3 branches, largest of the cranial nerves. Sensory fibers to the face and motor fibers to the chewing muscles.
V. Trigeminal
controls the extrinsic eye muscles that abducts the eyeball (turns it laterally).
VI. Abducens
innervates muscles of facial expression.
VII. Facial
sensory nerve for hearing and balance, formerly the auditory nerve
VIII. Vestibulocochlear
means “tongue and pharynx” and helps to innervate these structures.
IX. Glossopharyngeal
only cranial nerve to extend to the abdomen
X. Vagus
accessory part of the vagus nerve. Formerly called the spinal accessory nerve.
XI. Accessory
runs inferior to the tongue and innervates some tongue-moving muscles
XII. Hypoglossal